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Suggestions - Mage Quest, Command CDs and Talent Points

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Level 1
Sep 4, 2014
Hey everyone I have a few suggestions and I would like to hear your guyses opinion about it.

Mage Quest:
Pretty easy on paper, I however had huge trouble solving this. Reason ?
I am suffering from Red-Green Colour-Weakness and I have problems distinguishing colours in certain scenario. I understood the quest but I was unable to solve this due to my flawed eyes which turned this thing to a game of chance for me.

Would you like to implement another indicator other than colour to help people like me. Though it will affect just a very few number of people ?

Command CDs:

I was wondering if you could reduce the Cooldown on the Attack command for Mercs/Minions. I basically figured out that the unit who I make the initial attack on will go for my minion whilst everyone else is going for my Hero until threat has been generated.

So usually my initial procedure is to make an Attack command and immediatly try to do it on the other target. Problem however is the cooldown which makes me eat chunks of damage already. Could you decrease the CD to around 0.1~ ?

Talent Points:

I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to make heroes get way earlier however still get the same amount. Reason ?
Most of the time the 4th or mostly 5th will completly change how a character is played

Druids - Double summons are only available at level 46.
If you want to go for "Growth"-Tree You have to choose either a DPS or a Healer, whilst your character has to perform the exact other thing.
"Avenger"-Tree, you have the choice of which DPS you take however your DPS will be doubled upon the receival of lvl 46.

Necro - Black/Elemental Magic increases the Threat-output of the soldiers at 46 by a large amount. I faced the problem that when I was playing solo I was not allowed to use any spells or my Skeleton Mage would get the Aggro because of higher threat generation.

I understand in this scenario that Skeletons are not supposed act like a meatwall however at that point this completly does change.

Monk - Steel body restriction removed, First forced to either risk to turn of Steelbody on/off or have a healing merc with you. Whilst you could be a hybrid and have a dps merc to improve speed greatly.

This is just the experience I have made with the classes I play and I am sure that others would agree that in most Talent trees the 5th point is so impactful and troublesome(very slow) to get but changes the way a character is played completly.

Suggestion: Either make them accessable earlier or make them a quest reward for Non-killing bosses quests (however with increasing level requirement ofc)
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Hey everyone I have a few suggestions and I would like to hear your guyses opinion about it.

Mage Quest:
Pretty easy on paper, I however had huge trouble solving this. Reason ?
I am suffering from Red-Green Colour-Weakness and I have problems distinguishing colours in certain scenario. I understood the quest but I was unable to solve this due to my flawed eyes which turned this thing to a game of chance for me.

Would you like to implement another indicator other than colour to help people like me. Though it will affect just a very few number of people ?
As the boss doesn't appear until you enabled all signals, you can freely walk around the platform beforehand to memorize which runes protect you from which element. The order of the runes never change, so they will always be on the same position.

Command CDs:

I was wondering if you could reduce the Cooldown on the Attack command for Mercs/Minions. I basically figured out that the unit who I make the initial attack on will go for my minion whilst everyone else is going for my Hero until threat has been generated.

So usually my initial procedure is to make an Attack command and immediatly try to do it on the other target. Problem however is the cooldown which makes me eat chunks of damage already. Could you decrease the CD to around 0.1~ ?
The cooldown on the attack command is on purpose to prevent people from doing exactly that. It is more or less intended that not every enemy goes straight for the minion until damaged.
But I'm planning to implement more mercenary spells for the existing mercenaries as soon as they hit level 50. One of them being an AoE shout for the tank mercenary which should make group tanking a lot easier for the merc.

Talent Points:

I was wondering whether it would be a good idea to make heroes get way earlier however still get the same amount. Reason ?
Most of the time the 4th or mostly 5th will completly change how a character is played

Druids - Double summons are only available at level 46.
If you want to go for "Growth"-Tree You have to choose either a DPS or a Healer, whilst your character has to perform the exact other thing.
"Avenger"-Tree, you have the choice of which DPS you take however your DPS will be doubled upon the receival of lvl 46.

Necro - Black/Elemental Magic increases the Threat-output of the soldiers at 46 by a large amount. I faced the problem that when I was playing solo I was not allowed to use any spells or my Skeleton would get the Aggro because of higher threat generation.

I understand in this scenario that Skeletons are not supposed act like a meatwall however at that point this completly does change.

Monk - Steel body restriction removed, First forced to either risk to turn of Steelbody on/off or have a healing merc with you. Whilst you could be a hybrid and have a dps merc to improve speed greatly.

This is just the experience I have made with the classes I play and I am sure that others would agree that in most Talent trees the 5th point is so impactful and troublesome(very slow) to get but changes the way a character is played completly.

Suggestion: Either make them accessable earlier or make them a quest reward for Non-killing bosses quests (however with increasing level requirement ofc)
I plan to release a new 5th and 6th talent tier in a future update, while the old 5th talent tier will become a 7th tier talent. This is because I plan to make more talent points available to get through quests.

