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Texturing Contest #23 Theme Discussion

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It has passed quite some time since the last texturing contest (the 22nd #Trolls).

We could start pouring in with suggestions about themes for a new one.
Here are the previous theme contests that have been done so far:


Void - depicting dark beings linked to the voids of space(can be anything from void walker to ghosts and spirits type ones).
Protoss/Alien - could be anything from the deepest oozes of space to the lightest canopy creatures just as long as it looks otherworldly.
Jailor - now this could be quite versatile in terms of design choices(it can turn from a nasty old street fighter turned as a warden to anything prison related keepers).
Elemental - creatures of nature/space/universe that have the sole purpose of keeping the original chaotic nature of things.
Mechanical Contraptions - anything goes just as long as it's a stitched up construction or unit that has the word metal/robotic in it.
Dark Elves/Drow - related to the night and much more elven like spider theme robes(you name it we make it).
Custom Tilesets - remaking tiles and making something unique out of the dusty old Blizzard ones.
Critters - making something different from the current critter skins.


- Dragons (making an amazing texture for any of the warcraft 3's dragon/wyvern models, etc.)
- Doodads (now that seems.. fun, don't you think? Of course, we will have to make more than 1 doodads since they are fairly simple, rocks n stuff)
- Knights (from custom models to warcraft 3 ones, just making an amazing knight texture)
- Insect (or Insectoid)
- Ghosts (Heinvers' Void idea sounds fun, but I personally prefer Ghosts to Void beings (since the second require glows))
- Pirates (both human and non-human)
- Skeletons (Hive also needs even more different skeletons resources)
- Summoned units (not just like editing elementals, but also changing units' texture like i. e. Footmen into something that looks like it was summoned)
- Ascension/Elite units (like the mercenaries or Mengsk's elite in SC2, giving the unit a more "elite-like" look)
- Dark Entities
- Revenants
- Egyptian (Egypt needs more attention)
- Zerg (any unit that could be skinned into a zerg look-a-like)
- Aerial units (making any conceivable skin for an aerial unit just as long as it looks like it can fly)
- Nobles (giving units a more noble look)
- Undead (Turning current non-undead units into undead units)
- Warhammer 40k (The Warhammer 40,000 game takes place in a dystopian science-fantasy universe with most stories set in the 41st millennium, 38,000 years in the future)

You are free to give more suggestions.
The more suggestions the merrier.

Post will be extended further once the thread reaches a certain amount of suggested themes.
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Level 28
Aug 7, 2011
If we are to repeat old ones...
-Melee Heroes

For new suggestions:
-Dragons (making an amazing texture for any of the warcraft 3's dragon/wyvern models, etc.)
-Buildings (retexturing a warcraft 3 building, not sure if there will be any theme to it...)
-Doodads (now that seems.. fun, don't you think? Of course, we will have to make more than 1 doodads since they are fairly simple, rocks n stuff)
-Elemental, as heinvers suggested. Could be fun (like making the Firelord a waterlord?)
-Knights (from custom models to warcraft 3 ones, just making an amazing knight texture)
-Insect (or Insectoid)
-Ghosts (Heinvers' Void idea sounds fun, but I personally prefer Ghosts to Void beings (since the second require glows))

That's it from me for now, might come up with more later.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009

Make everything pirates.

Aah, my hearts.


Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
  • Revenants
  • Pirates (both human and non-human)
  • Dark Elves/Drow (Hell, yes, Hive needs more Drow/Dark Elf resources)
  • Skeletons (Hive also needs even more different skeletons resources)
  • Summoned units (not just like editing elementals, but also changing units' texture like i. e. Footmen into something that looks like it was summoned)
  • Elite units (like the mercenaries or Mengsk's elite in SC2, giving the unit a more "elite-like" look)
The mechanical theme has also been done before...
My suggestion would be something like skins for custom models (I know it has been done, but still...), it's silly to limit ourselves with blizzard models. It might need a more specific theme though.
Or what if we started allowing "any model using custom texture(s), uploaded to hive before the start of the contest" to be used in future contests, alongside the blizzard models? That would be progressive...

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
The mechanical theme has also been done before...
My suggestion would be something like skins for custom models (I know it has been done, but still...), it's silly to limit ourselves with blizzard models. It might need a more specific theme though.
Or what if we started allowing "any model using custom texture(s), uploaded to hive before the start of the contest" to be used in future contests, alongside the blizzard models? That would be progressive...

I was about to suggest skins for custom models as well, but the problem is that you'd need to ask each author for permission first.
I like morbent's idea for a Dragon themed one. That should pop up some top-notch pieces.

I've got this idea(might spark some cool skins) about making Warhammer 40k themed skins.
I know(Pyramidhe@d style...), might also spark atrocities but still.

Also Prehistoric if it wasn't done before.
Egyptian theme as well, since I was browsing through the skin section lately and I haven't seen anything worthwhile for that.
No Illuminati links please ^^"

Edit: Custom Models theme has already been done.
well.. you can also Zergify.. or morph into a Hybrid, but i do have my vote on Void, aka dark templar look

Zergify would be nice, but that void theme is not good for a skinning contest, because:
1. Most of the units don't have a "Transparent" filter, and the ones who do have just "transparent" and not "blend", which is essential to making a good ghost/spectre/whatever.
2. By skinning you cannot add the much needed particle effects and your ghost will end up looking like a black shit.
3. The animations might not fit a ghost: for example you alpha out the legs of a faceless one and he is still walking like he has ones.

Maybe if we allow minor model edits like removal of TC and adding blend/transparency filter and adding particles, it would be nice. Otherwise, this is model contest idea.
Level 28
Aug 7, 2011
Unfortunately Heinvers, not all of us have played Warhammer (or at least I haven't) so that could limit the quantity of people entering the contest.
Prehistoric? We already have dino models on Hive and I can't see how you can turn a Kodo Beast or a Thunder Lizard into something prehistoric.. I think it just won't work, although it seems interesting. But maybe for a 3d modelling contest.
Egyptian sounds fun.

Also, regarding what Blood Raven and Shar Dundred discussed, I kind of agree, but if we are to do ONLY custom models, I'd rather go with Blizzard ones. Both seems like the best way to go.
Unfortunately Heinvers, not all of us have played Warhammer (or at least I haven't) so that could limit the quantity of people entering the contest.Also, regarding what Blood Raven and Shar Dundred discussed, I kind of agree, but if we are to do ONLY custom models, I'd rather go with Blizzard ones. Both seems like the best way to go.

Hmm, honestly I haven't really thought of that yet .u.
As for the custom models, well if that would bring more attention...

well.. you can also Zergify..

Hey, that would be really cool you know.
Especially making zerglings and mutalisks ^^'

Edit: Also, how about re-skinning aerial units?

What about just undeadify /zombify /mummify?

You know, that might be something like this:
Make a skin for any model, condition would be to make it look older looking.

For e.g: Paladin turned into skeleton, Jaina into an old hag(no pun intended to the MoP look of her xD), or a child turned into an adult gnome/dwarf/goblin.


Not sure if this was mentioned, but how about Creeps one? Like turning Grom into a hairy beast or something, or some dudes to Forest Trolls, Gnolls, etc.?

It sounds a bit similar to the Creep Warlords theme that was done before.
Maybe.....moose boss
Well, I'm in, not sure about the rest though :cgrin:
So, lets give it a day more and put up a vote poll already with all the so far suggested themes?

Fine by me.
Afterwards I'll compile the suggested themes for the poll.

Also, MOAR themes :d

Edit: First post updated with the suggested themes so far.
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