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library DestructableHider initializer init
by Zwiebelchen v1.3
Destructables create an enormous amount of overhead on warcraft III maps, almost the same as units, especially walkable destructables.
Thus, a large amount of destructables creates a huge drop of FPS in the game, even on fast machines, due to the poor engine of WC3.
This effect is fairly noticable at an amount of even less than 1000 destructables, which is reached very fast when using invisible platforms.
Warcraft III automaticly hides units outside the screen to save performance, however it does not do so for destructables, for unknown reasons.
The purpose of this fully automatic system is to hide all those destructables, that are currently not viewed anyway, to save a lot of processing time.
To do that, the entire map is splitted into tiles of an editable size and all destructables within those tiles are stored into a table, to allow fast access.
When a tile is viewed, all destructables on adjacent tiles will also be shown, so that moving the camera doesnt create ugly popup effects when the center of the view is on the edge of a tile.
However, there are some rules you need to consider, in order to make your map work without desyncs in multiplayer:
- never hide destructables units or players can interact with (attackable, selectable or destructable)
- hiding destructables that block pathing is safe, as hiding the destructable will not change its pathing
- hiding destructables that need to be enumed is safe; hidden destructables can be enumerated
- hiding walkable platforms is also safe, as long as you dont get a location Z for a location placed on that destructable globally; this is not 100% safe anyway, as
the returned value of GetLocationZ() is dependant on the render state of the destructable
private function filt returns boolean
- add custom filter code for the automatic enumeration of destructables on map init inside
- if all destructables should be added to the system, let it return true
- example:
private function filt returns boolean
return GetDestructableMaxLife(GetFilterDestructable()) == 1
-> automaticly adds all destructables on the map with a maximum life of 1 on map init to the system
public function register takes destructable returns nothing
- adds a destructable to the system, also hides/shows the destructable depending on the position of the camera
public function unregister takes destructable returns nothing
- removes a destructable from the system, also unhides the destructable in case it was hidden
private constant real INTERVAL = 0.1 //Update interval in seconds.
//[in multiplayer, the camera positions will only get updated every 0.05-0.1 seconds, so setting it to a lower value than 0.05 makes no sense]
//[update frequency can be much higher in single player mode!]
private constant integer DRAW_DISTANCE = 512 //the radius around the camera target in which the tiles are considered visible; should be about the same as sight radius (not diameter) of the camera; for 3d cams, use the FarZ value
//Use multiples of 1024 for maximum efficiency on square division. Recommended value: 5120
private constant integer TILE_RESOLUTION = 4 //amount of tiles spread over DRAW_DISTANCE
//- higher resolution = more overhead to incrementing loop variables, but less amounts of destructables checked when moving the camera
//- lower resolution = less overhead to incrementing loop variables, but higher amounts of destructables checked when moving the camera
//-> Recommended value: 8-12
private hashtable hash = InitHashtable()
private integer columns = 0
private integer rows = 0
private integer lastrow = 0
private integer lastcolumn = 0
private integer lastid = 0
private real mapMinX = 0
private real mapMinY = 0
private function filt takes nothing returns boolean
//Add code for the enum filter of the automatic registration of destructables on map init
//return GetDestructableMaxLife(GetFilterDestructable()) == 1
//-> automaticly adds all destructables on the map with a maximum life of 1 on map init to the system
return true
public function register takes destructable d returns nothing
local integer id = R2I((GetDestructableY(d)-mapMinY)/TILESIZE)*columns + R2I((GetDestructableX(d)-mapMinX)/TILESIZE)
local integer count = LoadInteger(hash, id, 0)+1
call SaveInteger(hash, id, 0, count)
call SaveDestructableHandle(hash, id, count, d)
call ShowDestructable(d, LoadBoolean(hash, id, -1)) //match visibility state
call SaveInteger(hash, GetHandleId(d), 0, count) //store the list position for fast lookup
public function unregister takes destructable d returns nothing
local integer id = R2I((GetDestructableY(d)-mapMinY)/TILESIZE)*columns + R2I((GetDestructableX(d)-mapMinX)/TILESIZE)
local integer count = LoadInteger(hash, id, 0)
local integer a = LoadInteger(hash, GetHandleId(d), 0)
local destructable temp
