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If you want to centralize all the arrow key events in your map and keep your workload as short and sweet as possible, I have designed this library for you.
Optional functionality add-on. If you want to make use of it, make sure your library requires ArrowKey.
library ArrowKeyEvent /*
ArrowKeyEvent version
- Written by Bribe.
- Earth-Fury for providing a lot of inspiration for the development of
this system (especially documentation) via his KeyAction resource.
- tooltiperror & Sgqvur for providing very helpful, constructive advice.
- SA Dashie for the functionality to enable/disable an individual module
Easy to use, efficient system for handling all arrow key events. It uses
arrays and GetHandleId lookups to avoid the trap of many cloned functions
that so many arrow key systems suffer from.
API Guide:
To help centralize and make everything understandable, I originally used
the constants appointed by Blizzard (bj_KEYEVENTKEY_LEFT/RIGHT/etc). But
there was a lot of criticism over their ugliness so I made the following
constants to correspond accordingly. They have the same values as the BJ
constants, so you can use whichever is more appealing for you.
Their purpose is to be passed as arguments so you are able to query such
things as "is this key pressed" or simply to help make sense of what key
was pressed from an event response and interpret it as an integer.
constant integer ARROW_KEY_LEFT = 0
constant integer ARROW_KEY_RIGHT = 1
constant integer ARROW_KEY_DOWN = 2
constant integer ARROW_KEY_UP = 3
As I was developing this resource, it was mostly written in vanilla JASS.
I had since converted it to OOP syntax but it has been requested to bring
it back. I have made it available once again.
function IsArrowKeyPressed
takes player whichPlayer, integer arrowKey
returns boolean
To find out if the arrow key was pressed, you need to first ask which
player is holding down the key, and then pass an ARROW_KEY constant
to represent the key you are querying for.
function RegisterArrowKeyEvent
takes code onEvent
returns nothing
Instead of making up to 8 different functions for 8 different events,
you can use this instead. Just specify a function that you want to be
called whenever any key is pressed. For event responses, reference 1
of the following 3 functions:
function GetEventArrowKeyPlayerId
takes nothing
returns integer
This is more of an optimization benefit than not. GetTriggerPlayer()
will get you the player who pressed the key, but most of the time you
just need to know the player ID of that person.
function GetEventArrowKey
takes nothing
returns integer
Call this function to find out which key was pressed. It will return
one of the four ARROW_KEY constants, of course.
function IsEventArrowKeyPressed
takes nothing
returns boolean
This is also here more for optimization's benefit. You can certainly
use "IsArrowKeyPressed(GetEventArrowKey(GetEventArrowKeyPlayerId()))"
but this is much more convenient I must say.
"implement ArrowKey"
ArrowKey API is accessible as if it were part of the implementing struct
itself. As a bonus, you can create a method "onArrowKeyEvent" that gets
called automatically when any key is pressed. The method musn't be static,
because the member "this" is a player ID (to mirror the ArrowKey struct's
own API). It must take an integer as its first argument to represent the
pressed or released key. As a final argument, it must take a boolean to
determine if the key was pressed (true) or released (false).
The member "this" taken by the method is a player ID.
NEW: Each module has its own enabler of the event, either as a whole or
for an individual player(s). This is entirely due to the work done by SA Dashie.
// System Code
// Yo dawg, I herd you like constant variables so I gave you some new
// constant variables so you can have some constant variables to go
// with Blizzard's constant variables.
constant integer ARROW_KEY_UP = bj_KEYEVENTKEY_UP
// Ugly modules are needed to prevent initialization bugs.
private module Init
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local player p
local integer i = bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
local trigger t = .trig
set i = i - 1
set p = Player(i)
if GetPlayerSlotState(p) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING and GetPlayerController(p) == MAP_CONTROL_USER then
//Register arrow key events for playing players
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(t, p, EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP)
//Run if library ArrowKey is found in the map.
//! runtextmacro optional INIT_ARROW_KEY_AA()
exitwhen i == 0
//Run if library ArrowKey is found in the map.