However, I don't think it should be possible to obtain these talents earlier than level 46, simply because the 5th tier talents are meant and balanced for endgame content only and should have an "epic" feel to them.
Level 1
Sep 4, 2014
@Mage Quest:

The problem is that you have a brief period where the elemental changes it colour(and you should be starting to move). I have no clue which of lets say 3 different elements it is until the moment it casts a spell which usually prompt its name and this is the only ("late") indication for me and this makes it hard.

Problem is not the understanding of the quest I completly understand what I am supposed to do however I cannot respond in time due to no idea which Element he is until he actually casts a spell.

@Command CDs

Oh ok it is actually intended.

@Talent Points

I guess the problem atm is that it takes too much time and because it lacks non-boss 40+ Quests which speed up the leveling a little bit and make it a slight hassle.

However I kindly disagree with making the double spirits lvl 50 + you must have done all the quests etc. Because this one really does change a lot gameplay-wise and this one is the sole reason I made this topic. I hope it could atleast be lvl 40 (thanks to some quests)

Everytime I leveled a character with a party the gear on each person barely does matter most of the time and mostly just speeds up the process. However when playing solo the gear has a larger meaning. Problem is that you either have to play the grind game to eventually get an item you need or you can craft an item. Problem with crafting is that it mostly contains 1-2 materials which are only dropped by bosses within that certain "Level-Interval". Those bosses are mostly impossible to kill on your own without a level advantage and proper set.
Of course this game is made to be challenging and not every part is meant to be easy to get, however it is a thing of annoyance at time to receive certain armor parts (which mostly give nothing noticeable/or you dont even have them). I am thinking around the levels from 10-25~. From 10 and on you are mostly only able to buy a bunch of different recipes which require acutaly boss kills and If you can buy gear it is either Weapon/Offhand(for classchange) or Cloth-Armor. Maybe give the merchants to the bridge some hear or create a merchant at military camp to have atleast alright-ish gear.

This problem is beatifully solved in the first 10 levels of the game as it offers all kinds of recipes and gear to buy until you progress to the 10+ where it mostly lackluster.

I do not meant to be rude or anything and I do think you did a really great job, but the double spirit thing really bothers me a lot.

I would also like to hear opionions of not only Zwiebelchen but also other people who share opinion or are completly against it
The poor itemization of level 10-25 has been partly adressed by the last big update, with the implementation of quest reward items.

Other than that, I feel I just have to say that this is not a single player game. There are basicly green items for every slot dropping from standards non-boss mobs in order to prepare for dungeons. There is also some decent weapons to buy at Mytargas vendors, like the blacksmith's blade. I don't think there should be more, especially as it doesn't take long to level to 28ish at which the next zone becomes available, where there's a lot more drops.

Given only limited time and resources, I usually tend to focus all my worktime on creating endgame content. Simply because that's the most important part of the game.
Level 3
Jun 24, 2014
About the mage quest:
The quest looks fun (only seen my brother do it, I haven't played mage), and I think it would be a waste of time to redo the whole quest just for people who can't tell the types apart. The only people who would really need it are people who can't do it themselves, don't know anyone at all who could do it for them, and on top of that are completely unable to enjoy any other class, which really narrows it down to very few people.
An alternative would be to manually enable a colorblind mode via chat command which would generate text messages telling you what type the boss currently is. That would make it possible for everyone to complete without automatically making it too easy for everyone else. I don't think watching the color and then going somewhere compared to reading a word and then going somewhere doesn't make that much of a difference. The colorblind version does sound easier though (in my head, at least), so people who don't need the help could kind of abuse it, but not to a ridiculous extent.
But I think zwieb already discussed the text alert idea somewhere else and said he didn't like it because easymode.

About the talent points:
If the highest tier wouldn't have a rather large impact, then it wouldn't deserve to be the highest tier. Also, if you level up all the way to lvl 50, you should be allowed to feel good about yourself by getting it very late.
So I think getting talents late and having your playstyle change late is absolutely OK. It adds something later on, when you already have all the abilities you want.
If you already get everything there is to get at lvl 40, then the last 10 levels seem kind of pointless, and I think that should be avoided.

Getting talent points at cap after doing quests seems like a good idea, if it serves as preparation for dungeons and bosses. If you need to complete all the content for the last point, it seems like it could be too much of a reward, and getting it halfway through a dungeon seems like a way too large breakpoint. In which content did you plan for those quests to take place?
There will be multiple ways to obtain more talent points. I plan to have 1 point tailored to the new quest token system (you gain quest tokens by doing repeatable quests and story quests), I also plan to award 1 point as a random drop from a D4 boss.

There will be more talent points obtainable as soon as I implemented the new 6th and 7th tier talents. Until then, you will only get those two.
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