The Lost Kingdom - New Project ORPG

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Level 9
Apr 25, 2009
The L O S T K I N G D O M

Welcome to the Lost Kingdom ORPG project page! I will update this post every time I have made some big updates in the map. This is a game I build 100% on my own, I do not download any systems or spells from the Hive, it's all done by me :gg: However; I might download some models and icons, but I will give credits to the makers!

============== Information ==============
Game Basic Information

Max Players: 12
Save & Load: YES
Equipable items: YES
Singleplayer: NO
Multiplayer: YES
Game Type: Online RPG
Max size: Large
Basic Storyline

The Lost Kingdom Storyline. Only read if you have alot of time :wink:

Once upon a time, a great king ruled the world of Warcraft. He was the most mighty warrior the world had ever seen and he's magical powers grew stronger day by day. But as we all know, most kings and powerful men, always wants more powers, so one day the king went to the forest outside hes large kingdom, to find the dark magician that lives near the caves. You see, the king wanted to know not just about the Holy powers, but also the Unholy magical skills. He found the dark wizard and offered him 20.000 gold coins, if the wizard would teach him the unholy spells. But, the wizard had no interests in money, he wanted a soul in return, a royal soul. The king went back to hes castle in the kingdom to think, "Where and who has a royal soul but me?". What the king did not know, is that hes wife was pregnant. 7 months later, the wife of the king gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, they gave him the name Delvion. 10 years later, Delvion was thought hes first magical skill, mind control. He would now move small items, with only hes thoughts. The king watched hes son get older and more powerfull, and he felt proud of hes son. The next day when the king was about to go to bed, he had a dream. He dreamed about the old wizard in the forest, he dreamed about powers and the unholy spells that he could learn, if only he would find a royal soul. The next morning when he woke up, next to hes bed, there was the wizard; "Have you forgot about our agreement oh wize king?" he said. "N, n, no wizard. I, I just, just have not found any royal soul yet". The king was afraid of the wizard cus he knew, that the wizard has more powers than him self and the wizard could slay the king any time he wanted. "Ohh, but you do have a royal soul my king. Every day in every week in every months you see this royal one", "Who is he?" the king asked. "You are royal, are you not my king? A son, a son with royal blood you have. Give him to me, and you will learn the secret, most dark and unholy skills there are!". The king got mad, "I will NEVER give my son to you! Never, get away you!". The wizard smiled and vanished. The years passed and the king got older and older.

The king was now 274 years old. Usually, the men of hes kingdom only got 90 years old, or less. But the king had holy powers that kept him alive. Hes son was no longer with him, he had traveled to the Moonshire village with hes wife. The wizard reviled him self, once again; "Ohh king, your magical powers are getting weaker and your one son do no longer love you dear king. Is there anything I can do for my king?". A tear fell from the king. "You can have him... I know he loves me, but he do not care for hes old father these days". The wizard seemed to be sad, but in hes heart, he was happier than ever before! "Yes my lord, rise up oh king!", "I cannot, I am to weak", "But see my king, your dark powers are already getting stronger, oh king, rise up!". The king rise up from hes bed with a great smile, "YES! Thank you my friend!" *Friend? Hahaha, yes.. friend...* the wizard thought in hes evil mind.

As the time passed, the king got more and more powerful, and younger and younger and he never saw hes son again. Hes wife died and now he was alone in hes large castle. Everyone in hes kingdom died as time passed. They died of illness, wars and some left the kingdom since they're king had gone mad.

Today, they say you can see the dark castle in the kings old kingdom, but, this may be just a story, or is it?

Find out your self!

So that was the storyline, sorry if it is long :bored:
The story is kinda even longer, but no one will read it...

