trying to give a passive to burrowed crypt fiends

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Level 4
May 11, 2020
I want to give an alternate version of the crypt fiends (their burrowed version more specifically) permanent immolation but i just couldn't quite seem to get it to work, so i moved on to different things for now, but i still would like to do it later. If anyone has ideas/experience with adding abilites to burrowed crypt fiends then please tell me!
Level 4
May 11, 2020
What didn't work about it? What did you try?
i tried to just put into the "abilities - normal" field at first but it didn't show up, nor function. Then i tried to add it through triggers but i couldn't find a way of doing it with my limited knowledge.
"Unit starts the effect of a spell - ability being cast equals burrow (flame fiend) - add ability permanent immolation to triggering unit"
just gave the ability to the flame fiend before the burrow was finished, dissapearing when it switches to the burrowed one. I then tried to do
"Wait 5 seconds - pick units of type burrowed flame fiend owned by owner of triggering unit - add ability permanent immolation to picked units"
but that seemed to do nothing at all. My guess is that the burrowed crypt fiend unit has something stopping it from having abilities of any kind and a possible solution would be to base the burrowed flame fiend of a different unit, just giving it the necessary models etc
edit: just to clarify the second trigger had the same event and condition as the first
Level 4
May 11, 2020
immolation doesn't damage units that can't see the source
Ah that actually ruins it no matter if i manage to add it or not. Then what about poison cloud? I can modify and flavour it to fit the fire theme but does it affect units that can't see the source? Another idea would be to spawn a dummy unit with immolation above the burrowed flame fiend, and then despawn it when unburrowing
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