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TEoP Sechiron Rises

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.
TEoP: Sechiron Rises

The Emerald of Power: Sechiron Rises is an OPEN WORLD RPG Campaign with a ROUND-BASED Combat System!

I always loved the Warcraft UNIVERSE and I played WoW until 2005. So the story of my campaign is about my own interpretation of the events after Warcraft 3 TFT.

Several years ago I downloaded the HeroRPG (wc3 campaign) on the Hive Workshop and was absolutely amazed and now over 4 years later I was finally capable of the skills needed to realize this campaign in a far greater dimension. The biggest problem of the HeroRPG was that it was hardly not flexible at all. I fixed that problem and now I can proudly present you a game which will provide more than 100 times more content.


The Burning Legion is gone and peace returned to Azeroth. The Orcs, Forsaken, Tauren and Trolls formed the Horde as the Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes and Nightelves formed the Alliance. But 10 years later only through a coincidence in Moonglade the young adept druid Zunariel found a connection to the ghost of the demigod Cenarius. Cenarius warned Zunariel that the Burning Legion is planning to invade Azeroth again. But after they have destroyed the Well of Eternity millenias ago and the World Tree they are now aiming at the Emerald Dream the most important sanctuary and source of power of the druids of the Nightelves and the Tauren. Lead by Cenarius, Zunariel traveled through the lands searching for the demons who are attacking the Emerald Dream, but then he disappeared.
As one of his last known acts he awakened the most powerful druid of the Nightelves to lead the Alliance in these dangerous times.

The Sunwalkers are an independant organisation of Assassins founded ages ago by Illidan Stormrage himself. Their core consists of the old High Elves and Nightelves. They combine shadow and arcane magic to hunt and defeat their targets. Sechiron is one of them and together with his companion Dajon he got a new order: The assassination of two high ranked leaders in Darnassus.


World System:Open Through different entrances in each maps and an implemented Fasttravel system you are able to switch between the maps.

Letterboxmode: The whole game is shown in Letterboxmode. You only need the
Arrow keys and the ESC Button and the key F1.
Arrow keys --> to move and control the menu and to move your character.
ESC: to Interact with things and NPCs.
IMPORTANT: Push F1 to open the secondary menu (to see Quest Log and other important menus)

Dialogue System: You are able to speak with almost any NPC you meet through the game. With the arrow keys UP and DOWN you can select your text and with the RIGHT Arrow key you can confirm your decision.

The Global menu is one of the most important parts of the game.

Character: Check the stats and attributes of your character and his progress. You will add up to 5 characters to your party during the progress of the game.

Equipment: Check the Equipment of your characters. You got an open space for: weapon, head, shoulder, chest, hand, legs, feet and accessoire. (You can already find over 300 Equipment parts in the game)

Inventory: You have two inventories, one for equipment one for items.

Spells and Attacks: All characters will gain more and more spells and attacks as they gain a level. The level cap is actually 15 (in the Beta). The characters learn their new abilities automatically.
Spells: Spells cost mana to be activated, some spells can be activated also out of fight (like Healing Touch of the druid).

Attacks: You start each combat with 0 Combopoints (CP). With different attacks and some spells you add CPs, with enough CPs you will be able to activate stronger attacks.

Save: Why a custom saving system? The huge advantage of a custom saving system is, that if I upload a new version of my campaign you do not loose all your progress, you can simply replace your old version with the new version and go on playing.

Party: Here you can manage the positions of your party members, the position one, two and three are your characters in battle.

Round Based Combat-System: Similar to games like Final Fantasy you always have Round-Based Combats. Nothing new but a funny experience with the World Editor of Wc3.

There is a huge variety of normal enemies and boss mobs, which react with different tactics, attacks, spells and other skills and attributes.





NPCs: Traders and other important NPCs are colored red or yellow, use the ESC button to speak with them. It is really important to always buy enough food and water to regenerate your Health and Mana out of the battles.

Crafting and Profession System: Yes, you can train from the beginning of the Main Quest all eight professions (Mining, Blacksmithing, Cloth Crafting, Tayloring, Skinning, Leather Crafting, Herbology, Alchemy.

