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[Solved] Transport Capacity - Game Crashes?

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Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
Alright, so I want a sea transport to be able to carry 12 infantry type units. So I went into Abilities>Special>Units>Cargo Hold (Ship), and clicked on Data - Cargo Capacity, and changed it to 12. I figured this out from another thread on here, and I had to press shift for some reason while doing it.

Now it worked, it said 12 instead of 10. So I went in game to test it. I built my transport (Which is a custom model btw, idk if that has anything to do with it but the model is imported fine), then I started loading men into it, and then it just crashed.

Any idea what I did wrong?
Level 20
Jul 14, 2011
What's the Default Cargo Capacity?
How many infantry did you have on the ship before the crash?
What's the loading size of the Infantry unit?

BTW- The model doesn't matter, is just a cosmetic thing.
Level 8
Aug 23, 2007
What's the Default Cargo Capacity?

I'm pretty sure it was 10 when I changed it, which is the default for sea transports is it not?

How many infantry did you have on the ship before the crash?

5 I think, 5 were actually on board, with more getting ready to load when i got an error message and it crashed.

What's the loading size of the Infantry unit?

1, which is the default for infantry is it not?. Only mechanical are 2, unless you change it.

BTW- The model doesn't matter, is just a cosmetic thing.

That's what I thought, the model was working fine so I figured it wasn't an issue.
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