Hi there, here i have a version that i was working on of the steel, i got several problems with the triggers of the boundaries for example.
So: i removed those triggers that give problems.
I tried to solve the problem but it didn't help, so, the map doesn't have much new, i made some builders extra, i don't remember if i solve the Damage of stats dependent spells, but it seems so.
I put the units like in sotdrp, so you don't need to spawn with the comand: spawn 12 footman.
The map here is unprotected, i used newgen WE for editing it, i tried other versions putting another race or add skills to the classes and trying things like that, but it was so buggy, i didn't had the skill to edit it properly so i started again and i just did this.
another reason: my friends stopped playing roleplaying maps, so i stop editing it
this was the last day that i edited it:
https://i.gyazo.com/d0dd286faadd2ca3228530911b351c0d.png it wasn't so much so i never uploaded until now.
And last: sorry for my english, is bad lol