All bigger important towns and bases got a craftmen's area where you will find all the different crafters for the different professions which provide the different recipes. You can train all professions at the same time or specialise on single professions, it is up to you.

Housing: In the progress of the game you will get a main base where you for example will be able to speak with your companions, craft items, take a rest, etc. But currently you will just find a bank with 5 x 15 slots to store items and equipment. On several maps you will find your bank in the crafters area.

Open World: You will find several big side quests during your adventure which will also lead you to big extra maps. You will never find a short quest which will go like "bring me 5 Direwolf heads"!

Dungeons: Dungeons are special areas with little puzzles, side stories, mini bosses and a difficult end boss. Dungeons reward you with stronger armor parts and weapons. All dungeons can be reset and repeated as often as you like.

Cinematics: I love creating cinematics and think it is one of my specialities, I hope you love them! If not! They are all skipable with the ESC Button ;D

The Heroes: In this first Version of the game you will gather three heroes in your rows. With each level up you will gain 3 skillpoints which you can spend on either strength, agility or intelligence.

> Sechiron is a former Assassin of the Sunwalkers. He is skilled in the use of Arcane Magic and Shadow/Stealth tactics.
He can use sharp blades, heavy maces and gleves.

> The Druid is capable of effective healing and nature spells.
The Druid is able to carry and use short one hand weapons and powerful staffs.

> The Sentinel supports your party with her bow but also with her connection to Elune and the blessings of the night.
The Sentinel is specialized on ranged weapons like bows, crossbows, guns and gleves.

All heroes have no predetermined way to go, it all depends on their equipment.

- The Future: My plan if you like it and the feedback is good and the download count is high ;D to continue developing this wc3 campaign and hopefully from time to time I will release new versions of the game with more content. Then you can download the newest version and just continue playing thanks to my custom save system. I hope I will be able to make this game really big in the future, the story currently takes place around Ashenvale (Darnassus, Teldrassil, Felwood, etc.) and the next version will lead our heroes into the Barrens to Mulgore, Thunderbluff, Crossroads and Durotar (you can always switch between the maps. Open World ;D).

Good Luck Have Fun

Special Thanks to Daerone (Daerone Models)

Blizzard Entertainment
Darkmoon Hero
Dan van Ohllus & Cavman
Blood Raven
Dwarven Paladin
Dan van Ohllus
Wandering Soul
ArchonClock / Archonian / Grey Archon
Plated Footman
Champara Bros
Tauren warrior

A "dead end" bug has been found in the second map (which will probably only happen in the second map). You MUSTNT use FOOD during combat, normally that just causes a message which says sth like "You cannot use that during combat", but on the second map that doesnt work, so just dont use food during combat there are potions for that purpose ;D


By the way: The first two maps of the game are the worst (they are not bad but all the others are more impressing) ;D their main purpose was to check and test the system so just continue playing. The real game starts on the third map (after I think half an hour to 45 min) ;D


New Version Online!!!!

- Some bugs were fixed and all crafted ingredients like Iron bars, Leathertypes, Cloth etc. are now craftable for free in the game



New Version Online!!!!

- The Quest Log has been fixed (on most maps you werent able to navigate through the Quest Log.
- Some bugs were fixed and some other smaller changes.



- A bug has been fixed which caused the endboss in the dungeon the Ironscale Grotto to stand still (dead end) after she did her AOE spell



- Some minor bug fixes and the last quest (lvl ~13 quest) has been fixed.

I will prepare another version later which will got some serious changes in the first 3 chapters.




- Big Terrain changes in the first map!
- Many cinematics in the first maps lagged according to feedback givers and it was caused by the big amount of grass doodads (there were around 100000 in Ashenvale) so I removed all of it and now everything should work fluently.
- Some other terrain changes
- The Multiboard has been fixed in the Start Menu



Last Beta Update: - fixed the spell "abolish magic" of the druid

This should be the last Update in the Beta. I quit the Beta with this Update!



- Lots of Bug and System Fixes
- I hope the bug which caused all your Items or Equipment Parts to suddenly disappear is now gone, but I still recommend that you save your games on all the save game slots in a 1,2,3,4,5,1... rotation. I played the whole campaign again and I havent encountered this bug once. Also always check your inventory before you save. Please give me feedback on this.
- Kashlag has a new model
- I took the time to correct some grammar, but not all.
- The big Levels now have Maps for orientation. You can access them via the Secondary Menu by pushing F1.

