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Techtree Contest #15 - Results

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I understand what you're saying completely; in my opinion however the Elves are just as valid since this is the Kirin Tor Offensive and even then there are still plenty of traditional Dalaran themed units :) Also Kalecgos is really a Dragon and is only a half-elf. Where you talk about changing the tier 1 units again all it makes me think is that you just don't really get the Kirin Tor Offensive thing and maybe I didn't highlight that enough which is fair enough.

I would say whilst there's definitely arguments to be made about tweaking the Archer in order to make it more balanced, I don't think it warrants a 1/20 on balance since that goes for the entry as a whole. When playing other entries there are definitely much more egregious examples of terrible balance.

As for the icon I think that's a Reforged bug or something because I have my copy open in the WE and he definitely has the correct icon and its been like that since I made the unit. In all my tests he has/had the correct and different icon so no idea what's happening other than it being a bug on your end :/

See where you talk about the "room for improvement" again you talk about frivolous ideas and "expansion of ideas" and I just don't get it or at least I'm not sure what you mean without perhaps you going into more depth. You say that even with different building, resource gathering mechanics etc it would still fall into its current problems but I don't really see what those are. At the end of the day I think we're just on different wavelengths when it comes to this sort of thing lol. Which you know isn't the worst thing, guess we just have different philosophies and they're just not compatible but that's not bad: variety is the spice of life :)
Level 35
Feb 5, 2009
I understand what you're saying completely; in my opinion however the Elves are just as valid since this is the Kirin Tor Offensive and even then there are still plenty of traditional Dalaran themed units :) Also Kalecgos is really a Dragon and is only a half-elf. Where you talk about changing the tier 1 units again all it makes me think is that you just don't really get the Kirin Tor Offensive thing and maybe I didn't highlight that enough which is fair enough.

I would say whilst there's definitely arguments to be made about tweaking the Archer in order to make it more balanced, I don't think it warrants a 1/20 on balance since that goes for the entry as a whole. When playing other entries there are definitely much more egregious examples of terrible balance.

As for the icon I think that's a Reforged bug or something because I have my copy open in the WE and he definitely has the correct icon and its been like that since I made the unit. In all my tests he has/had the correct and different icon so no idea what's happening other than it being a bug on your end :/

See where you talk about the "room for improvement" again you talk about frivolous ideas and "expansion of ideas" and I just don't get it or at least I'm not sure what you mean without perhaps you going into more depth. You say that even with different building, resource gathering mechanics etc it would still fall into its current problems but I don't really see what those are. At the end of the day I think we're just on different wavelengths when it comes to this sort of thing lol. Which you know isn't the worst thing, guess we just have different philosophies and they're just not compatible but that's not bad: variety is the spice of life :)

Oh they're definitely valid, although there is a lot of ways to go about it. I'm certainly intrigued by the idea of a Kirin Tor Offensive.

Balance is... definitely a difficult area to tackle from a scoring perspective. I think there's definitely room for improvement here on my end, definitely.

Oh that does sound weird :/

It's definitely a difficult concept to put forwards in so many words, but the faction itself was functional, which is more than can be said for some entries in previous contests. It's definitely great having some feedback in regards to the scoring, though, and should hopefully help things in future contests :)

Also you've been such a great sport throughout this contest, I do hope you consider joining again in future if you can ^^
Also you've been such a great sport throughout this contest, I do hope you consider joining again in future if you can ^^

Maybe, I joined this one because i had such a really clear and cool idea of what i wanted and most of the TC themes usually dont appeal to me. But we'll see how it goes, also being in lockdown gave me tons of time to work on this contest compared to how busy i usually am.

I suppose what im saying is I'll never say never ;)
Seeing Footman16's techtree contest feedback response makes me wanna do my own, ahah.

Nah you came first, you get to just sit back and enjoy the glory ;)

I was replaying my entry just there for fun and the icon issue definitely wasn't there but I think I know where it comes from. Its the Blood Wizard model and icon which Blizz updated so that it converted in Classic properly and I think they changed the filepath which could have let to the wrong icon.

Another thing I thought of was in regards to the Judges @Wazzz and @Kam if you both checked to see if every entry had detection for invisible units when looking at balance?
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