Strange message "Hack detected" on Battle Net

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Level 1
Dec 23, 2021
I have a question about a match I played today on Battle Net. After 9 seconds of gameplay the following message appeared:

Blizzard: Warning: Hack detected, press Alt + QQ to report Aric#1987

It was not a chat message as it was centered in the middle of the screen (unlike usual chat messages that are left aligned). Obviously this is some kind of "joke" because Alt + QQ simply ends the game but doesn't report any hacking.

My question is: where does this message come from? Has anyone ever seen such a thing before? I already checked the map and it doesn't contain any custom jass code (its not a custom map but the original 4on4 goldrush map that comes with the wc3 installation).

Here is a screenshot of the message, I also uploaded the replay so that you can see what I mean:


Sidenote: I am not the player that is mentioned in the message (Aric). That guy is maybe an afk troll as he did use chat but didn't move a single unit. I am also (of course) not using any kind of Hacks.

However I am still interested in the significance of that message.


  • 4on4_strange_hack_message.w3g
    46.8 KB · Views: 13
Level 6
Jun 4, 2009
My question is: where does this message come from?
It comes from him.

He said
hey gl gg <lots of spaces> Blizzard: Warning: Hack detected, press Alt + QQ to report Aric#1987

He was trying to trick you into quitting the game and getting a free win. He should be reported to Blizzard as it is obviously not a legitimate way to play the game. If you can post the replay on official forums, he would probably get banned - at least temporarily - from playing online. If blizzard still cares even a tiny bit about this game that is.
Level 1
Dec 23, 2021
It comes from him.

He said

He was trying to trick you into quitting the game and getting a free win. He should be reported to Blizzard as it is obviously not a legitimate way to play the game. If you can post the replay on official forums, he would probably get banned - at least temporarily - from playing online. If blizzard still cares even a tiny bit about this game that is.

Thanks I didn't even notice that its just spaces... Nice trick but didn't work (although I imagine it has worked before with other players).

I won't report that although I agree that a temp ban would be appropriate. However I have reported quite a lot players before (for worse behavior) and none of them ever got banned so I don't think its worth the effort (unfortunatly)...
He was trying to trick you into quitting the game and getting a free win.
Strangely enough, the message was tagged with [Alle] which I assume is a non-English translation of "Ally". So, the player Aric would have lost the game if his allies quit?

Maybe he does not care about his in-game ranking and wanted any ally of his to quit if they were unskilled enough to the point that they could not tell the difference between a chat message and an ingame data message, so that he would only ever play sessions of the game with skilled allies?
Maybe I'm reading too much into that.
Strangely enough, the message was tagged with [Alle] which I assume is a non-English translation of "Ally". So, the player Aric would have lost the game if his allies quit?

Maybe he does not care about his in-game ranking and wanted any ally of his to quit if they were unskilled enough to the point that they could not tell the difference between a chat message and an ingame data message, so that he would only ever play sessions of the game with skilled allies?
Maybe I'm reading too much into that.

"Alle" does not mean 'ally'. It's German for 'All' or 'Everyone/everybody'
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