//! runtextmacro optional INIT_ARROW_KEY_CALL_LINK()
call .registerEvent(function ArrowKey.actions)
set p = null
set t = null
// A central struct to handle all ArrowKey mechanics. This has its uses,
// giving you slightly more control over the inner system functionality.
struct ArrowKey extends array
// Event responses
readonly static integer eventKey = 0 //Arrow key that triggered the event.
readonly static boolean eventKeyPressed = false //Was the arrow key pressed?
readonly static ArrowKey eventPlayerId = 0 //The id of the player who pressed the key.
//Run if library ArrowKey is found in the map.
//! runtextmacro optional ARROW_KEY_DECLARE_ARRAYS()
// System variables
private static trigger trig = CreateTrigger() //Handles all events.
private static boolean array press //Is key pressed?
// User-friendly typecasting.
static method operator [] takes player who returns ArrowKey
return GetPlayerId(who)
// Great for simplifying arrow key events - this function runs when
// any player presses or releases an arrow key. The code passed is
// expected to "return false".
static method registerEvent takes code onEvent returns nothing
call TriggerAddCondition(.trig, Filter(onEvent))
// Returns true if the key is pressed, false if it is released.
method isPressed takes integer arrow returns boolean
return press[this + arrow * bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS]
//Run if library ArrowKey is found in the map.
//! runtextmacro optional ARROW_KEY_AXIS_METHODS()
// If you are running debug tests, this might come in handy.
static if DEBUG_MODE then
static method getKeyName takes integer arrow returns string
if arrow == ARROW_KEY_LEFT then
return "LEFT"
elseif arrow == ARROW_KEY_RIGHT then
return "RIGHT"
elseif arrow == ARROW_KEY_DOWN then
return "DOWN"
elseif arrow == ARROW_KEY_UP then
return "UP"
return "--"
// Private Components
// Key event handler.
private static method actions takes nothing returns nothing
local integer id = GetHandleId(GetTriggerEventId()) - 261 //Still the same eventID in 1.29
set .eventPlayerId = GetPlayerId(GetTriggerPlayer())
//If id is an even number, the key was pressed.
set .eventKey = id / 2
set .eventKeyPressed = .eventKey * 2 == id
set .press[.eventPlayerId + .eventKey * bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS] = .eventKeyPressed
//Run if library ArrowKey is found in the map.
//! runtextmacro optional ARROW_KEY_SETUP()
//Run if library ArrowKey is found in the map.
//! runtextmacro optional INIT_ARROW_KEY_LINK()
//Initialize the system via module
implement Init
// Event Responses
function IsArrowKeyPressed takes player whichPlayer, integer arrowKey returns boolean
return ArrowKey[whichPlayer].isPressed(arrowKey)
function RegisterArrowKeyEvent takes code onEvent returns nothing
call ArrowKey.registerEvent(onEvent)
function GetEventArrowKeyPlayerId takes nothing returns integer
return ArrowKey.eventPlayerId
function GetEventArrowKey takes nothing returns integer
return ArrowKey.eventKey
function IsEventArrowKeyPressed takes nothing returns boolean
return ArrowKey.eventKeyPressed
// Implementation of this module allows you to make your struct "extend"
// the ArrowKey struct. As a bonus feature, you can create a method named
// "onArrowKeyEvent" that is called whenever a key is pressed or released.
// The method needs "takes integer arrow, boolean pressed", and must be
// positioned *above* the "implement ArrowKey" statement (this way it is
// detected by the static if and doesn't compile to a function interface).
module ArrowKey
//Delegates are fun, you should try them out.
private delegate ArrowKey AK
boolean enabledFor //this variable added in version 1.1.
