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The Crusade is coming to an End.

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We all know that in several months Wrath of the Lich King will come out.. But before that is patch 2.4.. The final "major" patch in TBC..

The patch features a new area, the Sunwell Isle.. The Sunwell Isle contains two dungeons.. An instance and a raid.. The goal of these dungeons are to end the story of the burning crusade. When you first enter the Sunwell Isle, which is north of Silvermoon, you are greeted by a new faction, The Shattered Sun Offensive, which are dealing with the events inside the two new dungeons. The new faction also introduces a series of new dailies. Along with new dailies the max dalies per day is raised from 10 to 25. The quests tell the full story of the Tempest Keep. Hopefully, if you get honored you can unlock the heroic version of the instance.

The instance is called the Magister's Terrace. It's architechture is very similar to the architechture of Silvermoon. There is also an Observatory where you can view the Sunwell. Kael'thas men use it to see if their plans or going according to plan. Oh and did I mention? The entire thing is focused around Kael'thas.. After being defeated in Tempest Keep he traveled to the Sunwell with crates from Netherstorm in hopes to reactive it. The final boss in the instance is Kael'thas.. He is back with a whole new look.. Tigole mentioned a green crystal etched across his chest.

The other dungeon, the raid, is called Sunwell Plateau.. A 25-man dungeon featuring some interesting new bosses.. By doing the dailies you unlock more bosses.. Only the first three are accessible without doing dailies.. There are 6 bosses in the raid.. One of the bosses is Brutallicus, a pit lord who lost his wings, the infamous, Blue Dragon, Kalecgos from the Sunwell Triology, he has been enslaved by Kil'Jaeden, then a Fel dragon, the first in WoW history.. After that is the two female Eredar twins then a Dark Naaru.. The final boss is Kil'Jaeden.. Tigole says he is proboaly the coolest boss the art group has come up with yet.
Level 12
Jul 2, 2004
Kil'jaeden is half summoned as far as I know. Also, Kael is only available for the heroic version from what I know.

So I'm guessing you don't actually kill Kil'jaeden but banish him instead. Now I'm curious how the Sunwell events are going to lead to WotLK.
They cant let you beat arthas.. thats like busting a myth...

...and Mythbusters just ran out of business, since you say it's impossible to bust a myth.

Indeed, Kil'jaeden is "killable" but to some point. The Kil'jaeden we will be able to fight is a twisted abomination of himself, created by the disrupted summoning ritual. (The players interfere with the ritual, and the abomination Kil'jaeden comes to be). Abomination will have just a tiny fraction of his power.... so anything can happen in the patches 3.0+


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
Well, so far Illidan is truly dead since there was the whole scene with Maiev and all.
Kil'jaeden will be simply banished instead of killed at the Sunwell plateau. Kael will most probably die or get sucked in a vortex (like Xavius in the war of the ancients) only to come back in the Nth expansion.
...or he'll just die, ending the blood elven lore for good.


Media Manager
Level 52
May 25, 2007
No I get it just fine.
It's logical isn't it? All the events in TBC, all the betrayels, they all led to this. It is like... the culmination of the expansion, making the journeys in Outland a thing of the past and ending the story (so eventually WotLK can begin).
Besides, I don't think I've made a statement saying something in contrast to yours, Hawk.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
I'd doubt it. New patches yes, post WotLK expansions, no. WoW graphics aren't great, there are considerably inferior to newer games being released(I know graphics doesn't make a game, its easy on the eyes), what more could they add? Islands? Blizzard is the type to say; Oh yeah, we forgot, there are actually island chains throughout Azeroth, we just forgot to say. I think they've produced enough of that(the entire blood elf>>Horde was ridiculous, Trolls hated elves up to this point).
Well Blizzard has said that the graphics will be somewhat better in WotLK..

