I already started on the map.Since i noticed that the sunken ruins was most voted,and i didnt want to make the whole map with that tileset,i made a mix of sunken ruins jungles and beaches,barrens wastelands,ashenvale forest,silverpine forest and ill probably add more later.When crossing from one area A to area B,the terrain changes so slowly that you notice it only when your already deep in the area B.
Now what troubles me is the fact that i cant get any terrainers to help me with this task(Map is huge,and its boring like hell when you do the terraining alone.)If there is anyone who wants to help me please let me know.BTW ill post the current terrain screens pretty soon.
Edit:As for icecrown,im starting to work on a big dungeon thats completely frozen and uses the icecrown tileset.
Ok here are some screens of the terraining ive done so far.I already posted some of them in the idea factory forums,but seems that no one even looked at that post so i guess its more fitting to post em here.
Ashenvale pond
Ashenvale creek
Ashenvale dungeon entrance
Some Silverpine terrain
So far ashenvale is complete,silverpine forest and barrens wastelands are under construsction,and so is the sunken ruins jungle.Theres a part of terrain left untouched,i have to figure out which tileset to use there,but itll probably be tirisfal glades(loarderon fall tileset).