As promised in the Troll Shark Rider Threads, my next model was going to be an amphibic Troll unit. So, here it is: the mighty Troll Battle Turtle. Unlike the shark riders, in this case the turtle is the main source damage. The tattooed and war-painted Troll on its back is only commanding it. Only the best hunters among the Troll tribes are allowed to become the ''Mahuds'' of these mighty Dragon Turtles! This unit isn't only a mighty, living tank with devastating strength, it's also a status symbol among Tribal Chieftains. Only the mightiest ones can afford having such units among their rows, do to their need of much space and even more food. But if they are used, then they stand in the first row, stomping, terryfying and sometimes even repelling enemy footmen. This turtle can also devour small units! It's mighty jaws cause massive injuries and its hard shell protects it from almost any damage. Its only drawback is that it can't fight off enemy airborn units, but considering its armor and health points, this is just a minor loss. It's main purpose is to prevent enemy cavalry from stomping down allied infantry and to break through enemy defense lines without suffering much damage. Despite that, the hardened shell spikes and tusks cause damage to any enemy foolish enough to attack it from close by! The other big advantage of this unit is the ability to move at land as well as in water, which allows use of both infantry destroyer and ship sinker! I hope you like it as much as the shark riders! Feel free to use it in any way you want (incl. editing)! Have fun with it!
EDIT 1: my thanks for this update go to:
Sin'dorei300 and
PROXY for their good advice of animating the Troll-Mahud a bit more and re-taking a look at the model (a closer one this time). I also fixed the rope, after comparing it now with the old version i must say the old rope was an abomination! The new one fits better the model. There still are a few minor flaws with which has to be lived with (trust me, i tried everything i could all afternoon, but everything that fixed them, opened a new problem). They aren't much noticeable ingames anyway. Thanks to the guys mentioned above, the quality of this model could be further improved (don't forget that if you intend to give credits)!
Troll, battle turtle, dragon turtle, Dragonturtle Rider, sea unit, land unit, living tank, organic tank, rider, sea cavalry, land cavalry, tribal beas