
This is the fitting archer to my other tribal Troll units. He usually patrols with other Troll rangers the forests near their villages, in order to ambush and bring Silent Death to any unaware enemy within their territory! The mighty composite bow allows firing from a long distance without losing on damage, which enables the Troll to hide behind bushes and suddenly open fire by surprise! They're well-feared amon enemy troops, coz of their incredible campuflage and ambush abilities, which have costed them many good soldiers already! Another advantage of these Trolls is their ability of brewing different poisons and applying them to their arrow-heads, which makes their projectiles even more lethal! Despite to popular believe, they're seldom used for hunting purposes, in fact, they're used for long-range archers in open field combat or as sneaky stealth-killers in the jungles. The most frequent use is to let them ambush approaching enemies before the battle in order to lower their number and weaken the survivers. I hope you like it! Feel free to use it in any way you want (incl. editing). Have fun with it!

Troll, troll ranger, troll archer, ranged combat unit, archer, ranger, tribal ranger, tribal archer, tribal ranged

TrollRanger (Model)

TrollRanger (Model)

22:18, 2nd Jan 2013 -Grendel: i like the fact that it deviates from the trolls that we see here because of that mohawk. it could've used some more polies though. and some more spikes.




22:18, 2nd Jan 2013
-Grendel: i like the fact that it deviates from the trolls that we see here because of that mohawk. it could've used some more polies though. and some more spikes.
I see u have uploaded ur model, and then update it in next 10 minutes. I think only reason why u have done that is because u wanted to skip pending page and send ur model directly to front one what is rly rly selfish. If u do not have honor for urself, pls at least respect other people what w8 to judge do their job. Pls be patient, If u think for uself u are HQ modeler.

I have said many bad things here so if I am wrong make it clear to me :).
o_O didn't i say that "hair" is badly bad?
and that bow could use some more love
lol, i'm a modeler, not a hair-styler :wink: No, JK! I had no other idea about how to make them. I didn't want to make that guy so much armored, etc. He's supposed to move quickly and silently, so i thought making him that hair-cut would do.... :goblin_jawdrop:

i'd like to see more custom mesh from you. you've got great ideas but the model still looks like a pure geomerge because you don't customize the mesh more.
em, it has some the head and body are from seperate troll-models, and the fang-like teeth are from a third one. I didn't want to make him to much armor and such.....well, maybe I'll add him a necklace with claw or teeth trophies, but i ain't sure about that still....i want to hear more coments about that first. If more ppl demand more changes, i'll add it. :wink:

I see u have uploaded ur model, and then update it in next 10 minutes. I think only reason why u have done that is because u wanted to skip pending page and send ur model directly to front one what is rly rly selfish. If u do not have honor for urself, pls at least respect other people what w8 to judge do their job. Pls be patient, If u think for uself u are HQ modeler.

I have said many bad things here so if I am wrong make it clear to me :).
why the insultions :goblin_cry:? :vw_wtf: Pending page? Didn't know there's a seperate page for those things so far. :vw_sad: The only reason why i want it on first page or instantly visible to all is that so i can get more comments and suggestions for improvement before moderation, which makes things easier. Otherwise, i have to wait for moderation, after that apply more suggested changes, which is pretty bothersome. :vw_sad: Srry if it looks to you like selfishness and such, this wasn't my intention. :vw_sad: Sometimes, it is avoided without wanting it, like when making an update after uploading it, coz you forgot to make it before.

dont like the hair :(
same as above, ran a bit out of ideas about hair-cuts. This was the first that came to my mind when i thought about Trolls. :wink:

Where's the shark?
that's an infantry model. :wink:

Another good model by a good modeler,problem is... the hair is too punk for a troll no ?
the Mohawk is lesser punky? :vw_wtf: Anyways, I'll try to make a different hair-style at the next troll model (i was intending a pigtail with one or 2 extras) :wink:

Woah, this is amazing! I for one love the hair. It gives a bit of differentiation from the common troll. Great job!
hehe, you're the first one who likes this hari style.....thx dear neffew. :ogre_hurrhurr:

Needs 2 other variations like this. Could you make Ice and Dark trolls?
I won't upload such models, it would be to little of a change....but i can tell you how you can make them: just replace the ForestTroll.blp and ForestTrollShadowPriest.blp from textures with Ice Troll or Dark Troll skins. They're (more or less) the same, only the colors change. :wink:
Okey, but steal I dont like what u have done (model is good more or less), u know I too like comment for my models and dls too, but I can w8. Anyway this is ur choice.

I have never rep u for ur work, and even if I am not so much impressed u have done a lot of models, I personaly much more like Armandilo so +rep.
Okey, but steal I dont like what u have done (model is good more or less), u know I too like comment for my models and dls too, but I can w8. Anyway this is ur choice.

