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CargoEvent was inspired by the methods in Jesus4Lyf's Transport and grim001's AutoEvents. Originally, this was just meant to be an efficient, UnitIndexer-compatible build, but during testing I found everything having to do with the unload-detection had to be redone to compensate for some crazy errors that abound in the other two transport libraries.
library CargoEvent requires UnitIndexer
CargoEvent by Bribe, v1.1.0.0
Working on this library has been quite educational. During the process,
I found the existing detection in Jesus4Lyf's "Transport" and grim001's
"AutoEvents" needed to be remade.
Those libraries move the unit to the edge of the map. What about Bound-
Sentinel, which knocks them back into bounds? This fires the unload event
prematurely. Don't use BoundSentinel? What about a unit that is loaded
while in the process of being knocked-back? That screws it up as well.
I've tried debugging this by setting the unit's position out of bounds a
second time, but it strangely won't re-fire the event. And BoundSentinel
would cause an infinite loop even if it worked. Time for a new method.
On top of that, A recursion bug in the other systems that can cause big
problems - a load order at the same time a unit is unloaded.
This library fixes those bugs but factors in other considerations:
1. Units must be indexed by UnitIndexer (have a unique ID)
2. Units paused while loaded on a transport will not be issued a stop
order when they are unloaded, so I have implemented a safety catch
that unpauses units when they are paused in-transit. If you do not
want this check (or don't have any risk of this happening in your
map), set PAUSE_SAFETY to false.
struct CargoEvent extends array
Event LOAD
> Fires when a passenger is loaded into a transport.
> Fires when a passenger is unloaded from a transport.
readonly integer transport
> The unit-id of this unit's transport.
function GetUnitTransport takes unit passenger returns unit
> returns the unit carrying the passenger.
function GetEventLoadedUnit
> returns the passenger that was loaded/unloaded.
function GetEventTransportUnit takes nothing returns unit
> returns the transport loading/unloading the passenger.
native UnitAlive takes unit id returns boolean
private boolean array block
private constant boolean PAUSE_SAFETY = true
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local boolexpr l = Filter(function thistype.unload)
static if PAUSE_SAFETY then
local boolexpr p = Filter(function thistype.unpause)
local integer i = 15
local trigger t = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED, null)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER, l)
static if PAUSE_SAFETY then
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(t, Player(i), EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER, p)
exitwhen i == 0
set i = i - 1
call TriggerAddCondition(t, Filter(function thistype.load))
set LOAD = Event.create()
set UNLOAD = Event.create()
set t = null
set l = null
static if PAUSE_SAFETY then
set p = null
struct CargoEvent extends array
readonly static Event LOAD = 0
readonly static Event UNLOAD = 0
readonly integer transport
private static method unload takes nothing returns boolean
local thistype this = GetUnitId(GetFilterUnit())
if this.transport != 0 and not block[this] and not (IsUnitLoaded(GetUnitById(this)) and UnitAlive(GetUnitById(this))) then
How this works:
1. Ignore units that aren't currently loaded.
2. Check for recursion so as to not double-fire the event (if
a unit is loaded at the same time it was unloaded)
3. A stop order is issued by a unit when it's unloaded.
4. Ensure the unit was not ordered to stop while loaded.
5. A unit fires the unload event when it dies in-transit.
set block[this] = true
call UNLOAD.fireData(this)
set block[this] = false
if not (IsUnitLoaded(GetUnitById(this)) and UnitAlive(GetUnitById(this.transport))) then
// Also recursion-safe
set this.transport = 0
return false
private static method load takes nothing returns boolean
local thistype this = GetUnitId(GetTriggerUnit())
set this.transport = GetUnitId(GetTransportUnit())
call LOAD.fireData(this)
return false
static if PAUSE_SAFETY then
private static method unpause takes nothing returns boolean
if IsUnitLoaded(GetFilterUnit()) and IsUnitPaused(GetFilterUnit()) then
debug call DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(GetLocalPlayer(), 0, 0, 99, "CargoEvent Safety: A passenger was paused in-transit and is now being un-paused to ensure proper unload-detection.")
call PauseUnit(GetFilterUnit(), false)
return false
implement Init
function GetUnitTransport takes unit passenger returns unit
return GetUnitById(CargoEvent(GetUnitId(passenger)).transport)
function GetEventLoadedUnit takes nothing returns unit
return GetUnitById(GetEventData())
function GetEventTransportUnit takes nothing returns unit
return GetUnitById(CargoEvent(GetEventData()).transport)
- - Added optional PAUSE_SAFETY to protect against bugs.
- - Optimized the boolean checks, merged the "order" and "load" triggers into one.
- - Public release
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