This is my feedback as a first impression, it's very critical and only talks about the negative. If it wasn't mentioned, then that means I like it the way it is. Don't let my strong feedback fool you, this game is amazing and I enjoy it very much.
(I gave this mechanic a chance, but it just doesn’t work well with a dungeon keeper style game, so I’ll just give you reasons explaining why it’s bad.)
- The game starts at a very bad angle that’s extremely difficult to play in, this is not user-friendly whatsoever and I find myself always having to zoom it out every match. That’s just not an overall good impression for newcomers.
- As someone who’s played dungeon keeper, I really don’t like the whole dig tool idea. Digging should always be active like the original.
- In the tutorial you should let people know that you’re able to throw out creatures by dropping them back in the Nydus Worm, otherwise it gives dungeon keeper fans a very big advantage.
- There needs to be a better and a more visual way of knowing what you’ve picked up. The first time I’ve played I was surprised of how many creatures I’ve had in my hand.
- Rooms need an indicator like the original dungeon keeper, telling us the capacity and such.
- The combat system is currently too confusing to know what’s going on. When there are over 20+ creatures in one given area, you can’t possibly know who to heal or who to pick up. There desperately needs to be a combat log.
(I gave this mechanic a chance, but it just doesn’t work well with a dungeon keeper style game, so I’ll just give you reasons explaining why it’s bad.)
- Takes away the capability of stealing traps and spells.
- Gives us no reason to increase the size of our furnace or psionic nest, unless it’s to gain more research points (I'm assuming), since they’re not used as storage for spells and traps like in the original dungeon keeper.
- Upgrading rooms sounded like a neat idea, but it’s made taking care of your creatures absurdly easy. The more upgrades that you’ll add, the easier it’ll get, making this game become less and less like dungeon keeper.
- Adds unneeded complexity to the game which doesn’t really help your playerbase. You should just keep the game nice and simple like the original. We shouldn’t be playing long enough to be dealing with a research tree. Remember that losing after playing a long game gets people angry, making them less likely to play your game again. Maybe you should only have this feature for invasion.
- The 'furnace' should be renamed to 'workshop' or 'furnace room' otherwise the name of the room doesn’t make sense. The room should also store traps like the original dungeon keeper.
- The incoming enemies should be destroying your rooms, giving us a reason to make our hive’s better.
- The incoming enemies should be stealing minerals from your hive and treasury.
- I personally don't like the idea of vespene gas (mana) and I never did. You should be encouraging people to make a hive (dungeon) rather than clear out dirt and claim land, because that is going to make their hive very vulnerable. It also just adds another thing to worry about while forcing people to use spells in fights or else they're at a disadvantage. This was a horrible mechanic that was added in Dungeon Keeper II, it was much better when spells costed gold like in the original Dungeon Keeper. Reason being, you were capable of making keepers broke by killing their workforce. You may think this is unfair, but it's actually pretty strategic, especially when fighting against a keeper that's very wealthy.
In the original, you actually had an option to use spells or not, and spamming your spells to get an upper hand of a fight could easily make you become broke, as it should. This could then lead you to making your creatures unhappy and ultimately having them leave your dungeon, making it vulnerable. The idea in itself was pretty much brilliant. The only possible way of seeing this vespene gas (mana) mechanic work is by adding something like a vespene chamber (vespene gas room) which would require creatures to generate vespene gas (mana) for you. The vespene gas (mana) would be stored inside the room, similar to the way minerals are currently stored inside the treasury. That way the mechanic can be countered since you can have your room stolen which will stop you from casting altogether. In addition, if you want to cast while you're fighting, you're going to have to leave some creatures behind so they can generate vespene gas (mana) for you. If that isn't balance enough, maybe the creatures should also be paid to gather vespene.
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