Sorry, but this map is pretty bad
1) 64x32 playable is quite small
2) all paths are waaay too narrow, with 2 or 3 units most spots are blocked
3) cause of narrow paths and creep camp in the middle low chance of early fighting (only with newbs), base very easy to defend
4) not enough neutrals, op drops
5) blue has more distance between mine and town hall :/
6) its 1v1 as cyper mentioned, where is the mentioned goblin merchant?
7) terrain is..ok, but plz let there be some space outside the camera bounds, cuz it looks crap if there's just black; maybe add some weather effects/fog
8) only 1 mine per player
-make this map a loot bigger, clean pathes for evtl rushing, make wider and more pathes!!!!!
-add more creeps
-remove custom loading screen
(I would totally recreate this map)
-give it a more suitable name
I hope you don't feel offended, but i just can give you those tips,
because the way it looks now it won't get approved by the mods