Open World, Warcraft, wc3, Nightelves, Nightelf, Tauren, Heroes, RPG

TEoP Sechiron Rises (Campaign)

Moderator: StoPCampinGn00b TEoP Sechiron Rises by Zunariel REVIEW The Emerald of Power Sechiron Rises is a massive single-player campaign with the genre being turn-based RPG. The campaign itself has unique gameplay that is rare to see in...
Level 2
Nov 18, 2010
Global menu doesn't display all of the tool tips for me, I'm running 1.24e patch. I'm only in tutorial so I have no idea if it's really a bug or not cause I don't know where to look for troubleshooting and FAQ.

1 more bugs, phantom strike doesn't do damage to the same target twice(unless it was intentioned).
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Level 2
Jun 4, 2015
idk what the hell is going on with this game but my items have dissapeared i dont understand,must be a bug something but i feel like ive wasted alot of time on this and im dissapointed because i was starting to enjoy it then out of no where i started having equipment and items dissapear not to be seen in my inventory ever again.......very dissapointing


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Rarely or even probably just this one time can someone see a game style like this into a Warcraft III campaign. Sadly bugs weren't absent and it is the reason I've stopped playing and that disappointed me a lot since I really wanted to finish it.

So then:

-maps are needed for at least the town levels

level 1:
-should make chests disappear after the loot is taken
-most cinematics end and/or start with hero icons and other stuff being seen
-enemy healers shouldn't heal their allies if they are at full health
-Sechiron asks who those night elves are but then he answers himself that he knows they are in cahoots with the legion!?
-Tuko does not know of the Burning Legion and he is that old, hm...
-cinematic scenes skip would be useful
-ok so after talking to Tuko, in a battle a Gremlin/Kobold used Ensnare/net on Seschiron and that was it. Nothing after that happened. Actually some battles may not continue regardless of Ensnare. I think it's because of loading the game the usual way and not through the Global Menu
-pressing Esc in Tuko's scene will result in invisible text to choose from
-somehow the name of the hero changed to Sechiron II
-Seschiron can use Backstab with Ensnare on. Basically I won a battle with the net on. Enemies should not cast Ensnare on units that already have it
-blood remains on the floor of the arena if one battle comes not long after another

level 2:
-why are those elves jumping like that?
-so Salvarez killed the others but let his "apprentice" live?

lvel 3:
-what the heck is it with those night elf women dancing while speaking?
-we need to find out how a night elf was born in Quel'Thalas (Sechiron)

Teldrassil Highs:
-is it supposed to be deserted? No enemies encountered
-where can I buy something for mana regeneration?

-south of the turtle boss, there are some archways. Through there the hero can get out of the normal map area up on the hill and then below
-after defeating Ciadra, my potions and other consumables disappeared.... and her head is the only item there instead of only being in the quest item section. Because of this secondary quests cannot be finished since those needed items do not reappear. Probably resetting the dungeon would have worked

-I think Malfurion and Shandris should be more than dead by now

Den of Malfurion:
-after defeating the two Satyr miniboses the consumable items just disappeared... and Sechiron changed to Sechiron II
-loading a game (through the Global Menu) takes the heroes at the start of the dungeon...

Anyways, the worst thing of all is the items disappearing from time to time. That really was the last straw especially after I tried to use cheats to at least finish the game from the point where I arrived and saw that they didn't work.

If that/those bug(s) is/are fixed then probably loading the game through the cache system would make me continue playing.

Oh yes, and where is the music from?
Level 3
Mar 22, 2014
TEoP is a fun game, with a great storyline and many quests. I particularly liked the in-game puzzles such as pushing rocks and deactivating crystals, as well as choosing what to say in the Court. The use of Loki the wolf is also a brilliant idea. I never get bored playing this game because there is so much to do. Crafting, Skinning, Mining etc. The save system is great and the terrain is terrific although I get stuck sometimes at the lamp, probably due to some doodad pathing or something. There are also some minor spelling errors.

