Tactics Unleashed : Prologue


Tactics Unleashed : Prologue (Campaign)

VGsatomi: Approved. Prologue campaign to the well-made tactics campaign.
An interesting campaign which seems to be inspired by the JRPG genre and has a little bit of a board game feel to it. Quite ambitious and unique, though it has its problems: General - Cutscenes aren't skippable - Clyve doesn't talk like a dwarf. -...




VGsatomi: Approved. Prologue campaign to the well-made tactics campaign.
Level 18
Jan 24, 2006
I was testing this when VGSatomi approved it, and for me I cannot pass battle 7 due to the first round of battle not ending after the "Insane Rat" enemy's turn. I also restarted the map three times and did different movements each time just to make sure it was not a one-off thing. Anyway, it's possible this is only happening to me, as I find it unlikely VG would approve a map without playing it through first.
Level 1
Jul 17, 2007
I had the same problem... Which annoys me greatly, this campaign is of very high quality, which leads me to suspect either
A. Some item in our inventory (troll armor being the main suspect) does not function on that particular map.
B. The map is corrupt/old version.
I intend to download it from somewhere else at some point. Ill be sure to tell you if i get different results.
I would try the open the map and resave thing, but i cannot, as the campaign is protected. bleh.
Level 2
Jul 13, 2007
Well, i cant even play this campaign, all i see is the cinematics prologue and then it goes back to the campaign chapter menu...can anyone give me a hand??
Level 5
Aug 16, 2007
I dunno if it's just me, but the whole thing seems kinda boring... it's the same over and over. I played up to battle 4 and gave up because i was bored...


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
It's a real effort. However gameplay could use more variety: more items, shops, enemy spell casters etc.

The Quest Log could be used to have description of the gameplay (+what spells do, how much damage they deal etc.) and commands.
The map loading screens are useless.

Polata village:
-better put thoughts as transmission in brackets or something otherwise the player might miss the text on the terrain/over a character's head

battle 1:
-Joshua was resting but the game said he was already moved when trying to use him; I guess that lasts about 3 turns
-a man saved by some kids from trolls, right

Polata village:
-well I don't know if that scolding meant that a peasant could reach the status of mayor too
-Rosaly just won't come out of the house though her icon can be seen

battle 2 (Mastha canyon):
-Rosaly's model isn't suitable for an archer
-enemy units could be unselected during spell attacks
-spells shouldn't necessarily have such a latency before being cast

Polata village:
-where did Rosaly disappear? Doesn't she need items?

battle 3 (Yuta plains):
-monsters came out of the field...
-they're leveling up separately depending on their kills?
-leveling up leaves hero icons with a number on them
-not sure if the Troll Priest is supposed to attack after healing
-heroes may be blocked by other units and an attack on a unit behind those that block the selected hero will result in an action skip

Yuta plains east:
-sometimes heroes will fail to get to the specified Circle of Power and get on another one instead that's in/on the way
-Yuri reached level 2 in the previous mission; now he has level 1 again or does dying lower the level?
-the Troll Priest might heal an allied unit that has full health
-there's not enough time to Rest and not enough gold in the previous levels to buy Healing Potions as well as equipment
-once a hero is selected the choice can't be cancelled
-the next map's loading screen has no description

secret hideout (the map lacking a description):
-Joshua doesn't seem like a 13 year old boy but more mature than that

Danjou forest:
-enemy units have more flexibility in what movement between units is regarded while the heroes might just stop walking even though circles are shown beyond the point they stop
-cancelling of actions is required

Polata village:
-reduce cooldown of potions for the shops...
-villagers move strangely; they just get to the same point (all of them, separately) and then just get north to be moved a little to the left and return to that point and so on...

Kutao mountains:
-I guess Nicola's icon could look like Admiral Proudmoore's?
-after trying to use Eagle's Hole that didn't work on the first two selected targets, the cinematic mode was left on; the mode can't be skipped
-it's almost impossible to get to crates/boxes/chests when you need to guard and rest and wait for the waves to come to you

-after the enemy moved, the player's turn didn't come; the camera was just locked on the last enemy unit; I started the round with Guard for all heroes; restarted, the same thing happens...

