08:39, 17th May 2009
Rui: Read and re-read the rules before you upload resources.
Rui: Read and re-read the rules before you upload resources.
And because i copied some things from aeroblytos´s the chosen ones gampaign(music)
i read them.But i didn´t see anything against that.
Do not contain full English translations of all text,
said anything that i can´t upload BETA version.
Well, it´s my first gampaign and my friends that played it said:"t´s cool!".
i read them.But i didn´t see anything against that.Man i tell you what i´m going to do:i delete this gampaign from hive and complete 2nd map!I hate every time :"your map is shit" or "Your gampaign sucks"!When i complete 2nd map you only say:WOW GREAT MAP!Let see....I delete this tommorow.And please have some respect, i have birthday tommorow
Czech.And know that:i´m not good in maping, i like maping, but i don´t know much about it.I started with maping at my seven years.And i learned about variables just a week ago -.-and thank for "happy birthday tomorrow i guess and good luck with the map" .
i done a mistake i uploaded it here so soon