Wow a Azeroth melee game, I have been waiting for one of those for a long time >.< I would like to help as I can, but I am rather basic in stuff : / I could help with some race concepts and actually create the units for you if you wish.
What are you going for? Typical WC3 unit/upgrade amounts, or something more in-depth? Like masteries, more research ranks, more custom units, for example, I once made a map where Night Elves could buy furbolgs. As I like the idea of a melee map of Azeroth, I have a bit of interest in this.
Also, the AI tends to throw a fit on large maps (Hell even one of Blizzard's melee maps the AI has issues on, that 12 player TFT melee one, Emerald Gardens or something), so keep that in account if you want your map to have a functional AI.
EDIT: Alright I tried it out a bit (Was late and was going to tomorrow, but I figured what the hell). It's very promising, but very unrefined, here are soem issues I encountered when I picked Worgen (This is going to sound critical, but I'm not hating on it as I like it so far)
1: One hero to pick from, hopefully this will be rectified down the road. Keep in mind that it doesn't need to be humanoid, you could have a giant wolf hero as if I recall, wolves were commonplace in Shadowfang Keep in WoW.
2: The shipyard is undead and spreads blight, not sure if this is intentional or not, but it seems out of place to me.
3: Really weird upgrade paths, such as requiring steel forged swords to research curse of the wolf (Or whatever the research name was, I forget).
4: A harpy queen for their flying unit? I assume it's a place holder, but if not then I think perhaps something else would be a bit better.
Some other general things I noticed is gold mines appear to not function, perhaps I am doing this wrong though. I see gold has an income each minute. Also there is still a lot of grammar errors. I can take care of these if you want, English is my native language and I am someone who tries to maintain good grammar.
My assessment: Needs a lot of work still (I imagine you put a lot in to it already), but should be great when you are done.