This is a list of bugs I found, sorted by the frequency of occurrence:

1. If I have full inventory and want to turn in a quest, I get the experience, but not the Reward. Happens to me for the Orc Shaman quest - I don't get the magic stone.
2. My tauren hero (Kashlag) was dead and Sechiron is alive. But when I entered a battle, both heroes were standing there, although the board only showed Sechiron.
3. Sometimes, my F1 and Global board kept closing and opening periodically for no reason.
4. In some Dungeon I entered, all my equipment suddenly disappeared. It's good that I save often.
5. Map tilted clockwise, and movement became haywire as a result.

Other Glitches:




Anyways, I had fun playing and hope that you fix these bugs soon. I give you 5/5. Well done! +REP.

I would really want to see the next episode of TEoP. I hope you will continue developing on the story, as I will definitely play it.
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Level 10
May 21, 2006
Hi and thanks a lot. I will tell you the original story first why I didnt really continue working on the game. When I published the game I was very excited because I've thought that many players could be quite interested. My problem was that I've got the feeling that no one wanted to play this game for so long, I hardly got any useful feedback, just "yeah in the first map, second map, etc.", it simply seemed to me that this type of game isnt for the broad variety of players. Now I have a lot of leisure time again and actually got time to continue developing. I checked on Hive Workshop after I think over a year again and I am so glad about your feedback. I have a new pc and till now I wasnt able to make the game in my editor running, so just press your thumps and I hope I can continue my work.

It is so cool that someone actually played my campaign till the end. If you read this then please answer so I can ask you some questions about your gaming experience and of course thanks a lot for the bug reports, these were the infos I needed way earlier :D
Level 14
Aug 30, 2004

It's one of the hazards of mapmaking that you always put more effort into the project than you feel is appreciated. I think that's universal to game making generally... the people who made SWTOR probably felt pretty badly about its reception too. I wouldn't take it poorly.

Besides, it looks like you are up for (or already won) a Director's Cut award which is extremely rare and prestigious! That should reassure you of the map's quality and that this quality is recognized.

Also, your map was downloaded thousands of times, and many people that download maps don't go on to write reviews but enjoy them anyway.

Finally, I think turn-based RPGs might be a niche specialization. Some of my friends loved those games, but I could never get into them for some reason. I liked more action-based games. I'm not sure what the community generally likes here; it seems pretty varied. Still, it seems like quite the accomplishment.

Good luck! And I hope you keep up the map making.
Level 17
Sep 8, 2007
Great campaign, you really put a lot effort into this ... two of my passions combined into one - WC3 and FFX!
I will keep playing this game, because this one really is a bright star in the WC3 sky ;)

Still, I encounterd several bugs so far ... can't remember them all, but I will start making a list and let you know, if you want.

5/5. No doubt.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Yes, of course, the bug which concerns me the most is still the "your whole inventory vanishes bug", so I think it is fixed, but let me know. I am currently working on my next big project with a different system by the way http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/teop-cenarius-return-276321/

Edit: Oh and thanks a lot for your feedback. I recommend that you save in some kind of (slot) 1,2,3,4,5,1,... rotation so if a bug happens not everything is gone.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
I forgot to ask!
I'm having a hard time finding out how to get the required 10 points for crafting, blacksmithing etc. ... I basically cannot craft anything, except for potions. Can you tell me how to get the points?

You get points by crafting new items. So I recommend you buy a pick from a trader (in all the big cities there is always one "universal" trader who sells cloth crafting stuff, picks, skinning knives etc.) and collect some ores (the first ore you find in Teldrassil Haven is copper ore), then you go to Darnassus and craft your first items, that gives you a lot of points, the items are worth it and pretty easy to craft (the third hero you get wears heavy armor).
Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
I can't believe that I only recently found this campaign. It's one of the best campaigns I've played, the multiboard system, movement and combat are just brilliant. Are you going to continue working on this campaign, although you have a new project? I'm looking forward to exploring Mulgore...