I have never rep u for ur work, and even if I am not so much impressed u have done a lot of models, I personaly much more like Armandilo so +rep.
lol, my tank? This wasn't 100% my work, i had some help from Anvil. :wink: Thx a lot, buddy. :ogre_hurrhurr: In either case, i'm planning to make some more troll models and then go back to vegicles and Lord of the Rings models. Still haven't finished the Haradrim Legion :goblin_cry:
Level 4
Sep 15, 2010
I should've said 2 other models like this, but oh well, guess it's just me then. XP I've only managed to try the original Thrall model to make a copied Thrall model into a skin model by using Yobgul's file converter rather than original model to babbling about it. I did. In advance, thank you, Fest. XP
Level 49
Jan 20, 2010
I see u have uploaded ur model, and then update it in next 10 minutes. I think only reason why u have done that is because u wanted to skip pending page and send ur model directly to front one what is rly rly selfish. If u do not have honor for urself, pls at least respect other people what w8 to judge do their job. Pls be patient, If u think for uself u are HQ modeler.

I have said many bad things here so if I am wrong make it clear to me :).

i dont see anything wrong with making the model go to the front page. neither there is anything selfish with that. he wanted the community to see it so he can get feedback faster
lol, i'm a modeler, not a hair-styler :wink: No, JK! I had no other idea about how to make them. I didn't want to make that guy so much armored, etc. He's supposed to move quickly and silently, so i thought making him that hair-cut would do.... :goblin_jawdrop:

as i said, uncle, take a look at WoW troll hairstyles.. or heck.. some fancy hair from other war3 models :p
Could be a good Hero Model with minor adjustments.
yeah some Hero glow maybe. Though i think Trolls would rather have melee-warriors or shamans as heros, archer-heroes fit more to BElves and NElves. :wink:

I should've said 2 other models like this, but oh well, guess it's just me then. XP I've only managed to try the original Thrall model to make a copied Thrall model into a skin model by using Yobgul's file converter rather than original model to babbling about it. I did. In advance, thank you, Fest. XP
No bother, buddy. The changes i told you about are made in Magos (a.k.a. Model Editor). :wink: No need for Yobgul's tools in this case....

he wanted the community to see it so he can get feedback faster
exactly. :goblin_yeah:

as i said, uncle, take a look at WoW troll hairstyles.. or heck.. some fancy hair from other war3 models :p
i was thinking about a pigtail maybe, but IMO it fits even lesser. WoW is a game for itself, so it will have more stuff than WC3. :vw_unimpressed:

As for the hair, the common troll mohawks would do.
I wanted to make him different....just not always the same hair-cut/style. :wink:

what's wrong with the barber who gave this guy his hairdo for goodness sake!
lol, why? I tried others as well, but i didn't realy like them. :vw_sad:

This is really awesome! But you should add two more spikes, in between those three spikes. Three spikes just look awkward... It needs at least 5 hair spikes to look right, in my opinion.

Other than that, I love it! 4/5.
They're actually 4 spikes. :wink:
But anyways, thx for the suggestion :thumbs_up:

Very Nice My Unlce 5/5 :)
thx, dear neffew :ogre_hurrhurr:
Real nice series of models so far. Are you planning a map?
Hm, yes and no. No, it's not a map, @ least not my map, but yes, after i made a few, i got an offer for making more for a project. I'd rather make an RPG-map, where you play a Troll warrior who becomes later the hero. It would be a map of Stranglethorn (Sunken Ruins tileset), where different jungle troll tribes live and humans and such try to expand into the forest for harvesting ressources and goodies and a bitter war between their colonies and the troll tribes breaks free. It would be a multiplayer map, in which each troll tribe is PC-controlled, except for a few heroes, which are controlled by different players. The tribes are rather neutral @ the beginning and depending on the actions of the players, they'll be either friends or enemies during the game. It will be the players' decision wether they make peace among the tribes and go allied against the colonies or not. But that's just fertile fututre plans so don't see it as a sure thing yet. :vw_unimpressed:

as for the project mentioned above: I'd like to re-direct you to MidasEntertainment for more details. It's his project. He just asked me kindly and i agreed to support it. :wink:
They're actually 4 spikes. :wink:
But anyways, thx for the suggestion :thumbs_up:

The 4th one is sticking out of the neck, so I didn't count that one. It looks awkward having only 3 spikes on the actual top of the head; it needs at least 5 spikes on the head, in order to still right, like a spiked mohawk, or something. But with just 3 spikes on the head itself, it looks awkward, like spiked pigtails gone wrong or something.
Last edited:
The 5th one is sticking out of the neck, so I didn't count that one. It looks awkward having only 3 spikes on the actual top of the head; it needs at least 5 spikes on the head, in order to still right, like a spiked mohawk, or something. But with just 3 spikes on the head itself, it looks awkward, like spiked pigtails gone wrong or something.
lol :grin:
Level 6
Dec 13, 2017
Yeah, and i like the "punky" style xD. But it looks like... Spykes? Instead of hair. I mean, i like the idea but i dont like too much how it looks like ingame. I guess is hard to model hair in w3 so its fine.