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Tavern Crash Problem {game crashes when I click the Tavern}

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Level 10
Sep 30, 2005
So I made a new custom hero for a map that I've been toying with lately, and the hero works fine in-game and isn't bugged in the slightest as far as i can tell. Unfortunately when I add him to the tavern, and i start up the game, when i click on the tavern, the game crashes. This does not happen with the other new hero i have, which works perfectly fine when i add it to the tavern. Another interesting thing about this problem is that when I add the hero to the gameplay constants but take him out of the tavern, the game still crashes when i click on the tavern. Does anyone know what the problem might be?
Level 3
Jul 13, 2008
Do you have any triggers that are set to go off once the tavern is clicked? If so look at them again. Usally back tracking is the best way to solve a problem. If this is not the problem i'd have to see the trigger data myself and see if i can pin point it for ya. i have delt with this alot in the past but it was usally from the tiny slip ups i dont notice right away.
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