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[Minigame] The Tag Game

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Level 28
Oct 28, 2011



TTG is greatly inspired by many Tag Maps and Hunters vs Hunted map out there but mainly influenced by the Tree Tag maps. With that being said TTG removes the building and producing aspect and emphasize on your stealth skills to evade the taggers.


Still Working On - Subject to be changed
Still a concept

TTG's core gameplay is similar to your usual Tag Map, Infernal will tag an Ent and alive Ent will try to rescue their captured comrades. What TTG will try to bring on the table is a more appealing terrain and atmosphere that at the same time plays a major role on the map.

TTG's terrain will feature many eye catching land marks that plays a major role for Infernal's 'Reveal' spell. As there will be no mini-map, the Infernal will have to rely on their knowledge of TTGs terrain and landmark to fully utilize the spell.

The Ent's Model also plays a role for the map as the model blends nicely on the environment and the doodads used for the terrain but even that said is should still be visible for Infernal players if the Ent player isn't good enough on hiding.

AI for Infernal is already assured to be challenging. They will be more aggressive and better on tracking down Ents.

Ent AI is still on heavy development as I try to make them as reasonably passable to play with.

Interactive Terrain where pillars, arcs and column have chances of collapsing leaving nearby Ent and Infernal immobile. Plants also have chances of poisoning anyone that can cause slow effects crucial for Cat and Mouse situations.

Infernal Type:

Click Here


Warning: Very Large Image

4.jpg hRN28id.jpg
pkbgV0A.jpg XRCL26u.jpg

More Images here:
Terrain Update Post #1
Terrain Update Post #2

Current Progress and Logs:

I'm actually been working on this since November so there was a lot of progress already. Other than finishing the almost done terrain and adding some little stuffs the game is actually playable on its current state so expect it to be done soon.

Q: What if I enable health bar by using Alt?
A: Won't work, I disabled it via trigger.

Q: How about Mouse-drag?
A: Same.

A: I have no idea either.

Map Info

Player Suggestions: 3/6/9 Ents vs 1/2/3 Infernals
Map Size: 90x90 (96x96)
Doodad Counts:Currently: 6894 Estimated Final Count: Around 15000
Last edited:
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I meant more gameplay wise.

The gameplay is slightly similar with other Tree Tag maps where the taggers/infernals will need to tag all the evaders/ents to be able to win the game, a tagged ent will be sent on the middle of the map which is called a prison because they cannot go out of that place. Winning as an infernal isn't easy as it sounds though since alive evaders/ents can rescue their pals by touching them so infernals/taggers also need to leave an eye on the tagged ents.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Looks cool and great overall. You've definitely brought something better with those realistic environments. It's also quite awesome that the terrain itself can be a hiding place or even an ambush for those that are being chased.

Anyways, so this is a tag game between an Infernal and Ent right? I dont got any cool suggestions or even something but maybe skills that will benefit each of them like for the Chaser, give it a skill that is able to slow down those that are being Chased or some revealing spells (to reveal some a targeted area). While for those who are chased, you can give them spells that increases their movespeed or can also be spells that can slow aswell the Chaser or even made them immobile for a while.

I am not much of a TTG player so I cannot give an accurate or great ideas but wishing your luck here!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
The gameplay is slightly similar with other Tree Tag maps where the taggers/infernals will need to tag all the evaders/ents to be able to win the game, a tagged ent will be sent on the middle of the map which is called a prison because they cannot go out of that place. Winning as an infernal isn't easy as it sounds though since alive evaders/ents can rescue their pals by touching them so infernals/taggers also need to leave an eye on the tagged ents.

hm sounds like a child game I used to play. You run from someone. If you get cuaught you go to prison. Others in your team can free you.

can be fun if done right.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011

Immobile might be too op for this type of map so I guess slow might do. I'm actually thinking of a reveal spell that when used the infernal player will be able to spot one ent for a few seconds.. but there is a twist though since I'll be covering the minimap so players will have to rely to their knowledge of the map terrain by remembering landmarks.

hm sounds like a child game I used to play. You run from someone. If you get cuaught you go to prison. Others in your team can free you.

Yeah, that is the concept :)

can be fun if done right.

I'll try to do it right.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Immobile might be too op for this type of map so I guess slow might do. I'm actually thinking of a reveal spell that when used the infernal player will be able to spot one ent for a few seconds.. but there is a twist though since I'll be covering the minimap so players will have to rely to their knowledge of the map terrain by remembering landmarks.

