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Team Recruitment - Heroic Chronicles

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Level 7
Jun 6, 2010
Hey everyone, i'm making an action AOS and i'm recruiting any type of map makers.

[1] System Maker <JASS/vJASS>
[2] Terrainers
[*] Background writers for heroes and hero ideas.
[*] Any modeler/texturer
[1] Guy who can handle photoshop
[4-5] People for generic staff

I've built the map core, terrain core, 45 unique heroes, map systems.
The vital parts for the map are already done by me. I just need to make some improvements but i can't really go any further just by myself since time is pushing me backwards some times.

The map contains 3 Main modes, if no mode is chosen the default will be automatically assigned.

Main Modes:

1: Assault (Destroy the enemy base)
2: Capture The Flag (Capture the flag of the enemies 7 times to win)
3: Conquest (Capture certain towers on the map for a set period of time to gain a certain amount of points and win the game)

These are the main modes, if the second or third is not selected, the first is automatically assigned.

Secondary modes:
1: Easy Mode (Heroes gain more experience and players gain more gold)
2: Death-Match (Each team has a certain amount of lives which is wasted whenever a hero dies from it. Players get a new hero every time. Main Mode conditions still apply but if your team lives are extinguished you loose the game.)
3:All Random (Each player gets a random hero instead of picking one)
4:All Pick (Makes all heroes available for picking to each team)

Each team has 5 players, each player controls a unique hero. (Most heroes are based from war3 lore)


The map is to be released for beta testing as soon as it's finished.
I have under my control some dedicated / vps servers for that with hostbots.
Meaning testing and hosting of the map won't be a problem.
Upon completion of the recruitment you will all be assigned as staff members at my site.

Level 7
Jun 6, 2010
let's see... i've coded most of the needed vJass systems like mpi multiboards, core functions etc etc...

Currently i dont have :

Assist System (when you help a hero kill another one and gain credits for it)
Pathing System (To avoid pathing exploits when your collision is off)
Auto-Creep-Orders (I've kind of implemented last orders for creeps but not a system that resets these orders in case they get paused or stunned)
Neutral Hostile Creeps [Revolving,Respawn, AI] (Trust me mine sucks atm)
Custom Zoom Mode

and maybe more...
at the moment i'm working on the item system and recipes because i had to rewrite them from jass to vJass.

Well pm me or hit back this post if you're interested :)
Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
Err, I hope you don't mind but i generally use JASS in my systems. I don't understand, how are structs better than JASS functions in terms of performance when they are just compiled jass? btw I use some vJASS like stating globals, using libraries to connect objects, functions w/e it is. for AI possibly use AMAI :O btw there are many respawn systems, and there is a good recipe system by diablo-dk. For pathing system, im not sure what you mean, please enlighten me :)

P.S: im creating a really hard system (look at devil may cry post :eek:) and im not good with jass functions such as static ifs, can i receive some help on them if u know? XD
Level 7
Jun 6, 2010
trust me i know all about the story of jass and vjass
in simple jass for the item system such as (sub icons, locking items, recipes) i would use hashtables, which are slow at some extent.

Structs are more like arrays, you can access them a little bit faster than hashtables.

and no i won't use external systems since most systems require auto indexing, custom groups, custom timers and etc.

i know when i should use classic old style jass and when i want to use vJass.
for now i've been using jass for some abilities since i prefer stability.

Let me give you an example

every time i want to add a pair of recipes and subicons in my item system all i gotta do is add a line called:

Items.Add('I000', 'I001')
Recipes.Add('I000', 'I000', 'I005')

to my Initialization, preloading likewise.
also takes up less space than jass.

understating vJass requires some patience and the tutorial of jasshelper.

It took me about 2 weeks to learn vJass, i started Map Making at May without even taking a look at what GUI does.
Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
*AMAI doesn't use autoindex; rather its an AI data that you simply implement.
Ofc we would have to add our own triggers for custom-specific abilities, unless if AMAI AI can be configured.

* hashtables dont really need to be used for all of the systems your talking about except for the pathing one. Which means AutoIndex or vJASS.

*Why don't you like usng autoindex if its faster than structs (you probably won't have more than 8191 units in your map)? Btw the recipe system doesn't use auto index. The respawn system either uses AutoIndex or hashtables.

*I used to know vJASS but i stopped mapping for a year or so, sorry for the inconvience.

Btw taking up less space isnt that much of a diff really, and you can easily use a function instead of w/e.add or .create or w/e it is. Parameter values will still be the same as far as i know.
Level 7
Jun 6, 2010
*Why don't you like usng autoindex if its faster than structs (you probably won't have more than 8191 units in your map)? Btw the recipe system doesn't use auto index. The respawn system either uses AutoIndex or hashtables.

i once had 13000 units in a 55 minutes game.

About the respawn system
why bother using one, all you gotta do is use a hashtable and a timer, or some array with offset. about 14 lines of coding lol.

I also use a custom revival system because there's a hero that can 'Revive' Heroes, (a pretty cool effect actually)
Level 10
Sep 21, 2007
The AutoIndex has a recycling algothrythim (is that how you spell it? i fail :p), so that is definitely Win. :)

About the respawn, im sure you know best, but if we ever use autoindex maybe you want to use since its faster? idc really. Btw cool custom revival then :) yours we shall use :p

Btw how did you learn JASS etc from just May? lol good job man, you know more JASS knowledge in terms of structs etc and statics than me :eek:
Level 7
Jun 6, 2010
i knew visual basic

the rest seemed easy for me lol

if then else endif
private public

just had to figure out some syntax like case sensitive, functions that return values etc.
then i learned the basics of C++ and vjass syntax felt like toying lol... i guess it's just me, i like learning new stuff instead of struggling with what i already know.
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