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tower with healspray ability? tower with friendlyfire?

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Level 4
Dec 21, 2019
Hello there.

I stumbled over this Forum and wondered if someone could give me advice so Ill get right into it!
I hope this is the right place for this kind of question, if not i apologize.

how can friendly towers be told to attack (friendly)team units?

and how can i assign "healspray", so it gets triggered by attack or casting from a tower? ("healspray" doesnt show up in the ability tab when opening up)

thanks in advance!

Level 41
Feb 27, 2007
how can friendly towers be told to attack (friendly)team units?
Do you mean as a player in game? (A + click on the unit to attack) Or as a developer? (order unit to do the unit-target order "attack" with a trigger) Do you mean it should attack one time, attack that target continuously, or attack all allied units nearby as if they were enemies? For what purpose do you want this functionality?
and how can i assign "healspray", so it gets triggered by attack or casting from a tower? ("healspray" doesnt show up in the ability tab when opening up)
  • Unit - Order <unit> to Neutral Alchemist - Healing Spray (<point>)
Threads you should know:
Things That Leak
How To Post Your Trigger
Level 4
Dec 21, 2019
//Thanks alot for your help Pyrogasm, excuse my inaccurate question im a forum virgin, Ill read the linked tuts.

I mean "as a developer"(I want the tower to attack "atomatically" all allied units nearby as if they were enemies!)?

That was exactly what i searched for a long time. Had it on "issue order targeting a <unit>" instead of "issue order targeting a <Point>". Cant tell you how thankful i am!


Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Maybe it would be more sensible to give the tower the Priest's Heal ability and auto cast that. A trigger detects the tower casting heal and then orders it to cast healing spray at the position of the ability target unit.

This will not scale cast rate with attack speed. It may be possible to do this with other triggers involving some of the recently added natives.
Level 4
Dec 21, 2019
Maybe it would be more sensible to give the tower the Priest's Heal ability and auto cast that. A trigger detects the tower casting heal and then orders it to cast healing spray at the position of the ability target unit.
This will not scale cast rate with attack speed. It may be possible to do this with other triggers involving some of the recently added natives.

thanks for your advice Dr Super Good!

I already control my healingspells via "autoheal". it just feels a bit delayed casue they start healing pretty late, so i wondered if its possible to just make tower autoattack friendly units (and add the healcast to the attacks, so they look smoother). any idea how to?

Level 14
Oct 19, 2014
thanks for your advice Dr Super Good!

I already control my healingspells via "autoheal". it just feels a bit delayed casue they start healing pretty late, so i wondered if its possible to just make tower autoattack friendly units (and add the healcast to the attacks, so they look smoother). any idea how to?

You can use bribe's Damage Engine instead. Make every damage into negative to result as a heal.
You can specify the attacker type as well as the target if ally or not,, if ally then damage will be negative while positive to enemies.

Ordering a unit to attack ally isnt a big deal problem, well by the help of unit indexer you can filter each created unit then add them to a group of wild attacker XD that no one recognizes.
What else?

Mark this thread as SOLVED xD
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