ragingspeedhorn: Another good Arohk map, approved.
(6 ratings)
I can't understand why this map isn't more famous or hasnt more replies. I mean, it's probably the best temple map i have ever played. Great and original maze, very nice but not too hard puzzles... And it lasts very long !
Great job.
Okay, I really like this map so far (Room with thirty levers). The puzzles are sufficiently challenging, the terrain very well done. Shame about the music though, it doesn't quite fit the atmosphere. Spelling mistakes are a bit jarring, but gameplay is good and solid.
What exactly are you supposed to do with the water and fire elemental puzzle? I get that it's neither have them all up or all down, so... what?
Okay, I said the puzzles were challenging. They're not.
They're sadistic and twisted, and I love them for it (Loved the corridor of fire one).
However, I got to what is obviously a final boss room, but nothing is happening.
man ,i'm going to say it again, put more lives 3 is too little
Or you should put to all players win 5 lifes if anyone gets to a place