[JASS] Trackable function

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Don't use trackables unless there is NO alternative. Alternatives involve detecting when units are clicked or when units are issued orders. Please explain what you need them for, and if I think trackables are the only way to do it, I will explain how you go about doing it with trackables.

Why shouldn't you use trackables? They are an arse for several reasons:
1) They can't be destroyed
2) They can't be moved after creation
3) There is no easy way of detecting which player clicked on them / moved their mouse over them.

EDIT: They are pronounced Tra-kuh-buhl. The letter combination "ck" is always pronounced with a hard "kuh" sound.
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008
For now trackables are the only way to detect mouseoverevents. F.e. using a fullscreeninventorysystem with tooltips that pop up if the mouse if hovered over a slot.
Don't even bother. They're next to useless.


Why would you need to detect a mouse over event for a full screen inventory system? Sure, you need to detect mouse click, but for that you just use units.


That's a crap workaroud, and doesn't count as easy. That system leaks to hell...

EDIT: Oh wait, i just looked at it properly, and it's actually quite good... hmm... you still can't destroy it, but... Ok the, Starquizer, there's your solution. Use Trackable2 instead of the normal trackables.
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Yep, i havent looked at it with a critical look, more with an interested look lol,,
But for an inventory system, i would prefer Multiboards, as it does not need any trackables and you can use it half-screen, full-screen, or even smaller!
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
About leaks, yes I know they leak and I am not going to use them in making an inventory. I'll use them in simple things like creating a floating text when I place a mouse over an object but I want to learn how to use them; I never used them before or read something about them.

(A Wish: If only blizzard could complete them and made them can be destroyed, well may be that could turn the tides of WC scripting)
Level 11
Apr 28, 2008

Why would you need to detect a mouse over event for a full screen inventory system? Sure, you need to detect mouse click, but for that you just use units.

In my inventorysystem the tooltips pop up when you mouseover an item. That just looks cool. And thats reason enough to use them.

Dreadnought[dA];1243191 said:
You should never in your mapping career, under any circumstances, use trackables. They are pure evil and lag like hell!

Thats just wrong. If used right there are no lowswith trackables. I use them them and they work perfect. It's right that you can get who clicked them or hovered over, but in single player they are fine.
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
Trackable2. I searched in JNGP and didn't find that function.

Thats just wrong. If used right there are no lowswith trackables. I use them them and they work perfect. It's right that you can get who clicked them or hovered over, but in single player they are fine.

Thats right I want them in a single player map. But most importantly I need to learn how to make them.
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
I used trackable to display a msg once you click on a location using JNGP's UMSWE. The trigger is
  • Trackable
    • Events
      • Trackable Object - (Create trackable object using path units\nightelf\Wisp\Wisp.mdl at Location (0.00,0.00) facing 0.00) is clicked
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: Trackable
Its working but when I made it mouse over it didn't work.

  • Trackable 2
    • Events
      • Trackable Object - The cursor is moved over (Create trackable object using path units\human\HeroBloodElf\HeroBloodElf at Location (128.00,0.00) facing 0.00)
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Game - Display to (All players) the text: Blood Mage
Level 16
Mar 3, 2006
I use UMSWE (the version that comes with JNGP) and that doesn't have these trackable things in...

UMSWE v5 and its under events as "Tracable Object"

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