12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.
IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.
Maker, 16th Oct 2011, Troll Regeration
Use variables, not hashtable:
Movement and Damage periodic triggers should be initially off. And turned off when there are no alive units with the ability.
- -------- Out Of Combat Time --------
- Hashtable - Save 5 as 0 of 0 in TrollRegeneration
- -------- Regeneration Per Level --------
- Hashtable - Save 5 as 0 of 1 in TrollRegeneration
Forgot to use TempInteger:
Unit Death should be initially off.
- (Load 0 of (Key (Picked unit)) from TrollRegeneration) Equal to (==) 0
- TempReal2 Equal to (==) (Load 2 of (Key (Picked unit)) from TrollRegeneration)
Don't use set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true in Damage Periodic.
Don't do the event addition thing in Unit Death trigger.
Delete this : (Level of TrollRegenAbil for (Picked unit)) Greater than (>) 0
The other condition can't be true if the unit doesn't have the ability.