Temple in Dark Eclipse v2.0


Created by Heaven Editor

Map Info
Temple in Dark Eclipse (TiDE) is the battle of
Alliance of the LIGHT against Brotherhood of the DARKNESS

Main Objective
KILL ALL Obelisk Guardians (Gargoyle unit) inside the temple
and SURVIVE for 3 MINUTES to achieve victory.

Sub Objective
get at least 1 CITADEL (looks like big tower) that can REVEALS creeps position
thus making main objective easier to achieve.

Genre: "Altered" Hero Arena
Recommended players: is 8 players (4v4)
Average Game Duration: more or less than 1 hour

Special ability
Every hero has his/her own special ability.
The special ability has CHARGE (appear at the food column) that helps the hero to deal powerful DAMAGE or EFFECT.

Choice of skill
Every ability has DIFFERENT SKILLS.
You have to decide which skill suits the best for the game.
The tough is that you can only decide ONCE.

Temple sight
Entering the temple will cause your hero SIGHT TO DECREASE while
exiting the temple will revert your SIGHT TO NORMAL.
Buy Scope item to increase your hero sight.

Weather significantly affects the gameplay by
making outside temple DANGEROUS during the weather time.

Entering main island
Boat can move anywhere at the main (center) island boundary.
Therefore, you can enter from ANYWHERE you like.

Need to know
This game requires
Advance controlling technique, because many things to consider such as skills target, position and environment.
Map awareness, because it is on-your-own hero control. No ally creep to help you.
Quick decision making, because many things are against you, even the wheather.

Alliance of the Light

Brother of the Darkness



Fountain of Temple

Fountain of Mana

Fountain of Life


Crypt Outside

Crypt Inside




Coming Soon...


Special Thanks:
  • ftr (Testing and Suggestions)
  • Lolxlol90 (Testing)
  • Smileysme (Suggestions)

  • Suselishe (Rune model)
  • JetFangInferno (Skill model)
  • WILL THE ALMIGHTY (Skill and rune model)
  • vile (Skill model)
  • Glen Elendra (Rune model)
  • Champara Bros (Skill model)
  • Squeleton-MacQueen (Skill model)
  • Arathi (Doodad model)
  • Kitabatake (Doodad model)
  • Maker (Hero model)
  • sPy (Rune model)
  • JesusHipster (Effect model)
  • Thrikodius (Rune model)
  • RetroSexual (Effect model)
  • Tranquil (Skill model)
  • viiva (User interface model)
  • bananaHUNT (User interface model)
  • hawkwing (User interface model)
  • Nightcrime (User interface model)
  • DeathChef (User interface model)
  • dab (User interface model)
  • Epsilon (User interface model)
  • Ergius (Doodad model)
  • Lender (Doodad model)
  • stan0033 (User interface model)

  • 67chrome (Unit)
  • Daenar7 (Unit)
  • Ampharos_222 (Unit)

  • Maker
  • Blizzard (Game)
  • Vexorian (JNPG)
  • David and Marcelo (Warcraft 3 Viewer)
  • Shadow Daemon (Button Manager)

  • The Darkness (garena)

  • Wallfon.com (Presentation Hive)
  • dws4.me (Loading Screen)

Remake from The Lost Temple
Fix Lich skill
Remove desync function
Improve descriptions

Improve User Interface
Add Mushrooms
Add Items and balancing
Improve Hero and balancing

Map is protected. Please pm me if you found any bug, correction or suggestion.
You can email me at [email protected].
Good luck and have fun!

Useful comments and critics are totally welcomed.
They help to improve this map so much.
Keep involved in this and hopefully it becomes a great game like DOTA.

Thank you for downloading and playing my map.
Be the true CONQUERORS!!!

Desynchronization for multiplayer at beginning of the game. Give rep for those who help me!
For now, to avoid it, I removed all desync function at beginning.
You will probably having difficulty what to do.
All you have to do is select the ship to pick your hero.
And select your hero when you have picked or randomed.

Arena, Temple, Obelisk, Island

Temple in Dark Eclipse v2.0 (Map)

Vengeancekael: Private Message Date: 2012/Feb/18 21:17:12 Reasons: Other: Check out the tutorials section: Tutorials Check out the Map Development Section: Map Development Section Check out the World Editor Help Zone (Trigger issues, object...
Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Alright, gonna do a quick review, although as of now I've only gave each hero a quick try in SP, so, I won't rate until my friend comes on and we play it together (as this is a MP map, so...):

