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Suggestion for map discoverability.

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Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
Hey big fan of Hiveworkshop. It's a great map maker community but I feel like it's lacking in the discoverability of maps aspect.
The hosted section really doesn't cut it in my opinion.

I thought i'd toss out a fun idea, feel free to ignore it.

Personal top 5 picks
This system would allow people to have on their profile page, at the top, 5 of their favorite maps. The picks would be viewable by anyone who checks the profile.
When I find a good map on hive I always like to check the maker's profile to see what other stuff they made. Unfortunately map makers usually have one or maybe two really good maps under their belt, so after playing those maps you kind of just move on. But if they had 5 maps that they showcased on their profile you might discover some really cool new stuff. Plus the likelihood of you liking those maps would be high since they are picked by a map maker you like.
As a map maker with one moderately popular map I would love if I could redirect people to other maps in the community that I find to be amazing.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Level 12
Jan 4, 2014
I'd be interested in something like that, but I'm not sure if it would work really well and, at worst, could inspire some sort of favouritism...

That's just my thoughts on the matter, at least.

Its an interesting idea and I think it deserves further discussion.
Thanks man!
Anything to help discoverability!

Oh man and also I had another idea related to this, there could be like on the map page a "You might also like" section which is a cross reference of people's favorites in relation to the map.
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