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Level 2
Dec 28, 2007
After reading a few skin posts , I realised most of the pro skins are done by tablets , do i really need a tablet to create an outstanding skin ? pls share with me your views , thank you:wink:
Level 7
Dec 29, 2006
i just bought a tablet a few weeks ago and i would personally recommend it for skinning. i couldn't draw anything with the mouse, i can actually use the skills i learned in art class now lol. but it all comes down to preference. some people can skin using a mouse some cant, wolf is right it does make things easier but its entirely up to u.

if you feel that u need to spend 60-100 bucks on a tablet to skin just for wc3 then go for it, i know u wont be disappointed.
Tablets are a waste of money, dont use them unless you have a ton of extra cash sitting around that you are willing to spend on something you dont need. If you just practice with a mouse and memorize the very simple hotkeys for different brushes and sizes that most art programs offer you will be as fast, if not faster than using a pad. A mouse is also much more accurate than a pad, using a pad tends to make you rush through things and do a crappy job rather than giving them the time they deserve. And the thing that really blows about pads is it is almost impossible to draw a line, and then go back to the exact same starting point to draw another line. Mouse is much easier because you can just put the point of mouse right on tip of line, where as with pad you have to eye-ball it. Stick to mouse, pad is worthless.
If you just practice with a mouse and memorize the very simple hotkeys for different brushes and sizes that most art programs offer you will be as fast, if not faster than using a pad.
You still have to switch between tools either way whether you're using a mouse or tablet. Doesn't matter which.

A mouse is also much more accurate than a pad, using a pad tends to make you rush through things and do a crappy job rather than giving them the time they deserve.
If anything, a tablet's much better at drawing details than a mouse is. Mice tend to go all over the place.

And the thing that really blows about pads is it is almost impossible to draw a line, and then go back to the exact same starting point to draw another line.
To draw a STRAIGHT line, a tablet is FAR better. Try drawing a line at a small angle, like 5 degrees, and it's very hard for it to come out straight. Besides, there's always the line tool.

Curves are also very hard to draw with a mouse.

Mouse is much easier because you can just put the point of mouse right on tip of line, where as with pad you have to eye-ball it. Stick to mouse, pad is worthless.
Erm... whether you're using a mouse or tablet, you still see the cursor on the screen. Don't know what kind of program you were using.
Level 4
Aug 9, 2007
If anything, a tablet's much better at drawing details than a mouse is. Mice tend to go all over the place.

I disagree with the mouse you can go to doing a single pixel a time how is that not accurate?
Also you must be using a ball mouse for it to be going everywhere... spend like 30$ and you can get a decent optical mouse.... I got mine for 20$ and it works fine no jumping here and there... unliek a ball mouse...
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
That tablet is just better and has more capabilities in my opinion than a mouse. If you suck at using a tablet, then either your tablet is a piece of crap or you can't draw :p


My personal pen favorite
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
Mouse is good but I think eventually it limits you. A simple upgrade to a cheap tablet (I use that word sparingly) makes a world of difference. I stopped using a mouse about a year ago. It is sorta like using fingerpaints and then upgrading to brushes.



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
Man, you shouldn't buy a tablet unless you're really serious about digital painting. Seriously now, if you're going to use it just for texturing 'cause it's your hobby, it's not worth the expense.
And remember, a tablet is only as good as your hand is. A mouse can be either worse or better.



Level 18
Sep 26, 2004
I have an Intuos 3 which is a professional tool and it was about 450$ (nothing nearly 1k man) 3 years ago and it's bliss. And you can't possibly be as productive and efficient with a mouse as you are with a tablet. But as I said, you should get one of those badasses only if you're really serious about computer graphics. If you just want to texture wc3 models in your free time, then one of those cheap ones will do. Or better, stick to a mouse.
Level 14
Jul 11, 2006
I got a $100 tablet from bestbuy. Even came with a photoshop program (never tried). Took a little getting used to from mouse to pen but once I did I noticed a major increase in the amount of control I had. I can barely imagine doing the stuff I do now with a mouse. I don't doubt people can do crazy stuff with a mouse but they could achieve the same quality if not greater and in half the time if they used a tablet.
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
eh i would probably get a tablet if i had money to throw around, but my mouse is fine for skinning at the moment. Besides people who actually pay 100 - 400 dollars to skin deserve to make better skins. Personally i would never pay over 50 bucks for things for warcraft 3 because it'll never get me any money :p).

My tablet cost me 100 dollars, but its playing up after about 12 months from when i brought it, im saving up for a laptop and trying to find a cheap deal on a wacom. (they are more expensive in Australia, +$100-200)

http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8601845&st=tablet&type=product&id=1192232279888 thats a 79 dollar wacom
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