Yes, slow can do! And, that can be a great idea for the reveal spell.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Those different kinds of Infernal and you should give them different spellset so no Infernal will be the same, that is for my suggestion.

The fog looks very fine to me and does not need any, it could be good if the game is a little hard which means more challenge.
Level 9
May 14, 2008
Awesomely looking !

The ambient is awesome and it's pretty important and it fits the gameplay (its part of it).
There are few maps where you dive into an environment, like Parasite 2 or Vampirism beast or crazy's vampirism, or even Maniac With a Saw, i just realized they were all very dark :p
Tropical tag is good too.

Hope to try this tag and even give you ideas for the gameplay if you want
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Sorry for not giving this thread any love, I didn't have the chance to use World Editor for a long while but I got my hands on it again 2 days ago and started working on this.

Anyway here have some pure man love (Warning: Contains large images):

TTG Update #1

TTG Update #2

TTG Update #3

TTG Update #4

TTG Update #5



Images # 2-5 have an Ent hiding, feel free to find it.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Got it all except #5 you sharp eyed bastard.

I actually want to make it a little more "Fantasy" looking by adding some crystals that glows but everytime I put some, the glow of the torch is gone in-game. And I swear that it really looks delicious in the editor. :C

Any help concerning about that will be really appreciated.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
I actually planned to release this last month but due to some unforeseen events the progress halted for a long time. I'm not gonna promise anything so I'll just state what stuffs remaining that needed to be done before the release.

Finishing the terrain is the only toughest part left to finish. As you can see from the screenshot, I try to make the terrain as detailed as possible. I already used 5000+ doodads(without placing pathing blockers yet) on probably 30-35% of the map so I'll probably even exceed on my estimation of 15000 doodads on the finished terrain.

A few spells that I wanted to add for the Infernals. Not really that hard since I already have ideas and some of it can be done on the object editor.

I also plan to scratch the basic items on Tree Tag and make my own. Should not take much time for that.

I'm also working on an AI, I used the same algorithm I used on my OotF: Arena map so it should also not take much time.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Good to see this back in action, some suggestion for the map. How about try making some interactable environment; it will either serve you good and help you outwit your opponents or the other way around.

Once you stepped or interact into terrain objects, there are chances like going near to a pillar, there are chances that the pillar will fall into you and damage you. When stepping up on wild forest vines, it will constrict you in your position and stun you for some period of time.

This can be a great addition though I fear it will call for some extra animations of the doodads/destructibles in the map but I'm just writing this if you can find this of a good or decent idea.

Anyway, good luck with this and more power.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
TTG Update #2

Well another batch of terrain updates, nothing much since I just made this while taking a break on playing YS7. That one building used 1000+ doodads D:

TTG Update #1

TTG Update #2

TTG Update #3



Once you stepped or interact into terrain objects, there are chances like going near to a pillar, there are chances that the pillar will fall into you and damage you. When stepping up on wild forest vines, it will constrict you in your position and stun you for some period of time.

Brilliant idea! Its pretty easy to do as long as I can have someone animate the models needed for me. *Looks at Whitewolf*
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Well, nice batch of terrain and gameplay screenshots there.

As for my suggestions, let's take that new terrain of yours as an example: whens stepping up on those grasses there, there are chances you will be constricted by it and stunned for some seconds so that calls for a strategic placements of doodads/destructibles and not just pure spamming of it though.
Level 28
Oct 28, 2011
Well, nice batch of terrain and gameplay screenshots there.

As for my suggestions, let's take that new terrain of yours as an example: whens stepping up on those grasses there, there are chances you will be constricted by it and stunned for some seconds so

Those plants main purpose is to camouflage the Ent, but I think being poisoned with effects of being slowed is a better idea since I don't intend to put any movement stopping skill in the map.

that calls for a strategic placements of doodads/destructibles and not just pure spamming of it though.

Yes I did spammed the plants and shrooms but their location is planned so I think that is more than enough. Making ideas and constructing different types of structures and building is already taking too much time out of me.

Now, if only I can convince Seki to animate the pillars for me, then that would be awesome.
Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
Blindness? Hmmm, I find it not fitting due to that it's a constriction. It's either slow or slow and poison.

You can maybe apply the blindness when a pillar falls to you, it damages you and blinds you due to the dusts from it.
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