Looking for team that will as i hope sucsesfuly resuract that map!
I have made a website today , here you can see it
Tropical TowerWars is as called Tower War map where
Top and Bottom colide in battle in each team there are 3 players , 1 in middle , 1 left and 1 right , players build towers and at same time send creeps to get higher income.
Game end when 30 creep reach the ship!
I have allready started working on map , made some changes witch i will not discus here , and here you can see who i am recruting http://tropical-towerwars.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6&sid=08d78712e751f9723b48725ae5fcd960
Note:This map was last relesed on jun 2007 and even today is played , so i bet if anyone wanna join team we have preaty big chance to make this map more than sucsesful!
Also i forget to say Wize the original maker of the map gave me latest unprotected version , so everything from a creep to last trigger is here.
Sorry for my bad english
I have made a website today , here you can see it
Tropical TowerWars is as called Tower War map where
Top and Bottom colide in battle in each team there are 3 players , 1 in middle , 1 left and 1 right , players build towers and at same time send creeps to get higher income.
Game end when 30 creep reach the ship!
I have allready started working on map , made some changes witch i will not discus here , and here you can see who i am recruting http://tropical-towerwars.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6&sid=08d78712e751f9723b48725ae5fcd960
Note:This map was last relesed on jun 2007 and even today is played , so i bet if anyone wanna join team we have preaty big chance to make this map more than sucsesful!
Also i forget to say Wize the original maker of the map gave me latest unprotected version , so everything from a creep to last trigger is here.
Sorry for my bad english