if a < count then //move the last in list up to this slot
set temp = LoadDestructableHandle(hash, id, count)
call SaveDestructableHandle(hash, id, a, temp)
call SaveInteger(hash, GetHandleId(temp), 0, a) //update list position
set temp = null
call RemoveSavedHandle(hash, id, count) //clean up the deserted slot
call SaveInteger(hash, id, 0, count-1)
call FlushChildHashtable(hash, GetHandleId(d)) //clean up list position
call ShowDestructable(d, true) //make sure its shown again in case it was hidden
private function autoregister takes nothing returns nothing
local destructable d = GetEnumDestructable()
local integer id = R2I((GetDestructableY(d)-mapMinY)/TILESIZE)*columns + R2I((GetDestructableX(d)-mapMinX)/TILESIZE)
local integer count = LoadInteger(hash, id, 0)+1
call SaveInteger(hash, id, 0, count)
call SaveDestructableHandle(hash, id, count, d)
call ShowDestructable(d, false) //initially hide everything
call SaveInteger(hash, GetHandleId(d), 0, count) //store the list position for fast lookup
set d = null
private function EnumGrid takes integer x1, integer x2, integer y1, integer y2, boolean show returns nothing
local integer a = x1
local integer b
local integer j
local integer id
local integer count
set b = y1
exitwhen a > x2
exitwhen b > y2
set id = b*columns+a
call SaveBoolean(hash, id, -1, show)
set count = LoadInteger(hash, id, 0)
set j = 0
exitwhen j >= count
set j = j + 1
call ShowDestructable(LoadDestructableHandle(hash, id, j), show)
set b = b + 1
set a = a + 1
private function ChangeTiles takes integer r, integer c, integer lr, integer lc returns nothing
local integer AminX = c-TILE_RESOLUTION
local integer AmaxX = c+TILE_RESOLUTION
local integer AminY = r-TILE_RESOLUTION
local integer AmaxY = r+TILE_RESOLUTION
local integer BminX = lc-TILE_RESOLUTION
local integer BmaxX = lc+TILE_RESOLUTION
local integer BminY = lr-TILE_RESOLUTION
local integer BmaxY = lr+TILE_RESOLUTION
//border safety:
if AminX < 0 then
set AminX = 0
if AminY < 0 then
set AminY = 0
if BminX < 0 then
set BminX = 0
if BminY < 0 then
set BminY = 0
if AmaxX >= columns then
set AmaxX = columns-1
if AmaxY >= rows then
set AmaxX = rows-1
if BmaxX >= columns then
set BmaxX = columns-1
if BmaxY >= rows then
set BmaxX = rows-1
if BmaxX < AminX or AmaxX < BminX or BmaxY < AminY or AmaxY < BminY then
call EnumGrid(AminX, AmaxX, AminY, AmaxY, true)
call EnumGrid(BminX, BmaxX, BminY, BmaxY, false)
if c >= lc then
if c != lc then
call EnumGrid(BmaxX+1, AmaxX, AminY, AmaxY, true)
call EnumGrid(BminX, AminX-1, BminY, BmaxY, false)
if AminY < BminY then
call EnumGrid(AminX, BmaxX, AmaxY+1, BmaxY, false)
call EnumGrid(AminX, BmaxX, AminY, BminY-1, true)
elseif BminY < AminY then
call EnumGrid(AminX, BmaxX, BmaxY+1, AmaxY, true)
call EnumGrid(AminX, BmaxX, BminY, AminY-1, false)
call EnumGrid(AminX, BminX-1, AminY, AmaxY, true)
call EnumGrid(AmaxX+1, BmaxX, BminY, BmaxY, false)
if AminY < BminY then
call EnumGrid(BminX, AmaxX, AminY, BminY-1, true)
call EnumGrid(BminX, AmaxX, AmaxY+1, BmaxY, false)
elseif BminY < AminY then
call EnumGrid(BminX, AmaxX, BminY, AminY-1, false)
call EnumGrid(BminX, AmaxX, BmaxY+1, AmaxY, true)
private function periodic takes nothing returns nothing
local integer row = R2I((GetCameraTargetPositionY()-mapMinY)/TILESIZE)
local integer column = R2I((GetCameraTargetPositionX()-mapMinX)/TILESIZE)
local integer id = row*columns + column
if id == lastid then //only check for tiles if the camera has left the last tile
call ChangeTiles(row, column, lastrow, lastcolumn)
set lastrow = row
set lastcolumn = column
set lastid = id
private function init takes nothing returns nothing
set mapMinX = GetRectMinX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
set mapMinY = GetRectMinY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)
set lastrow = R2I((GetCameraTargetPositionY()-mapMinY)/TILESIZE)
set lastcolumn = R2I((GetCameraTargetPositionX()-mapMinX)/TILESIZE)
set rows = R2I((GetRectMaxY(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-mapMinY)/TILESIZE)+1
set columns = R2I((GetRectMaxX(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea)-mapMinX)/TILESIZE)+1
if lastcolumn <= columns/2 then //to make sure the game starts with a full make-visible enum of all destructables on screen
set lastcolumn = columns-1
set lastcolumn = 0
if lastrow <= rows/2 then
set lastrow = rows-1
set lastrow = 0
set lastid = lastrow*columns + lastcolumn
call EnumDestructablesInRect(bj_mapInitialPlayableArea, Filter(function filt), function autoregister)
call TimerStart(CreateTimer(), INTERVAL, true, function periodic)
call periodic() //to make sure the destructables on screen after the map loading process finishes are initially shown
I forgot to change the documentation inside the demo map. Hiding destructables that block pathing is SAFE! Don't worry about it, the pathing is not affected at all!
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