Originality: Quite a good combination of AoS and Hero Arena, along with the 4 Obelisks win condition thing :p 4/5
Concept: I suppose concepts are good, not the most original heroes I've ever seen, but good. Map's concept is also nice (fighting for dominance over an Enchanted Temple). I also love the weather-effects-gameplay and crypt features :D 4/5
Description [TWH]: It's good enough, but you should provide some more ingame screenies, and fix typos. 3/5
Description [In-game]: I guess it's good enough. 3/5
Grammar: Too many typos :/ 3/5
Spells: Most spells are original, but some are so-so (like Lycanthrope dude's wolfs. Everyone's seen a lycanthrope with wolves before, so...not very original. At least they immitate your actions.) and some others have TOO many special effects, which could cause lag in MP (like Flame Strike). 3/5
Tooltips: You might wanna keep it short and simple, but they're good. Just fix some typos here and there. 3/5
Credits: Credits were properly given both ingame and here, so...5/5
Gameplay: I'll leave this blank until my friend comes on and we play, so I'll give a fair judgement. Although, it looks like fun.
Replayability: Same as Gameplay, will leave this for later.
Balance: Well, I can't exactly tell from single player, but some spells seem like overkill. (Flame Strike, for example) And items are rather weak/meh, and I from a "boss" creep (i.e. Hydra), I expected some good loot, but I only got a Mana Potion. Oh, and by the way, you might wanna change Rune of Protection. Invulnerability in AoS/Hero Arena? Bad idea. 3/5 (will probably reconsider this after trying it out "for real")
Terrain: Terrain was good, I liked it. A good looking island with ruins and a temple in the middle :p 4/5
Lag: Will leave this for later too.
Violates the Rules?: Nope. 5/5

Overall Rating: 37/55 = 3.3/5 (gonna rate AFTER I play it in MP.)

- As I mentioned above, Flame Strike is rather imbalanced. It looks as if it deals TOO much damage, and has a too short cooldown.
- I’m confused about Shadow Assassin's Poison skill, after I activate it, how long does it last? X seconds/1 attack?
- I loved the Mountain King hero, he was like a remake/redesign of the WC3 MK, but his ulti seems too strong...
- Why does Holy Warrior's Penitence seems to be TOO damaging if the enemy moves just a bit? Oh, and I think you have a typo for Purification, no way it slows down by/to 0.8%-0.45%.
- Add some text at the start so new hosts will know what to type for game modes! D:
- Lich...his Dark Ritual seems a bit OP, as it lasts forever/until the unit dies, and not sure if it works on heroes too…also short cooldown and little mana cost. And his clones can use his spells? Even his ulti? Sounds gamebreaking, especially considering how his ulti/ritual are @_@

- How about putting a limit/cap to how many units can be raised by Animate Dead (Death Knight's animate dead)? It seems like I can swarm the enemy with an army of Ghouls otherwise...
- Add something more interesting for the victory screen by the way, current one looks lame :/ Just a dialog box with the "Quit Campaign" option only (lol).

There’s one bug, after I was hit by lightning due to weather (I think), after capturing all four obelisks, Tome of Retraining effect (that’s the one, I think) kept looping over and over, and I got +1 stats per time it did. After some time, I had like...+130 stats.
Level 8
Jun 21, 2009
Cant be original. i am using wc3 resources as efficient as i can. i know that feeling looking at the same thing over and over again. >_< hard thinking for me actually -_-"
Game concept is from wc3 frozen throne undead last campaign. i like the competition of it.

So, most concept/inspiration comes from the TFT UD Campaign? Interesting...so, any chances of seeing someone like Garithos or Sylvanas, maybe? :p

Yeah. idea of most spell is originally from melee. :p i remake it for tactical gaming. ^_^
hihi. concerning lycan, want to troll dota. haha. joke2 . lycan is my fac character in dota. cant refuse to add it in my map :p besides that, any idea u can tell me to reduce flame strike ( charged) lag? actually most spell can cause lag. but i take my time to rework on them and only pyro's skills are still bugging me :(

So, Lycanthrope is a reference to DotA Lycan, in a way? Thought he seemed familiar (Wolves, Howl...), but at least he has epic leaping capabilities. As for Flamestrike...since I know mass flame strike effects will cause lag (I once tried it, other players suffered a lagfest while it was occuring), how about...different effect maybe? Or turn the Flame Strike effects into dummy units and increase their scale, so they will look large. So, either another, simple, effect, or a few large "flame strikes" xD Altho, you can always get rid of the channeling-effect too (the rift-thingy that forms before a flame strike is finished), so it will be just the flame strike.

some imba skills also have weaknesses. for example, u can easily escape from Flame Strike :\ ( is it just me? i escape by using a skill or just stun the pyro) and Mighty Slam is hard to target and can be avoided using Echanted Shield. ( is it just me again, i play dota too much d -_-"). Rune protection is kinda ok, coz no matter where u are, still in the island. i still can eat u. >:p

Oh, right, I forgot the Flame Strike has to be channeled, so a stun would work like a charm. So, gonna reconsider about the spells when I try it in MP xD (my friend didn't log in yesterday. If he doesn't log in today either, I'll host it at GameRanger maybe, or Battle.net. Or just wait until he logs on.)

