Im trying to make my own "talent tree" type library (because I cannot find one) but Im trying to find a good connector for skills.
Id like the one in but i suck at reading GUI and I couldn't find it in destructibles. How would i obtain this one / is there a nicer one?
Also, is there a talent tree system anywhere? (would save me time) (i see Kobas's Custom Hero Selection which is simillar to what im after but I'd bascally have to re-build it to get my desired effect)
Id like the one in but i suck at reading GUI and I couldn't find it in destructibles. How would i obtain this one / is there a nicer one?
Also, is there a talent tree system anywhere? (would save me time) (i see Kobas's Custom Hero Selection which is simillar to what im after but I'd bascally have to re-build it to get my desired effect)