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[Trigger] stop trigger execution

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Level 4
Feb 1, 2008
I seem to be stumped on this one. I can't find a way to stop a trigger that is already being executed. Skip remaining actions would work but it doesn't allow you to pick the trigger who's actions you want skipped. I've tried finding the JASS coding for skip remaining actions to see if i could alter it to apply to a different trigger, but it not displaying the code for it!! grr... could anyone help out with this? I've tried destroy trigger, remove from queue, remove all actions etc, but none of those seem to work on a trigger that is already being executed.

Basically, I need something along these lines:

Trigger - take Stopthistrigger <gen> and skip remaining actions

(i would include this in the actual trigger i want stopped, but i am trying to make it occur with text input...)
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
If "StopThisTrigger" doesn't contain waits, and thus is executed in one part, you can just turn it off, as there'll no longer be any remaining actions.
If that trigger DOEs contain waits and you want to skip actions after the waits when another trigger runs, you could adapt the "StopThisTrigger" from

  • ...
  • Wait 2.0 seconds
  • ...
  • ...
  • wait 2 seconds
  • If GlobalBooleanVar = true then
    • ...
  • else
    • skip remaining actions
Globalbooleanvar is a boolean, on default false, and is set to true when your second trigger runs.
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