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Syleona's Last Project (before retiring) - HorrorRPG Campaign :"Revenge aggains Hell"

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Level 7
May 23, 2007
Hello everyone!

Those who know me, or who doesn't I'll just drop a few lines about myself, projects I've been in before and those I wanted to make before but didn't managed. Also, I'll put down a few rows about my last project I would like to do before I eventually retire from WcIII modding.

Let me get a few things straight first! I've been in tons of projects so far and most of them simply died because of people who said that they can do things which they eventually couldn't, and then simply disappeared and the rest of us were like o_O. Sorry if I sound rude but these are just pure facts which I would like to avoid in my ever last project.

Another things is, that if YOU want to join the project or get interested it doesn't means that you will be accepted. Face the fact that I am looking for a few modders and if possible good ones.

I know I'm an evil lady, but umm... Sorry. =(
If you get on my good side, believe me you won't regret it.

A few words about myself then :

I'm a 25 years old game developer at DSMaX, and currently pending at UBIsoft. I am a level designer and a logistical coordinator. Besides, I also do Lore and Quest/Events. I still study thou I've been taken up because they found me good enough to start (believe me, I was shocked by the news =D). Besides, I'm a quite free lady from life.

What can I make in WE, you ask?
Well, I can do terraining (I'm a level designer in life :wink: ). I have some skills in Ambient Audio production, so does my brother(BlizzardTears) will be in the team for sure, doing Audio/Sound for the project, who is a signed Ambient, and Ambient Electronica/Chill out DnB artist. So, I can make terrain, I can make lore, quests, events, make out algorithms for traps, events, spells, etc.

I've did a few projects before :
RPG's,ORPG's,AoS'es, Defenses, Campaigns, Escape Maps, Minigmes and a few more. Can't remember. So I do know a few types of modding and map making.

And finally ABOUT the project I would like to start.

After gathering up the final crew we will decide which route to take and how to go on.


Quick Planned Features:

- A Horror/RPG Adventure like Single Player Campaign.
- Camera view similar to Resident Evil (switches and locks depending on situation / place / event)
- Riddles, Puzzles flavored map (No, this map will not be all about Kick!Smash!Kill!Blood!Stab!Burn!Detonate! Use of brainz will be a key)
- Interesting Story Element Cinematics
- The use of your environment will be a key to succeed
- Urban / Medieval / Future environment will be all present.
- Sounds and Music that will freak you OUT!
- And more...

Quick Story Facts:

- Main character is a girl who's boyfriend is killed by unknown.
- She starts to look after the murder and realizes that he has been killed by a Satan's hittman, due that he knew too much about something she didn't found out.
- No one believes her and mostly they think she is crazy.
- She takes the situation in her own hands and starts looking for clues.
- After some time she finds clues and realizes that her boyfriend found out that the Hell is planning an assault against Heaven.
- She finds out a way how to travel through dimension such as Hell,Heaven,Material Plane,Elemental Plane,etc.
- Later on she receives magical powers to aid herself when God finds out about her plan.

These are really the bones of the story, and we will work out the rest together. I really hope that I got someones interest.


What is needed:

- Triggerers! (of course...)
- Modelers ( we will need a lot of simple, small objects around)
- Skinners ( to avoid too much modeling, we will reskin things around... and make things the way we need them)
- Animators ( now this is an important one, because animations will give a flavor to puzzles, environment etc)
- Others , such as ideas, quest elements, story, terrainer perhaps

I am looking for a few, not too many. 5-6 max.

What I require from you is:

- Why are you interested?

- Do you find the main idea interesting?

- Would you have ideas to include within?

- What is your timezone? (I am GMT+1)

- Age?

- Will you be able to work as a team?

- Have you worked on any projects before in a team? If yes, are they known? If they are, which are those?

- Do you have an instant messenger software (skype,aim,msn,yahoo), and would you be willing to communicate with the rest of the team members while doing big discussions?

