i'm trying to make a trap off of a region.. thing is i want it to be 'buildable' by a unit... so, i set up regions and at initialization i add them to an array to distinguish them apart. ok, so when i build a unit of type x.. i have a trigger that centers the appropriate region to the center point (x,y) of the built unit (type x). then i have a trigger set up for 'enters region'. thing is, when i move the region like that.. something goes wrong where the trigger doesn't fire any longer. any help would be appretiated. maybe an alternative method of creation could be suggested also.
what i'm trying to do is be able to use a builder to 'designate' some 'point' that's the center of a larger 'area', in which i can apply trigger actions to units that enter that 'area'.
what i'm trying to do is be able to use a builder to 'designate' some 'point' that's the center of a larger 'area', in which i can apply trigger actions to units that enter that 'area'.