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Turn off/on a trigger using a trigger?

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Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
Hey guys, it's me. Again, I'm very confused. What I'm trying to do is example: I have a spawn trigger spawning footmen every 13 seconds. I then go to the blacksmith to upgrade my troops. I've made a trigger where "A unit finishes researching" "Research equal to Upgrade Troops". Then I can't quite figure out the action. I've found where it says "Turn off trigger", but when I use it, all it says is turn off this trigger, and not the spawning footmen tier 1 trigger. I don't know what I'm suppose to do because I don't know how to use a hashtable or anything, and I've also made a variable named "Footmen_Tier1" hoping I can set the footmen spawning tier 1 trigger to the variable, but again, I also don't know how to do that. So what I would like is for someone to show me how to turn off/on my footmen tier 1 trigger, and then turn on my footmen tier 2 trigger.


Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
You shouldn't need to set the trigger to a variable, you should simply be able to choose the name of the trigger you want to disable from the drop-down menu on the disable trigger action.
Level 26
Mar 19, 2008
Make use of:

  • Trigger - Turn off <trigger>
  • Trigger - Turn on <trigger>
If you select the function from actions filter, by default it's: Turn off/on (This trigger). The "(This trigger)" is underlined, plus it's in blue. In most cases it means that you can select that part and from filter choose another options.

So what you need to do? After choosing one of those functions, hold your cursor on '(This trigger)' part and LPM it (means: click on it). The new window gonna appear, and from filter choose the trigger you want the function to refer to.
Level 4
Aug 8, 2011
In the trigger editor, find the action "turn off trigger"

Click on ( This Trigger ) it is blue text.

There are two drop-downs, one is functions, the other above it is variables.

Select variables and choose from that drop-down the trigger you would like to disable.

This same process is used for turning triggers on, except with the "turn on trigger" action.
Level 2
Aug 24, 2011
Ah, once again you guys are a big help. When I saw the drop down menu, it was just a big list of things, and I assumed it was all just my variables, and I didn't actually take a look at what they were saying. Thanks again.
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