Although the campaign is awesome, there were some bugs, and I thought about some other points of improvement as well.
  • Sometimes items disappear. For example, I had about 90 carps (that cheap food), I received one after a battle, and then I didn't have any carps.
  • It's possible to have 0 items. I believe this also only happens when you loot items after a battle.
  • Sometimes battle doesn't end when all enemies are dead.
  • After killing the satyr boss (at furbolgs), in some cases the game doesn't continue after the battle.
  • The second usable catapult didn't destroy the stones, but that was fixed, when I loaded the game using custom save system.
  • Custom save system sometimes loaded the wrong position on the map. Also happened once with flying.
  • The dialogue options should be aligned vertically instead of a triangle shape. It was more than once that I accidentally pressed "right" trying to move the selection.
  • I don't really know what to do about it, but most of the battles were quite short. During the campaign, I didn't have a chance to use those 8cp attacks at all.
  • It would be useful to see the lives of friends and enemy creatures during a combat.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
I can't believe that I only recently found this campaign. It's one of the best campaigns I've played, the multiboard system, movement and combat are just brilliant. Are you going to continue working on this campaign, although you have a new project? I'm looking forward to exploring Mulgore...

Thanks a lot for your feedback and that you've liked it that much although you've encountered these bugs. The only thing I will provide at this point are bug fixes, because I am already so far in the progress with my next project. I am really thinking about giving both projects turns. The reason why I wanted to try something new is that during the development of Sechiron Rises my skills have improved so much that I just needed to check out my limits, so the next project has a more complex system etc.

The whole purpose of Sechiron Rises is in the first place to show off the opportunities with the world editor, because I really appreciate when more map makers would really try to go farther than the standart wc3 gameplay system.

The thing with the dialogues is that the order of the answers always change from NPC to NPC which is kind of the joke in it, so it is on purpose, but I know that it can be confusing (by the way have you discovered the Den of Sarisia (Eastern of Astranaar)? My favourite side quest!)

I have tried so often to fix this item disappearing bug, I really dont know why it is happening, but I will take a look at it again because my newest campaign uses an almost equal equipment system and there it simply never happens.

You have to shoot like 2-3 times with the second catapult to get the rocks out of the way.

If you want a last challenge, when you go past the last catapult (this abandoned orc fortress) and go to the north instead of the South East (to the end of the game) you will find another human expedition camp fighting the warsong, there are some more Bosses plus nice loot on a higher level with a really hard difficulty level.

I really had to learn really advanced world editor stuff for this campaign and to try out a lot of things and sometimes when I was already working at map 5 or 7 I had to rework the whole system because I've forgotten some important functions etc. so the whole system can be pretty buggy. If I would have to do the same kind of campaign today again it would be way better and cleaner. I will try to find some time and take on the bugs again probably.

PS: That the carps vanished after you got one in battle is pretty interesting, maybe that's the critical point. I will take a look at it.

Could you write me which dungeons you've discovered and which quest you've completed? I am really interested in that stuff and maybe I still can tell you about some stuff you havent found yet :D
Level 10
May 21, 2006
I found a really annoying bug.
Everytime I kill some wolves in east ashenvale for the light leather, it disappears from my inventory once I fly from the grove to astranaar...

This is really strange. How full is your inventory?

Edit: To the startpositions. There are fixed start positions you activate without noticing it when entering certain areas. When you load your game via the custom loading system you will always be spawning at one of these points.
Level 10
Jun 6, 2007
About catapults, I shot the wall at least 20 times before I reloaded. After that it worked fine. I also have difficulties in skinning, wolves don't always appear on the battleground. Also, I haven't bee able to mine, although I have a pick. So my items are a little left behind.

I've tried to do every optional quest that I've come across. I started Sarisia quest, but I assume it can't be finished past the second book in the current version. I've discovered the dungeon with the naga boss, and ofc furion's den. For quests, I've mainly talked to the npcs in cities with exclamation mark.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
Yeah, I will have a look at that when I have time, I am currently too catched by the current project, working day & night at it :D. But thanks for your input, that will truly help me and my girlfriend is now gone for a week so I think I will take the time to fix some bugs.

