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In the years T.N. (Timer Network), The age of capture zone in the future. Each people made their gang, By each gang will have Striker(Leader of the Gang). Capture Network Zone is the way to capture zone in this age.
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-Changed time to respawn to hero level / 2
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(Leader of the Gang)
(Zone Hunter of Darkness)
Who annoy me, You will die with my darkness.
Hellspawn Annihalator
(Zone Hunter from Hell)
Tortures, hurts it's my love.
Naga Stealth Viper
(Invisible Zone Hunter)
Silence killer.
(Nightmare Zone Hunter)
I'll annoying you, who stand infront of me.
Ssleikn Warmonger
(Warmonger Zone Hunter)
All people says...No one can kill him.
Ball of the zone, when this ball come over you zone, you will lose.
-command or -c = Show all command
-random or -r = Random pick Striker
-repick = Repick Striker (Can be used when died)
-lockcam or -lc = Lock camera to Striker
-zoom or -z = Zoom out distance of camera
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www.dafont.com, -Grendel, Thrikodius, Dionesiist, RightField, shamanyouranus, JetFangInferno, PeeKay, Tarrasque, Champara Bros, inico, Darkfang, 67chrome, VaLkYroN, Mr.Goblin, RightField, Hellx-Magnus, sPy, Nbah, Burning_Dragoon5, Pyritie, Army-of-Pandas, GooS, PeeKay, armel, Frankster, Anachron, bigapple90, Ycylyon, Boogles, Callahan, donut3.5, Paladon, mortal, Palaslayer, PrMosquito, Kuhneghetz, HappyTauren, Bloody_Turds, CRAZYRUSSIAN, exfyre, assasin_lord, Zombie, inhuman89, M0rbid, MortAr, Ryoko, Nasnet.
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