Trigger Spell Help

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Level 1
Apr 30, 2010
Hey, hope this is the right spot to put this in.

I'm making a pretty straight forward spell. My hero blinks, then thunderclaps/warstomps. That's it.

The blink and animations work. And for a time, it was doing AoE damage like I wanted, but it also damaged my allies and I didn't know how to add a stun or slow effect, so then I tried out a Dummy casting Thunderclap/Warstomp, however it's not working.

Here's a picture of the code:

Any and all help is appreciated. <3
Make sure the Thunder Clap has no mana cost and is not a hero ability. What is more, instead of Increase level of Thunder Clap for (Last created unit) use
  • Unit - Set level of Thunder Clap for (Last created unit) to (Level of (Ability being cast) for (Triggering unit))
Finally, you leak. Use this tutorial:
Level 1
Apr 30, 2010
Thanks Pharaoh. The set level of thunderclap and changes to thunderclap made the skill function properly. Only, a problem I forgot to include in the first post is that despite what I set in the object editor, the skill has no cooldown. Also, is there a way to force a unit to use a custom spell? The drop down list only lists spells from heroes and units that are already in the game.

I'm curious about what the "leaking" is. Does that protect my trigger in case a unit is created during my spell's operation and it picks a new "created unit?"
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