(4 ratings)
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[?]Credits. Although I think you didn't mention where the musics were from.
[+]The story seems to be original. I liked it.
[+]Decent terrain.
[+]A somewhat long cinematic. Since it is good, this is a plus.
[+/-]Decent use of cameras.
[+/-]The musics were OK, however, I don't think they were well used. The ballad/pop music was not totally fitting for the scene in my opinion, and after a soft song you go for a death metal sound (or whatever it is)?
[-]King model's portrait missing.
[-]A meat wagon missile flying all over the fortress to hit those two men?
Good cinematic. It's long and interesting.
My rating for this resource is 7/10, approximately 4 (Recommended). Hopping to see the next chapter.
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