Game Features

  • S Y S T E M S
    • Camera System
      - Move the camera by using your keyboard arrows. The camera is locked to your character, you change the angle and rotation with your keyboard arrows
    • Options System
      - Press ESC to open your game options. Here, you can change camera distance, chat type, screen brightness, volume and alot more!
    • Experience System
      - An really advanced experience system that stacks with the "Creep System". This keeps the game really balanced!
    • Creep System
      - Creeps spawn depending on your level! For example, if you are level 10, 5 level 2 creeps will spawn and so on... If you are a team with for example, 2 level 15s, there will spawn like 3 level 10 creeps... (Only in wilderness forests)
    • PVP System + Staking System
      - An system that allows you to fight other characters. You must be 1on1 or in teams. The teams/players will Stake items, you put items to bet, the winner wins the losers items! When winning in the PVP arena, you get +1 in PVP points, once reached 10 PVP points, you get +1 in Rank. Rank is needed for job advancements.
    • Quests (System)
      - Tons of Quests! The Quests difficulty is depending on your items and levels! This makes the Quests more fair and balanced!
    • Spells (System)
      - Most of the spells are Trigger based (all spells are leakless) and the most of them are really advanced!
    • Jobs (System)
      • Wizards - You can become a wizard, holy mage, unholy mage, priest mage and much more!
      • Warriors - You can become a one handed soldier, two handed, spearman, polearm man and much more!
      • Archers - You can become a archer, crossbowman, mage archer, nightelf archer and much more!
      • And alot more, like: Bandits, Pirates, Workers, Gunmen, Gnomes, Dragons... They are all jobs!
      Each job can be upgraded! Some jobs, for example, Gnome Magician, requires that you are a Gnome and such... This is an really advanced system.
    • Trade System
      - Allows you to trade items with other characters, an advanced but easy-to-use system! It also includes a Balance system that makes sure you know what you are trading, to prevent scammers.
    • Pet System
      - An advanced system that allows you to use a pet! Your pet can be upgraded, level and learn skills! Pets cost alot and takes alot of time since they need food and rest time. Pets can be upgraded to have inventory (however, normal item bonuses does not stack!)
    • More soon...
Beginner Island.jpg

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Ok, some stuff:

1) The terrain seems too dull. If it is going to be an RPG style map, a good terrain is the least you should do.

2) A king ruled the world of warcraft? Warcraft is not like saying "Azeroth"; it's not a country or something, it is a term "war" + "craft", unless you want a country named after the original term.

3) Bandit mage is really idiot, IMO. A mage should not be a mage. Magic is something sacred, i wouldn't want a bandit to be able to cast magic, rather than base his strength off physical strength.

4) Be careful with the "tons" of quests; for online gaming it could be an obstacle for people to forget the main goal of the game.

5) Triggered spells is nowadays a fact, not a that spectacular feature.

6) Good PvP system, but this investment of items might require a bit of time, so, i should reconsider that feature.

7) Finally, all those features have already preexisted in other maps. You should prove us why we should play with this map. This type of map can be found among 1,000 results maybe.

8) Good luck, let the community give you some ideas to improve the current activity of the map.
Level 9
Apr 25, 2009
Ok, some stuff:

1) The terrain seems too dull. If it is going to be an RPG style map, a good terrain is the least you should do.
- Have I said it was done?

2) A king ruled the world of warcraft? Warcraft is not like saying "Azeroth"; it's not a country or something, it is a term "war" + "craft", unless you want a country named after the original term.
- Well, its like, if I would say Northread or Azeroth or w/e, it would just be 1 place of the WC3 game, this is the WHOLE wc3 map, kinda :p

3) Bandit mage is really idiot, IMO. A mage should not be a mage. Magic is something sacred, i wouldn't want a bandit to be able to cast magic, rather than base his strength off physical strength.
- Hahaha, nooo you didnt understand :gg:
You can have the job as a Mage, or a BANDIT... It's 2 different jobs..

4) Be careful with the "tons" of quests; for online gaming it could be an obstacle for people to forget the main goal of the game.
- Well, it's like, when you finish 1 Quest from a dude, you may start a new
one. Example: You kill 10 gnolls, then the new Quest will be to kill 15...

5) Triggered spells is nowadays a fact, not a that spectacular feature.
- It's just so people can understand the spells look good and are advanced :)

6) Good PvP system, but this investment of items might require a bit of time, so, i should reconsider that feature.
- Wont really take that long... You simply type what items in your inventory
that you want to stake. For example, you type -item 1, then the item in
slot nr 1 in your inventory will be staked...

7) Finally, all those features have already preexisted in other maps. You should prove us why we should play with this map. This type of map can be found among 1,000 results maybe.
- As I said, will update with more :p

8) Good luck, let the community give you some ideas to improve the current activity of the map.
- Thanks :D
Ye, everyone is free to give support and ideas!
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