What is the Rift??? I was expecting.. it like this

1. Original
2. The Burning Crusade
3. Terror of the Tides (Zin'Azshari)
4. Wrath of the Lich King (Take a ship up from the islands in the great sea)
5. The Emerald Nightmare (Through the Great Tree (Portal to Emerald Dream in Northrend))

Tigole also did say that they will include the Emerald Dream in an upcoming expansion.. It was originally to be an end-game raid but it expanded much beyond that.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Well Blizzard has said that the graphics will be somewhat better in WotLK..

What is the Rift??? I was expecting.. it like this

1. Original
2. The Burning Crusade
3. Terror of the Tides (Zin'Azshari)
4. Wrath of the Lich King (Take a ship up from the islands in the great sea)
5. The Emerald Nightmare (Through the Great Tree (Portal to Emerald Dream in Northrend))

Tigole also did say that they will include the Emerald Dream in an upcoming expansion.. It was originally to be an end-game raid but it expanded much beyond that.
It's not really much of an improvement, nothing too overly look forward too, at least. It's just a new shading system for ice and flame animations are receiving an increase in detail.
Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
It was 90% a joke, really. Goblins for horde would easily be understandable(due to them both being in the old horde in wc2), but pandaren for alliance- once again, they are neutral(or perhaps slightly more suited towards the horde, because of Chen's alliance). Pandaria could easily be added as an island(although it would be a meh, start location, really, due to the lack of 10-16, 17+ zones easily accessible, the rest would be accessible via boat/air).
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
By the canon lore, nobody's officially dead, they are considered killable, not dead. The given character from the lore is dead for you only if you kill him.
In the Black Temple raid Illidan officially DIES! He is supposedly killed by Maiev (who joins the raid in the fight). So it's a canon lore death. Also Nefarius is dead according to a Quest in Outland where a Black Dragon Messenger tells a Fel Orc leader (forgot name) that Nefarius has failed and Deathwing will continue his work again or something like that.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
That's PERSONAL lore, your character is a world shifting being in WoW. And by the canon, they're all alive, but killable, catch my drift?
Illidan is OFFICIALLY CORFIRMED OFFICIAL CANON LORE DEAD! In lore he is killed by Maiev (and Akama), while in your "personal lore" (as you call it) Maiev still kills him, you just aid her.



Level 2
Jan 9, 2008
Blizzard has already stated that the size of the in-game raids are no indicators of the strength of the raid bosses themselves. For all we know, C'thun was slain by entire armies from a lore point of view.
Level 1
Nov 15, 2005
It will always be hard to turn a game like Warcraft into a MMORPG. As the lore may have to change, to fit into the number of players. As it would be hard, if you had to gather 1000players to defeats Illidan, Vashj or another of the other "old" guys. But we must also not look down at the players. We are heroes, might not strong enough to solo Illidan, but still we are no Grunts from a Barrack.
Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
I was thinking more like the Players are something along the lines of Officers or something like an "elite" force.
Level 1
Nov 15, 2005
What I meant was, that even though we might not have powers far beyond and grunt or footman, we still aren't normal warriors! Maybe in power, but we can are Characters with names. We can change lore and become legends, what, I think, an unnamed Grunt cant do.

I believe Tyranid's explanation of Elite Force, is good.
Level 11
Dec 15, 2007
Well I don't see Emerald dream happening, or should happen. It will mess up lore just as much as the death of illidan,kael, and vashj combined.

Player characters really, imo, having nothing to do with lore. We are just the soldier following orders. Portals to see the ending. Main reason I even play WoW, too see how it ends. I love lore, warcraft was good lore, and now I have to follow it to the end, through bad and good times.

Although what is the story with the maelstrom, is it magical? bedcause it never stops. So it kinda has to be. Island in the middle wouldn't be fully new, wc3 campaign you find the trolls on one of the islands. Supposively one of the islands in the middle, smallest one, is called GM island and well... you can guess whats there. But that was probly just a rumor.

I think the crusade will lead to kaels defeat, then wotlk will lead the lich kings, But either Arthas will see the light again, or he will get away, but only after the lich kings armor has been destroyed so he is basically all alone with his hordes of undead, and nerubians. Then I don't think it will have anything to do with troll islands, too many troll instances as is. Probly more into darker demons.
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