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Trouble copying codes? Try this:

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Level 2
Jan 2, 2015
First you'll need this:

ConvertShots: ConvertShots.zip

Put this in your Warcraft 3 screenshots folder.

You'll also need OneNote. Most computers come with this, but if you don't have it, here is the link:

OneNote: Download OneNote

Here is how this will work, when you reach the end screen where the code is given, press print screen on your key board. This button is located on the top right of a keyboard.

Go to your Warcraft 3 screenshot folder, open ConvertShots, and click start. Once it's finished, open up the screenshot you took earlier, screenshot that picture, and then open Paint.

Paste the image on paint, crop only the code, and copy it (Ctr + C).

Open up OneNote, paste the image on there.

Left click the image you pasted, then click this:

On the upper left, click copy text. You now have the code copied.

It might not always be able to distinguish between an upper case i and a lower case L, so you'll have to manually change that.

Let me know if you have questions.
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