[Trigger Request] Evolution system and Skill system

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Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Hi guys,
I wanted to finish my project called "Pokemon Legacy" but to do so i need a few systems and i would be greatful if somebody could make them since i tried to do them but failed.

-it must be GUI and MUI
-and leakless

Evolution System:

It can be caused by 2 events:
1- By using an item.
2- By reaching a certein level.

Hero A: Unit before evolution/being replaced
Hero B: replaced unit/evoluted unit

And the evolution can be canceled by pressing B so the evolution should last 5 seconds before replacing Hero A with Hero B.

Now when the event activates i want Hero A to be replaced with Hero B
but since Hero B has more stats than Hero A i want the bonus tomes to be added to Hero B

Hero A gets a tome of agillity +2 his former AGI stats were 40 now he has 42, now he will be replaced with Hero B but Hero B doesn't gain this +2 agillity nor his skills. So i want to add to Hero B, Hero A's original stats(40) - actually stats(42) then we have the bonuses becasue 40-42=2 (tome of agillity +2) and those will be added to Hero B.

Also i want the skills of Hero A to be replaced also when evoluting into Hero B and here comes the Skill System.

Skill System:

It can be caused by only 1 event:
1- By reaching a certein level.

When reaching a certain level let's say 12 then the owner of the triggering unit will be asked if he wants to learn the new abillity with -yes or -no. But the Hero can't have more than 4 abillities so you must check if he has 4 abillities if yes the owner of triggering unit will be asked if he wants to forget 1 abillity to learn the other. Also the asking thing should last 10 seconds then it just declines itself.

I would be very great if you could make this 2 systems.
+Credits on loadingscreen
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
Skill system is easy that is just a simple little trigger for the Evolution System that may take a little longer if your putting in some of the pokemon that have more than 1 Evolution like Evee does.

Pokemon as heroes or units?

I'll edit it more later but it works and does changes the unit.
Do you want to keep the stats the same too?
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Gains a level
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Trainnie
      • (Hero level of (Triggering unit)) equal to 10
    • Actions
      • Set Level = (Hero level of (Triggering unit))
      • Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a Knight using The old unit's relative life and mana
      • Hero - Set (Last replaced unit) Hero-level to Level, Show level-up graphics
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Skill system is easy that is just a simple little trigger for the Evolution System that may take a little longer if your putting in some of the pokemon that have more than 1 Evolution like Evee does.

Pokemon as heroes or units?

I'll edit it more later but it works and does changes the unit.
Do you want to keep the stats the same too?
  • Untitled Trigger 001
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Gains a level
    • Conditions
      • (Unit-type of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Trainnie
      • (Hero level of (Triggering unit)) equal to 10
    • Actions
      • Set Level = (Hero level of (Triggering unit))
      • Unit - Replace (Triggering unit) with a Knight using The old unit's relative life and mana
      • Hero - Set (Last replaced unit) Hero-level to Level, Show level-up graphics

Well yes there are more pokemon with stage 2 evolutions and its hero not unit also each evolution has it's own balanced stats,life and i dont use mana in my map so.. and you didn't add the stats thing.. could you do that?! would be greatfull

EDIT: The level replaces itself alone with no trigger i think !^^...
Level 13
Oct 27, 2008
the stats will go up to the unit's lvl so they will do themselves as long as u do the growth by unit n not triggers
I have once created a system that implements the evolution with the ability metamorphosis. Only disadvantage: Either the system is not MUI, just MPI, or you have to accept the disabled-button of the back morph ability.
Currently it morphs immediately after the level up. To make it cancelable, give it a casting time of 5 seconds and catch the cancel with an unit cancels channeling an ability event (or one like that, don't know exactly now) to remove the ability.
I have not thought over the topic since then, so there could be a way to get rid of the button without techtree modification.

For the learning abilities selection, just save in a hashtable the four abilities the pokemon has (and if it is possible to have less, also the amount of abilities). Then, when the Pokemon can learn a new, check wether it has less than 4, then you add it simply and save it in the hashtable on the right place and then increase the amount of abilities by 1. If there are 4 already, use dialogs to ask wether he wants to learn that and which ability it replaces.


  • Metamorphose-ewig.w3x
    9.4 KB · Views: 56
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
I have once created a system that implements the evolution with the ability metamorphosis. Only disadvantage: Either the system is not MUI, just MPI, or you have to accept the disabled-button of the back morph ability.
Currently it morphs immediately after the level up. To make it cancelable, give it a casting time of 5 seconds and catch the cancel with an unit cancels channeling an ability event (or one like that, don't know exactly now) to remove the ability.
I have not thought over the topic since then, so there could be a way to get rid of the button without techtree modification.

For the learning abilities selection, just save in a hashtable the four abilities the pokemon has (and if it is possible to have less, also the amount of abilities). Then, when the Pokemon can learn a new, check wether it has less than 4, then you add it simply and save it in the hashtable on the right place and then increase the amount of abilities by 1. If there are 4 already, use dialogs to ask wether he wants to learn that and which ability it replaces.

I can do so far alone but it doesn't replace the stats etc. so the trigger you gave me is worthless for me.. but thanks for posting =)
I can do so far alone but it doesn't replace the stats etc. so the trigger you gave me is worthless for me.. but thanks for posting =)

Do you want preserved stats or not? I checked your description again and if you mean it the way you say there and if I understand it correctly, you want the stats boni to remain after the evolution and that is what my system does. It uses the Metamorphose ability that takes them over automatically, so there is no need for an extra line of code.
Level 12
Apr 26, 2008
Do you want preserved stats or not? I checked your description again and if you mean it the way you say there and if I understand it correctly, you want the stats boni to remain after the evolution and that is what my system does. It uses the Metamorphose ability that takes them over automatically, so there is no need for an extra line of code.

But as far as i can see the bonus doesn't remain..
Look this version i changed it so you can see it better ..
Illidan has 10 agi 10 str 10 int then morphs into evil illidan (20 agi 20 str 20 int) but the unit remains 10 agi 10 str 10 int so the stats doesn't change thats why the bonuses remain but thats not what i wanted...


  • Metamorphose-ewig.w3x
    9.5 KB · Views: 78
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