// This method added in version 1.1. It disables or enables the event
// in this module for all players.
static method operator enabled= takes boolean flag returns nothing
local integer i = bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
set i = i - 1
set thistype(i).enabledFor = flag
exitwhen i == 0
// Please call this method from *below the module implement statement
// if you know what's good for you.
static method operator [] takes player who returns thistype
return GetPlayerId(who)
static if thistype.onArrowKeyEvent.exists then
private static method eventProxy takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype this = .eventPlayerId
if .enabledFor then
call .onArrowKeyEvent(.eventKey, .eventKeyPressed)
private static method onInit takes nothing returns nothing
local thistype i = bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
set i = i - 1
set i.AK = i //Delegates require some delegation of course.
set thistype(i).enabledFor = true //Every player active at first
exitwhen i == 0
static if thistype.onArrowKeyEvent.exists then
call ArrowKey.registerEvent(function thistype.eventProxy)
Optional functionality add-on. If you want to make use of it, make sure your library requires ArrowKey.
library ArrowKey requires ArrowKeyEvent /*
ArrowKey version
Same as credits for ArrowKeyEvent
API Guide:
ArrowKey provides more than just event responses, it expects you to have
some other purposes for those values. If you have an arrow-key movement
system, for example, you might want to have certain values to know how to
offset the unit's coordinates. The following constants provide those for
constant integer ARROW_KEY_NEG_VALUE = -1
constant integer ARROW_KEY_NIL_VALUE = 0
constant integer ARROW_KEY_POS_VALUE = 1
How you get those values in the first place is first you must query one
of the X or Y axis, because both axis have positive and negative values
of their own of course. You can reference these constant variables for
that purpose:
constant integer ARROW_KEY_X_AXIS = 0
constant integer ARROW_KEY_Y_AXIS = 1
I imagine you must be wondering what this is all good for. Here are the
functions you would pass these constants into for arguments or receive as
return values:
function GetArrowKeyAxis
takes integer arrowKey
returns integer
Pass an ARROW_KEY_LEFT/RIGHT/etc. constant to this function to return
the axial constant they correspond to. LEFT & RIGHT belong to the X
axis, DOWN/UP to the Y axis of course. This is useful if you're work-
ing with the values dynamically.
function GetArrowKeyValue
takes integer arrowKey
returns integer
I am sure you are aware that along any decent graph you have negative
values on the left/lower axis and positive values on the right/upper
axis. This is why this function exists. It will return -1 for down or
left, 1 for up or right. This is very useful if you use coordinates &
want to offset by the direction of an arrow key.
function GetOpposingArrowKey
takes integer arrowKey
returns integer
This is mostly used by the system to avoid cloned functions, but if
you want to use it or want to know if you should use it, this simply
returns whatever key is opposite the key you passed. LEFT for RIGHT,
for example.
function GetAxisArrowKey
takes player whichPlayer, integer axis
returns integer
This is a really good one. First, of course you must pass a player
argument to let the system know which player's key you want info on.
Second, you pass it the X or Y axis value. If you want to know if the
player is holding down the LEFT or RIGHT key, suppose they are both
pressed? This will let you know which key was pressed LAST. If the
last key pressed is released, but the other is still held down, this
function intelligently knows to go back to that other key.
If there is no key being held down, it returns the following constant:
constant integer ARROW_KEY_NONE = -1
function GetAxisArrowKeyValue
takes player whichPlayer, integer axis
returns integer
This is a wrapper of sorts for the above function, however it filters
out the ARROW_KEY_NONE value and returns ARROW_KEY_NIL_VALUE in that
case. This is useful because if you are doing math you can multiply
by 1 to go up/right, -1 to go down/left, or 0 to remain stationary on
that axis.
// System Code
// Axis are important for a parameter in GetAxisArrowKey, a function
// that you determine which axis key the user is focusing on.
// If no key is pressed, the value ARROW_KEY_NONE will be returned.
constant integer ARROW_KEY_X_AXIS = 0
constant integer ARROW_KEY_Y_AXIS = 1
constant integer ARROW_KEY_NONE = -1
// These help to interpret arrow key values returned by the system.
