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The Awakening

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Level 7
Dec 21, 2009
The Awakening


Twenty one years ago, Lord Darius and some 300 men made landfall somewhere south of Cesia. They were each profficient spellcasters, and Darius himself was the greatest of them all. It was the first time any native of the Peninsuela encountered magic, and the locals were convinced that Darius was some sort of god.

To say Darius took advantage of the situation would be an understatement. He proclaimed that the gods had sent him to enforce their will, and with a body of newly converted zealots, he marched on the surrounding countryside. The Tverian Empire, the body that ruled the peninsuela at the time, was in the height of its power, and wasted no time in sending its legions to repress the rebellion.

The battles that followed were bloody indeed. Though greatly outnumbered, Darius had three strong factors in his favor. The first is that he was very gifted in the art of war, and he carved a victory out of every situation he could, and inflicted such losses on the enemy in those he could not that the people of the Empire began to revolt. The second was his original body of spellcasters, the only ones of their kind on the continent, who wrecked havoc on enemy lines. Finally, Darius's men were fanatical in their devotion to him, and each fought with the strength of ten men. Regardless, the Imperial Legions were numerous and well disciplined, and it took Darius nineteen long years of war to enthrone himself, and Cesia, once a small fishing village barely worth mentioning on a map, was made his capital.

Far away from these events, a ship is sinking somewhere south of Freycht, its alien crew killed, and four unlikely survivors find themselves far away from home, in a hostile and unkown land.

Like most RPs, the rules are rather simple. The game will start when at least three people are found. I will occasionaly correct errors made by the players (The urn is too heavy to cary, being filled with gold will do that to you), describe new areas encountered (The village is filled with chickens running around), and sometimes bring in a new twist (plot element or a new player). I will act as any person not a PC. Posts need to be made in the 3rd person. As for stats:

Each character will start the game with fixed stats. These will serve you for the rest of the game. If you commit an action you believe should raise a stat (Training with a sword, for example), post in this thread and we'll talk. These are rated in a scale from 1/10, with 1 being terrible and 10 being godly. An ordinary pedestrian would have 5 points in each. Each player gets 25 points to spend.

Strength: Determines how hard you can hit, and some actions, such as breaking stuff down.
Skill: Aptitude with your chosen weapon, this is used as a reference in combat.
Speed: How fast can you run? Faster than a speeding bullet? Faster than a chasing guard?
Intelligence: Magic, obviously, but also how well you find solutions, and stuff like that.
Charisma: How well you can convince someone.

Example: Vahir

Strength: 3/10
Skill: 1/10
Speed: 8/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Charisma: 6/10

Keep in mind that these are RP guidelines, meant to give yourself and others an idea of your character and his abilities. Some special NPCs will have custom stats, those are the ones you should beware of.

And if you read all that, well done, I would give you a cookie but the internet is in the way. I might be forgetting stuff. If I do, I'll add them as time goes on. This game is meant as a long term RP, so if you want to discuss changes in the rules, or want to join after the game has started, post in this thread and I'll see what I can do. As soon as we have enough players I'll create the threat in the subforum, and we can get started. Until then, think about your backround and your stats.

Players: N/A
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