How to violate rules?? THW rules?? i wont and i hope i dont :)

Yeah, Hive rules. But don't worry, you're not violating them. :p Else, this map wouldn't be approved. (I see it already is, so...)

damnit. desc not detail enuf. when u cast it. ur next attack will cause poisonous to the target. if the skill level is 1, then u can cast it 3 times, which mean, u will get 3 poisonous attack. and it last forever until u attack a unit. :) okeh?

Well, that makes more sense now, thanks xD

the skill is like dont move! seriously dont move. :p i added the max damage but didnt document it in changelog -.- ill do something with my presentation and desc :)

Oh, it has max damage? Nevermind what I said then.

wakaka. this is imba hero hardest to use. intel + attack orb skill + channel + 3 illu + rofl. i think u should try it with u fren. sure feed them 99 :p i feed my fren too much till i lose.. -_-

Hmm...good point. Until Lich actually reaches level 25, it'll take some time + he is micro-dependant. Play with Lich against my friend? Nah, I'll tell him to get Lich so he'll feed me xD He likes Liches anyway.

Well, good luck editing/balancing/adding new stuff into the map! :D
Level 7
Nov 18, 2012
This map terrain looks like many map combined together.
YouTD+ who is the lucker+ Darwin's Island TFT v2.48c
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Level 1
Jan 2, 2013
good work sir, but why must "Lost Temple"? the title of the map is too mainstream. why not just "Freak temple" or "Temple of Slaughter" or "Temple of Terror" or "Heavily Confusing Temple but Really Nice to Play" please try another name that can more attracting the people. overall, its a cool map! have a nice day.....
Level 2
Aug 27, 2012
I have a big problem with this map. Each time I host it with GenBot (haven't tried other bots or myself) it makes a desync. Sometimes me, sometimes other people (2-3) or other cases.

Could you please fix that as the map is very good but unplayable...
Level 10
May 28, 2011
To respond:
+rep for your compliment.

Sir Fang,
Keep involved in this game development. If you don't mind, bring along your friends.
I hope this game could develop like DotA 1, then LoL, DotA 2. Taking as an example.
Although this is just Wc3. An old game. But chance is still there.
What do you wish to see on the next version?
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Awesome map! I picked Battlemaster.

I really enjoyed how branched out the possible combinations of abilities are. At first, I thought it was just a few modifications from the default, but they are very unique spells. Ability system is great. Gameplay is really awesome, I enjoyed the farmfest and got to buy 5 Legendary Bracers by endgame.

I died two times to the Abomination, so hard. :[ I got to kill it when it was left one-hit.

Obelisk Revenants aren't really invincible inside the temple, I used the Burning Blade of Vengeance (2) to charge up to 900 damage (plus ~120 base damage, then 400 from Agility) and one-shotted one, while my attack speed took care of the other. I suggest you use a DDS instead of high regen.

Of all the skills, I loved the Infused Zeal the most. Out of combat it grants a damage and movement bonus, the first ramping up.

- You could give passive abilities appropriate icons.
- Blademaster first skill (first type) could use more fx, at close range it's barely visible at times.

Overall this map deserves a 5/5
Looking forward to the Ranger and the Paladin

E: Oh, and I forgot. The weather adds a very good challenge.
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Level 10
May 28, 2011
Thank you so much guys!!! I couldn't express my gratitude for helping me :')

Awesome map! I picked Battlemaster.

I really enjoyed how branched out the possible combinations of abilities are. At first, I thought it was just a few modifications from the default, but they are very unique spells. Ability system is great. Gameplay is really awesome, I enjoyed the farmfest and got to buy 5 Legendary Bracers by endgame.

I took almost two weeks to produce a single hero :\ I really brainwashed myself to produce one hero that is really unique and fun to play. Thank you. Thank you. For your time that you have spent, I will work on Paladin and Ranger very soon :)

I died two times to the Abomination, so hard. :[ I got to kill it when it was left one-hit.

Actually, the secret to defeat Abomination is to damage it at his front as its flesh exposed there. The Abomination is actually meant to be defeated when you are ready. Otherwise, you need teammates or even some help from the enemy to bring it down. Abomination are distracted with multiple source of damage. Probably it need to be nerfed.

Obelisk Revenants aren't really invincible inside the temple, I used the Burning Blade of Vengeance (2) to charge up to 900 damage (plus ~120 base damage, then 400 from Agility) and one-shotted one, while my attack speed took care of the other. I suggest you use a DDS instead of high regen.

