This is what I had made and btw I will look in to the research progress is complete one, that is part of what I want and I also do want player group so it applies for triggering player just not any unit unless any unit just means any unit that has the "ability that presses it then forgive me as I don't know enough about the editor yet lol
Hopfully this picture gives an example what I am looking for though and hope to see a better version from you guys.
So, better idea what I need to happen is,
"Player homeworld/unit has this ability to up supply limit so they may build more colony ships, when the upgrade pressed, it will up the limit by +2 and the ability will have a cooldown of say 25seconds before used again.
Each time ability is used, it will be costing 25minerals.
maybe this works for you but it clearly didn't work for me lol
I guessing where it said "IncreaseSupplyLimit" this is a "Upgrade" and if so what do I need to change in data editor under upgrades for that abilily if anything. If nothing, just create it and name it then the trigger didn't work.
Unit - Any Unit research progress is Completed
Local Variables
(Triggering progress upgrade) == Planet Supplie
Player - Modify player (Triggering player) Supplies Limit: Add 2
This is what I had created and did nothing.
Quick up, it seems I didn't do owenr of ... I'll try that..............
Nope still don't work.
What am I doing wrong here because the trigger seems to work fine up until changing supply made limit +2.
It just wont change it ! lol
BTW I had tried "Any Unit" still nothing
But, this works and I had tried it BEFORE and didn't work.
I have another trigger 'Exactly' same as this one above it and some reason it don't work but this one did. WTF?! LOL
Anyways, thanks for the help +rep for both of you =)