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Triggers suddenly stopped working

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Level 3
Feb 18, 2005
Ummmm... wouldn't know off the top of my head, but if you could give me the map I can run it and see what happens, if you want.
Level 3
Feb 18, 2005
I've never heard of this, but I am notorous for finding ways to break unbreakable things... so basically, if you give me a copy of the map I might be able to find mistakes I've made and help you solve em xD
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
I've never heard of this, but I am notorous for finding ways to break unbreakable things... so basically, if you give me a copy of the map I might be able to find mistakes I've made and help you solve em xD

Well, i rather not upload the map here, i will upload it as a pack here on the hive, and dont want anyone to take my ideas before im done, but thanks anyways ;)

Are you sharing any variables such as "TempPoint" between 2 spells?

No, the spells have their own variables.
Level 12
Mar 26, 2005
I have EXACTLY the same problem, in my map none trigger works, even not the simply as

E:unit dies
A:create footman ...

No trigger works in this map, only in this map, no trigger I created in that map after or before that bug worked, all other maps works.

Error in Matrix.
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
Hmm, well, none of this things will help me though >_>. 1.In my map, the first two spells i have done dont work anymore. but the spell i did last is working.
2.I have no arrays in these triggers that dont work
3.I have already sent it to berzerker, (if you know who he is) and he werent able to find anything that shouldnt work, and as i said before the triggers worked, then i opened the map, they didnt work, 2 of 3 spells, so its nothing with the triggers, they should work..:/

But thanks all of you anyways :)
Level 8
Aug 1, 2008
Only thing to do is: delete the triggers one by one, testing the map after each one. then go from there..
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