Cool that you were able to solve the Sarisia quest, I waited so long for someone who can tell me about that :D.
Level 2
Jan 25, 2016
I just downloaded this game a few days ago, been playing it, REALLY want to keep playing it, but all of my items that I get keep disappearing. It's like I need to not complete quests or buy items or open chests until I am ready to equip the item immediately.
Level 1
Feb 8, 2013
I am waiting new version. I finished act 1 (I went to South of Human Expedition Checkpoint). When does new version ? OR Do you Continue this Campaing?
Level 10
May 21, 2006
I am waiting new version. I finished act 1 (I went to South of Human Expedition Checkpoint). When does new version ? OR Do you Continue this Campaing?

I love that you have played the first act and I am really sorry. I would love to continue this like another project, but at the moment there is simply no time at all for me because of the university and some other stuff, so I cant guarantee anything. It is really my baby, there are also some bugs I would love to remove but there is simply no time. Maybe in some months I can start again, but at the moment there is no chance at all.
Level 10
May 21, 2006
If this isn't finished. I don't understand why it has been given a Director's Cut.

Hi, this campaign already has around 7-10 hours of gameplay and it is unfinished for the reason I want to add new acts and mappack over and over again. This is simply the concept of the game so currently you already have a long and interesting story, several dungeons and boss fights and a lot of stuff to do. Sadly currently I have no time to continue the development.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
is this Rts or can you only control 1-2 heroes/characters at a time?
It is a tactical (turn based) strategy JRPG-like campaign. Basically you start with one hero and get others later and complete quests battling various creatures and gaining items. Battles are no real time, every unit has to take turns. The only thing that happens in real time is the movement outside of combat.
Level 2
Jun 5, 2016
It is a tactical (turn based) strategy JRPG-like campaign. Basically you start with one hero and get others later and complete quests battling various creatures and gaining items. Battles are no real time, every unit has to take turns. The only thing that happens in real time is the movement outside of combat.
what I am asking is do you train non hero units and build buildings to fight or do you just the control heroes?
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
This campaign also made me logging into my account since many years.
I played every little gab of this campaign and this really is a complete masterpiece.
The Final Fantasy Style got me so freakin amazing and i also like FF7.
I used my proffessions aswell as got my heros high enough to encounter every Monster.
When i reached the end of the map, bottom right or east somewhere i was broken because i could keep playing more and more and more.

Going from the Ashenvale maybe over to the Barrens would be soooo amazing as a Part 2 of this brilliant campaign.

Cheers and thanks for the great work
Level 10
May 21, 2006
This campaign also made me logging into my account since many years.
I played every little gab of this campaign and this really is a complete masterpiece.
The Final Fantasy Style got me so freakin amazing and i also like FF7.
I used my proffessions aswell as got my heros high enough to encounter every Monster.
When i reached the end of the map, bottom right or east somewhere i was broken because i could keep playing more and more and more.

Going from the Ashenvale maybe over to the Barrens would be soooo amazing as a Part 2 of this brilliant campaign.

Cheers and thanks for the great work

Thank you so much for these compliments. I would love to continue this campaign, but there is simply no spare time for this right now because of the university. Let's hope there will be some communist/anarchist revolution in Germany soon or just unconditional basic income gets established then probably the first thing I would do is fucking continue this campaign :D
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
Thank you so much for these compliments. I would love to continue this campaign, but there is simply no spare time for this right now because of the university. Let's hope there will be some communist/anarchist revolution in Germany soon or just unconditional basic income gets established then probably the first thing I would do is fucking continue this campaign :D
Hab sie jetzt eben durchgespielt. Bei der letzten Map hat die gesamte K.I. nach einer Weile garnichtsmehr gemacht. Habe 1-2 cheats benutzt, gold mein ich.
Und ja, continue would be pretty dope. Eventually starting in Northrend, snowy terran and then Scarlet Onslaught, oh man. The campaign was so good. I played every little corner, always loaded if i missed something.

Level 2
Dec 19, 2012
Zunariel, I had to log in just to praise you for your marvelous work! I also played HeroRPG campaign in a distant past and found it of big interest! I know it may be hard for you now to continue your campaign's development because of the lack of time and that's okay, something normal in our lives. But do not feel like you haven't done enough. Your campaign is of the best quality, already has a very extensive storyline written and deserves a lot of recogntion. Your battle system has it's uniqueness and is very creative. I'm really happy and thankfull for you and your campaign. Congratulations!