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Teams problem

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Level 5
Apr 27, 2014
ok, so i tryed to make a test map, but it happens that when i click on "test" it starts the game but i control the worong units, for example i set the red color to be controlled by user and blue to be the computer, what happens is that i start with the blue units pls help?
Level 6
May 20, 2014
> When you "test" the map it places you on a random color, if the color can be changed freely

I don't think the map editor puts you on a random available slot, it puts you on the most first player slot available whenever it can be. Did you ensure that the force settings are configured correctly?
Level 6
May 20, 2014
It's really more of a possibility that his force settings aren't locked, which may explain the reasoning.
Level 30
Jan 31, 2010
Testing map always places you for Player 1, which is red, if Forces aren't modified.

To modify the forces, open your map in World Editor, click on Scenario, and select Player Properties. Here you can define which players are active, and which ones are computer based. Note that if the Player 1 is computer controled, when you test the map, it will give you first possible player slot which is user-defined (Example: If 1 is computer, and 2 is user, then you'll play as Player Blue [2]. If computers are Red, Blue and Teal, you'll test the map in Player Purple [4]). To play the game as the opposing force or other player-slot, you need to run the map manually from your Warcraft.

Now, there's also a tab named Forces there. There you select who is an ally of who without having to mess with triggers :)
Level 6
May 20, 2014
Following Apheraz Lucent's post, what I was saying is that in the Forces tab, there is an option 'Fixed Player Settings' that should be ticked on, and set your forces there as normally. Then you won't really have a problem with the issues since it will force all how you defined it in the players tab in the same scenario properties.
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