// They are very useful for coordinate-based math.
constant integer ARROW_KEY_NEG_VALUE = -1
constant integer ARROW_KEY_NIL_VALUE = 0
constant integer ARROW_KEY_POS_VALUE = 1
function GetOpposingArrowKey takes integer arrowKey returns integer
return ArrowKey.oppositeKey[arrowKey]
function GetArrowKeyAxis takes integer arrowKey returns integer
return ArrowKey.keyAxis[arrowKey]
function GetArrowKeyValue takes integer arrowKey returns integer
return ArrowKey.keyValue[arrowKey]
function GetAxisArrowKey takes player whichPlayer, integer axis returns integer
return ArrowKey[whichPlayer].getAxisKey(axis)
function GetAxisArrowKeyValue takes player whichPlayer, integer axis returns integer
return ArrowKey[whichPlayer].getAxisKeyValue(axis)
// Useful reference variables. Pass one of the arrow key constants
readonly static integer array oppositeKey //Axis-opposite of key (.LEFT<->.RIGHT, .UP<->.DOWN)
readonly static integer array keyAxis //Axis of key (.X_AXIS or .Y_AXIS)
readonly static integer array keyValue //Key value (.NEG_VALUE or .POS_VALUE)
//Needed for storing the active axis key
private static integer array aaKey
//! endtextmacro
// Returns ARROW_KEY_NONE if there is no key pressed for that axis.
// The return value is whatever key the user focuses on. If a player
// holds down an arrow key, that is the active key. But if the player
// presses the opposite key, that will be the new active key. If that
// key is released before the other key is released, then the other
// key will be the return value as that one is still being held down.
method getAxisKey takes integer axis returns integer
return .aaKey[this * 2 + axis]
// This method is more safe than the one above because it filters out
// the unsafe ARROW_KEY_NONE return. It returns ARROW_KEY_NIL_VALUE
// if there is no active key for the queried axis. I recommend this
// method for something like an arrow key movement system because you
// can use for seamless math.
// Example use:
// local ArrowKey ak = ArrowKey[GetTriggerPlayer()]
// local real x = GetUnitX(hero[ak]) + ak.getAxisKeyValue(ArrowKey.X_AXIS) * polarOffset
// local real y = GetUnitX(hero[ak]) + ak.getAxisKeyValue(ArrowKey.Y_AXIS) * polarOffset
// call IssuePointOrder(hero[ak], "move", x, y)
method getAxisKeyValue takes integer axis returns integer
local integer i = this.getAxisKey(axis)
if i == ARROW_KEY_NONE then
return .keyValue[i]
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro ARROW_KEY_SETUP
if .eventKeyPressed then
//The active axis key is the one that was just pressed.
set id = .eventKey
elseif .eventPlayerId.isPressed(.oppositeKey[.eventKey]) then
//The active axis key is the opposite of this released one.
set id = .oppositeKey[.eventKey]
//There is no active axis key.
//Assign the active arrow key to the player's relevant key axis.
set .aaKey[.eventPlayerId * 2 + .keyAxis[.eventKey]] = id
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro INIT_ARROW_KEY_LINK
private static method linkKeys takes integer a, integer b, integer axis returns nothing
set .keyAxis[a] = axis
set .keyAxis[b] = axis
set .keyValue[a] = ARROW_KEY_NEG_VALUE
set .keyValue[b] = ARROW_KEY_POS_VALUE
set .oppositeKey[a] = b
set .oppositeKey[b] = a
//! endtextmacro
//! textmacro INIT_ARROW_KEY_AA
//Default active axis keys to ARROW_KEY_NONE
set .aaKey[i] = ARROW_KEY_NONE
set .aaKey[i + 1] = ARROW_KEY_NONE
//! endtextmacro
//! endtextmacro
Run it in debug mode.
struct Tester extends array
method onArrowKeyEvent takes integer arrow, boolean pressed returns nothing
static if LIBRARY_ArrowKey then
call BJDebugMsg("Axis Focus: X: " + .getKeyName(thistype(0).getAxisKey(ARROW_KEY_X_AXIS)) + ", Y: " + .getKeyName(thistype(0).getAxisKey(ARROW_KEY_Y_AXIS)))
if pressed then
call BJDebugMsg("Key pressed: " + .getKeyName(arrow))
call BJDebugMsg("Key released: " + .getKeyName(arrow))
implement ArrowKey
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