- Please submit at least 3 examples of your work included (spells,models, skins, writing samples,terrain screenies or else).

ATTENTION: This is my last project and I plan to work on it hard. If you wish to join, answer those questions above please. And for the end : I don't bite. :D I am a really friendly and fun person.
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Level 6
Feb 4, 2008
age 23
i will be able to work as a team
i upload only one map on hive, but i made several other that ill upload soon
timezone i dont know
im intrested in idea cause ill be able to help in some project, and i find idea pretty interesting, it would be funny to make some cinematic how that woman runs away some mental institution or something like that =)
my msn is under my avatar
Level 7
May 23, 2007
Lioness, you are welcome! As I told you before I'll let you know when I officially start my last project, and I would be glad to have you in the team. =)

NinjaDino, well, I can't really tell much without examples. I know about Lioness a bit, bit like, nothing about you. : /
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Level 4
Feb 29, 2008
I have been wanting to do a horror-themed map for some time. The base idea of the story is good, but it needs some work. At the beginning it reminds me of 'end of days' with a bit of 'constatine' but the final idea of giving the girl powers from god seems strange and out of place. Horror should be blatently about survival... life or death. It's human weakness that makes a game horrifying, and to have the main character recieve powers from god seems like a little too much.

As far as ideas go I could help iron out the storyline and introduce gameplay elements to truly bring out the horror. I can also come up with unique ideas for systems in the game.

With warcraft editing, I'm good with GUI triggering, can terrain reasonably well
and can also model and skin.

Oh I'm 22 aswell.

These screens are just works in progress of stuff I'm currently doing.




....so yeah, I would be able to help you out if you want it
Level 21
Aug 9, 2006
Well, I am redscores, I am 17 years old.

I live in germany, so timezone is +1 or +0 GMT.

I am vjasser and triggerer, i am specialised on spell creation, for my abilities in map creating i can give you this:


  • Challenge Map vs HINDY.w3x
    103.2 KB · Views: 54
  • Goblin Engineer.w3x
    118.3 KB · Views: 64
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
redscores won't be available until after the map contest! ; )

Oh and good luck Syleona! Hope you get this finished.
Level 6
Apr 17, 2008
why am i interrested actually i have wanted to be apart or just make a horror rpg myself.

name: mokkil123

age: 15

i find the main idea very interesting

im in same timezone as you :)

i got a msn and yes i can both communicate and be apart of the discussion
i will be more than able to work as a team

and yes i have been working in a team and i currently do i dont know if they are well known its called warcraft chronicles by Hawkwing, im triggerer and voice-actor but mainly voice-actor

i got a few systems like a xp system, movement system, camera system and a creep revival system but i havent published them.

but i got them all in one map (man i just figured out when i tried to attach the map my connection got a time out lol so that is impossible)
Level 4
Feb 4, 2008
Hello there

I am 20 years old

Can do GUI triggers and i can model (as long as it doesn't involve organic models i think i am capable of doing it) some photoshop work (basically Icons only)

Yes i liked the idea you made, it is truly good, but as MurderMode said, the idea of the girl getting powers is a little odd, i think something like that the girl could meet her boyfriend's master or teacher and he starts to teach her the robes (or her boyfriend himself leaves some clues for her to get the hang of it) would be a little better. Also i think a rather good idea is making the girl too vulnerable at the part of the game when she investigates her boyfriend's death and then get more powerful as the story starts to unfold.

I want to join because little i see in the horror RP map genre (i think the only map that gave me the creeps was Silent Hill)

As for former joined teams or project done, I am currently trying to get a team together to make a map idea of mine (but since i don't have any experience yet in that field i won't get any volunteers), so this is basically my first time to join a team project.
Level 7
May 23, 2007
okay, this project seemed dead due to some issues lately. I hope everyone will understand, and I'm terribly sorry about it. :(

But now I'm back on, and we can go on with full power. Of course, if you guys are still interested.
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