I just tested it with a unit with a bit more redicolously health and I can tell you that WC3 is not made for that.
I made a footman with 1,000,000,000 hp and 0 hp regen.
100 riflemen with 18-24 damage didnt bring his health down.
1 mortar team with 2500-2500 (modified) damage did bring his health down.
So, 1,000,000,000 - 18 = 1,000,000,000. Nice.
So the first question is how much do you think is reasonable.
You cannot have a fully operational game with units with a billion health and units with <100 dmg.
But even at that point, call TriggerRegisterUnitLifeEvent( gg_trg_Untitled_Trigger_002, gg_unit_hfoo_0000, LESS_THAN, 999999999.9375)
Does work.
However, it only works when the unit's life actually changes which does not happen with those riflemans, nor with SetWidgetLife, nor with UnitDamageTarget.
So, it indeed breaks the sysem, but it is unreasonable because it breaks WC3's Damage Engine.
So, until we have a Damage Engine that can handle such values without breaking, only then I will agree on these terms.
But because you are so determined to fix this problem that cannot be solved, you can try to check if the health would be changed.
To do this flawlessly, you can make a real variable and set it to the health of the unit, then remove the damage taken from it and check if the value remains the same.
However, I think it is very stupid because you want to fix a problem that has a problem as a source, and that problem wont be fixed.
Also one more thing... try to make a unit and set it's base max health to something between 999,999,937 - 999,999,999
Just try it.