The Third Age is a spawn based strategy map based on the Lord of the Rings trilogy written by J.R.R Tolkien, there are 12 players in the map, 2 teams, 6 players on each time.
The map was originally created by NWG_Jonas & NWG_Lucas, I then started to work together on it with NWG_Jonas and after a few version, he left it with me.
Here are the teams:
Defenders of Middle Earth.
Gondor (Red)
Rohan (Blue)
Elves (Teal)
Fellowship (Purple)
Shire (Yellow)
Dol Amroth (Orange)
Forces of Mordor.
Isengard (Green)
Umbar (Pink)
Goblins & Easterlings (Gray)
Harad (Light Blue)
Nazgul (Dark Green)
Mordor (Brown)
This is protected.
the, third, age, war, lotr, lord, of, the, rings, strategy, spawn, based, middle, earth