04:53, 10th Aug 2008
Pyritie: Great, we could do with some more worker units
Pyritie: Great, we could do with some more worker units
(17 ratings)
i 've seen it before on a ather site
This looks similar to the one from
But it isnt. The one from xgm uses the tauren texture,
has no helmet, and has a hammer on its belt.
A picture of the xgm one:
Pastebin - The Hive Workshop - Warcraft 3 Maps, Icons, Spells, Tools, Tutorials, Skins, Models, Campaigns, Scenarios
I'm sure this is apaka's model.
Since when do Taurens have electricity? Or is that helmet just for fashion? They aren't space cows, you know.
Anyways, pretty nice. Helm is well done. Could be quite useful.
They aren't space cows, you know.
Since when do Taurens have electricity? Or is that helmet just for fashion? They aren't space cows, you know.
Anyways, pretty nice. Helm is well done. Could be quite useful.
buildings tonow it still needs a flying unit to be a full race
It could be magic. The demon lord in the outlands had generators in Frozen Throne and so did the human sorcerors where Arthas got the frost wyrms in Reign of Chaos. Both examples used magic. So why can't these?
no but in cataclysim there will be holy cows!Since when do Taurens have electricity? Or is that helmet just for fashion? They aren't space cows, you know.
Anyways, pretty nice. Helm is well done. Could be quite useful.