Yes. I thought about that. But the game will be totally hard with enemy trying to kill you. Will try it though. :)

Of all the skills, I loved the Infused Zeal the most. Out of combat it grants a damage and movement bonus, the first ramping up.
You could give passive abilities appropriate icons.
Blademaster first skill (first type) could use more fx, at close range it's barely visible at times.

Thank you again sir. I'm looking forward to create more good skills. Im looking at how to create my own icon now. ;)

Overall this map deserves a 5/5
Looking forward to the Ranger and the Paladin

E: Oh, and I forgot. The weather adds a very good challenge.

Ranger and Paladin for next version! Hehe. There is no logic to why the weather becomes hostile yet. However, there is a story to everything going in the island. It will be revealed soon. :)

Its going in the feedbackpile, you recieve the feedback soon

Oh dear, what's a feedbackpile... Thanks sir Paulus for enlighten me.

I have no more reputation to spread :( I should give +rep in return...
By the way,
Actually, the secret to defeat Abomination is to damage it at his front as its flesh exposed there.
it's not really obvious. :[ You could try some critical sound or blood splash every time the Abomination is hit up front.
But the game will be totally hard with enemy trying to kill you.
With so much Agility at end-game they barely deal ~15 damage, you should make enemies stronger as times passes by. :p

Example would be using upgrades to boost creep damage as the game progresses. Just a suggestion though.
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Truly amazing I must say!

Thank you!!! Keep updated with this map. Next version will come with more exciting gameplay. :)

it's not really obvious. :[ You could try some critical sound or blood splash every time the Abomination is hit up front.

Absolutely sir. I shall make it obvious :)

With so much Agility at end-game they barely deal ~15 damage, you should make enemies stronger as times passes by. :p

The game level (game getting harder as creeps are stronger) is increase when an obelisk guardian is defeated. Now that you mention it, time factor is important too. Thank you Sir Mythic! Wish could give you more REP...

This is an awesome map! It deserves 5/5 of signatureworks!

I am very happy to that you like it. Thank you so much :) any request for next version? ;)
Thanks for including me in the loading screen! :>

I didn't know before that there was a playable team 2 with its own heroes. Waiting for their history to be released though. I gotta complain about the Blademaster ult #2 (i picked it again); it bugs sometimes making me unable to move. Also, I think the cooldown is too short. You could also increase its mana cost.

Second, the first skill #3's passive that jumps to a target once it goes out of 600 range. It might prove useful for multitargeting, but when you're running away from a recent target it might kill you. :[ I suggest you remake that feature.

Additionally I suggest all players have the same starting gold regardless of number of players on their team (seems to give me much more when I added no AI). I love the boss fights though, the abomination is now more challenging as it explodes to victimize those who're not focused (killed me twice). Also, didn't notice that the Gargoyle had a charging time for its ability, in the past I thought I had to accumulate enough damage to just kill it before it dashes and instakills me.

Good job on the map once again, looking forward to the Ranger
Level 10
May 28, 2011
Sure. You helped me a lot you know :)

Yes. Team 2 is the other team called the Brotherhood of the Darkness. This team also has the same objective thus making the game more competitive. I will reveal all the histories, but for now, i'm very concern about gameplay. Many heroes need balancing, and stuffs. And some issues with desynchronize when playing using the internet. :\

That's true about that bug. It occurs when you died during channeling the skill. I'll fix it as soon as possible. As for the skill's mana and cooldown, I think its ok because the damage easily reduce. You could test it in multiplayer and tell me how. ^_^

Oh. I also find that is true about escaping enemy. I'll do something for that. Thanks :)

You can add AI that works as dummy. Then your money will be distributed evenly among your team. This is the same mechanic as DotA. I find it useful to set balanced battle between the 2 teams. Yes, every boss always has casting time for instakill skill :)

Hero on progress now is
Death Knight (Name will be changed)
Holy Warrior (Name will be changed)
Lone Ranger

Thank you again Mythic! :)
Level 1
Oct 16, 2015
This map seems sick. Is it abandoned? Is it finished? Does it have serious bugs?

btw i couldnt create Spirit Pearl because i didnt manage to find how to create Chakra Bead.
Level 1
Oct 16, 2015
Oh right you are the same guy that works on RoR :).
Isnt this map meant to be an AOS (dota like map?)
Also, i guess this is not all finished and you dont work on it anymore?...
Level 10
May 28, 2011
If you say I don't work on this particular map anymore, yep I don't. But if you say about this project (which including this map and RoR), I am working on it. This map concept is reserved to be one of the campaign I set on plan. The campaign is to uncover the beginning of "Atok".
Level 10
May 28, 2011
One of the fundamentals of AOS is hero, pushing creep, lane and opponent base. This is more of a battle arena. This map is too large to play battle arena even at fun level. Therefore, I made it smaller and rework many things to satisfy its entertainment. Its been 7 years. XP