Levels don't show up in the campaign menu after they've been played. Stopped there, sorry.
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
Hello deepstrasz, thanks for pointing these out. I actually used some of your suggestions in the remake. :)

Sorry for the quality of the map, I'm still a programming newbie (still am) during the time I made this campaign.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
An interesting campaign which seems to be inspired by the JRPG genre and has a little bit of a board game feel to it. Quite ambitious and unique, though it has its problems:


- Cutscenes aren't skippable
- Clyve doesn't talk like a dwarf.
- When heroes are casting spells, they should face the enemy they are casting the spell on.
- Poor Yuri, the enemies love targeting him first. :D
- Sometimes when characters level up, they are left with unspent ability points. Problem is you can't spend these points on anything.
- I think that the characters should be allowed to move more or less squares depending on the size of the map.
- If the characters really are kids, their models should be changed to be more reflective of that.
- The mana cost should be displayed to the right of every spell
- In my opinion, it would be cool if Yuri's flame inflicted a debuff on the enemy that dealt damage to him after each round.
- - In my opinion, Yuri's frost should deal less damage and inflict a debuff on the enemy when used. Stunning him for one round or lowering his damage are 2 possibilities.

Battle 1

- Kind of strange throwing us right into the action without any gameplay explanation. This battle could've served as a nice tutorial.
- Maybe it's intentional for a first battle, but the enemies while near my heroes pretty often didn't attack them.
- This must be pretty rare, but It allowed me to attack while the enemies weren't in range. After that, it didn't allow me to do anything else, and I was forced to reset.
- For a first battle, in my opinion, this took longer than it should've. The playable area could be smaller. And those cowardly trolls that often run away could be a bit less cowardly. :p

Polata village

- Rosaly is in the bottom left of the map and can't move. She should be with your 3 main heroes after the cutscene ends.
- The villagers and footmen should be invulnerable.
- The goblin merchant can hide his identity very well. :D
- The merchant should sell mana potions
- Second time in the village and Rosaly isn't even this time in the map. Not being able to buy items for her makes the next battle quite difficult.
- I'm in the village for the third time and all the potions I consumed in the last battles suddenly are in my inventory.

Battle 3

- The move mechanic gives me the option to select a square with unwalkable terrain. (the hill)
- Characters move fewer squares than they should if near trees or the gnoll huts.

The map after battle 3

- the map doesn't have a name and description

Danjou forest

- The move mechanic gives me the option to select a square with unwalkable terrain (the water)
- The troll high priest often heals the units with full HP instead of the one with low HP. :D
- The character shouldn't bleed. He just tripped. :p

Battle 7 (Sewers)

- The move mechanic gives me the option to select a square with unwalkable terrain. (the water)
- After the enemies' first round, the screen froze and it didn't allow me to do anything. Restarted a few times and still the same thing.

Overall, a good campaign, with simplistic terrain and an interesting design, was fun playing, but it requires a lot of polishing. If this gets updated one day, the bug in battle 7 should especially be fixed.
3/5 from me.
Last edited:
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
An interesting campaign which seems to be inspired by the JRPG genre and has a little bit of a board game feel to it. Quite ambitious and unique, though it has its problems:


- Cutscenes aren't skippable
- Clyve doesn't talk like a dwarf.
- When heroes are casting spells, they should face the enemy they are casting the spell on.
- Poor Yuri, the enemies love targeting him first. :D
- Sometimes when characters level up, they are left with unspent ability points. Problem is you can't spend these points on anything.
- I think that the characters should be allowed to move more or less squares depending on the size of the map.
- If the characters really are kids, their models should be changed to be more reflective of that.
- The mana cost should be displayed to the right of every spell
- In my opinion, it would be cool if Yuri's flame inflicted a debuff on the enemy that dealt damage to him after each round.
- - In my opinion, Yuri's frost should deal less damage and inflict a debuff on the enemy when used. Stunning him for one round or lowering his damage are 2 possibilities.

