Tagar Spinebreaker

Background Story:

Tagar Spinebreaker is the leader of the cannibalistic Bonechewer clan. He rose to power shortly before the Invasion of Draenor, after Grom Hellscream killed the former chieftain, Hurkan Skullsplinter for the Skull of Gul'dan. Most Bonechewers stayed in Draenor during the first crossing, but Tagar personally accompanied Teron Gorefiend with some warriors to Blackrock Mountain where the death knight wanted to ensure the aid of the Blackhand's sons. However, Rend Blackhand refused and Tagar wanted to attack him, but Teron convinced him not to. After they left the mountain, he witnessed Deathwing who aided the group. Later he accompanied Fenris the Hunter to the Tomb of Sargeras where they claimed the Jeweled Scepter of Sargeras for Ner'zhul. After this, he returned to Draenor. Tagar was noted to be young during these events. He garbed himself in the innards of his enemies; that which he did not devour himself. His belt was fashioned from orc spines and bracers carved from the spine segments of an ogre. Tagar was ruthless and bloodthirsty, craving only the heat of battle above all else.
"Before I answer. I have a question to ask you. Grommash Hellscream."

His painting was completed by stein123. Its source is here Mister_Haudrauf's Self made Wip Model Gallery.
Modeling, Texture Warpping: Stefan.K
Optimizing, Sponsor, Attack Slam, Attack Walk Stand Spin Animation, Skin: BaiyuGalan
Other Credits Animations Source: Blackhand (by Tauer)

Keywords: Fel Orc, Bonechewer Clan

Update logs:
2024.6.3 -
1.Add Attack Slam, Attack Walk Stand Spin Animations.
2024.7.4 -
1.Accelerate the speed of Attack Animations.
2.Make footsteps the same size as the boots.
2024.7.12 -
1.Add Fel and Mag'har Orc.
2024.9..13 -
1.Add Fel V2——
by StonemaulMidget (Initiated by him.):
~ reused johnwar's Fel Orc Spikes for both body and tusks.
~ reused loktar's Particle Emitters 2 for burning Fel eyes.
by BaiyuGalan:
~ Replace Particles.
I only made a fel version for Tagar. As for Fenris and other orcs, they never became fel orcs in Warcraft history. So I didn't make them.
However, if you need fel fenris (or other fel orcs), you can replace the brown skin texture with the fel skin texture from Tagar. They have the same UV.

Tagar Spinebreaker (Model)

Tagar Spinebreaker(Mag'har) (Model)

Tagar Spinebreaker(Fel) (Model)

Tagar Spinebreaker(Fel V2) (Model)

Changes made, works in-game. Approved!
If you are looking forward to brown skin and fel orc version, just wait with patience.

I've commissioned a number of Orc warchiefs of the old Horde recently. After they are all finished, I will merge their skin part into 1~2 custom texture to make fel and brown version. This is to cut the number of custom texture to a minimum.
Level 21
Nov 20, 2005
Last edited:
Level 10
Oct 11, 2021
This is amazing, I'm excited that they're taking into account some secondary characters in the lore, these chieftains are very useful for those of us who want to make campaigns or games exploring the old lore or more in the background, I look forward to them taking into account other chieftains like Hurkan, Zuluhed, Fenris, Garad and more of these characters. Great job!
This is amazing, I'm excited that they're taking into account some secondary characters in the lore, these chieftains are very useful for those of us who want to make campaigns or games exploring the old lore or more in the background, I look forward to them taking into account other chieftains like Hurkan, Zuluhed, Fenris, Garad and more of these characters. Great job!
Garad is not within my plan.

But Hurkan, Zuluhed, and Fenris are within the plan.
Excellent model! Any chance of a bladestorm animation though? Seems like a fitting ability and would make him easily able to replace some of the fel-orc heroes in the Blood Elf campaign.
Add Attack Slam, Attack Walk Stand Spin Animations. Welcome to use.
Am I feeling dementia, but HIVE doesn't have a model for Broxigar Saurfang?
I think you will like him. Contact Sarsaparilla.



Model Reviewer
Level 29
Jan 9, 2004
The model generates tiny barefoot footsteps from his large boots. Can you please fix that?
Please fix the attack animations, it's very slow and stiff. See resource submission rules.
  • If the model has custom animations, they must be high quality and smooth. Animations cannot be too slow or too fast and
    must be as realistic as possible.