Battle 1

- Kind of strange throwing us right into the action without any gameplay explanation. This battle could've served as a nice tutorial.
- Maybe it's intentional for a first battle, but the enemies while near my heroes pretty often didn't attack them.
- This must be pretty rare, but It allowed me to attack while the enemies weren't in range. After that, it didn't allow me to do anything else, and I was forced to reset.
- For a first battle, in my opinion, this took longer than it should've. The playable area could be smaller. And those cowardly trolls that often run away could be a bit less cowardly. :p

Polata village

- Rosaly is in the bottom left of the map and can't move. She should be with your 3 main heroes after the cutscene ends.
- The villagers and footmen should be invulnerable.
- The goblin merchant can hide his identity very well. :D
- The merchant should sell mana potions
- Second time in the village and Rosaly isn't even this time in the map. Not being able to buy items for her makes the next battle quite difficult.
- I'm in the village for the third time and all the potions I consumed in the last battles suddenly are in my inventory.

Battle 3

- The move mechanic gives me the option to select a square with unwalkable terrain. (the hill)
- Characters move fewer squares than they should if near trees or the gnoll huts.

The map after battle 3

- the map doesn't have a name and description

Danjou forest

- The move mechanic gives me the option to select a square with unwalkable terrain (the water)
- The troll high priest often heals the units with full HP instead of the one with low HP. :D
- The character shouldn't bleed. He just tripped. :p

Battle 7 (Sewers)

- The move mechanic gives me the option to select a square with unwalkable terrain. (the water)
- After the enemies' first round, the screen froze and it didn't allow me to do anything. Restarted a few times and still the same thing.

Overall, a good campaign, with simplistic terrain and an interesting design, was fun playing, but it requires a lot of polishing. If this gets updated one day, the bug in battle 7 should especially be fixed.
3/5 from me.
Hi Championfighter25, thank you for playing and for the review! :)

Yes, I agree with your review completely. This campaign's presentation, even for its time is mediocre at best. It was the time when I was still messing with the editor and stuff. I remember there was a member from wc3campaigns that helped me in coding the movement grid because I can't get it right, haha.

But sadly, I don't have plans to update my old campaigns anymore, but that doesn't mean they're forgotten. The campaign I'm working today combines both the prologue and chapter 1 in a single remake and a lot of improvements have already been made. Please check it out by clicking on my signature. :D

Also, yea the models for Yuri and Clyve doesn't fit their personas. (He's not even supposed to be a dwarf) I remember that I got those comments a lot back in the day. Haha.
Level 5
Nov 29, 2017
I really like the turn-based tactics games, at the time this campaign was made, it feels like a really well concept and a discovered new potential from the world editor.

That said, I find the campaign a little bit boring, I found a bug where the rest button takes away the control of my heroes, for some reason I can't play with them, so I have to put them on guard or attack, the enemies feel the same just when the only option is attack, and some could use some variety like using spells.

But after reading the comments I read that you are preparing a remake for the prologue and chapter 1, I'll wait until you realese them so I can try them and give feedback.

Giving 4 stars for innovation.
Level 8
Jan 14, 2005
I really like the turn-based tactics games, at the time this campaign was made, it feels like a really well concept and a discovered new potential from the world editor.

That said, I find the campaign a little bit boring, I found a bug where the rest button takes away the control of my heroes, for some reason I can't play with them, so I have to put them on guard or attack, the enemies feel the same just when the only option is attack, and some could use some variety like using spells.

But after reading the comments I read that you are preparing a remake for the prologue and chapter 1, I'll wait until you realese them so I can try them and give feedback.

Giving 4 stars for innovation.
Hello, the Remake is already out. It's here: [Campaign] - Tactics Unleashed Remake

It's still in development though at around 85% completion.

Anyway, thanks for rating! :)