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Steel's DnD RP (Beta 1.03)

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Steel's D&D Roleplay
Created by Steel_Stallion


Steel's D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) is a roleplay map following suite after other popular Warcraft 3 maps of the same genre, namely Vuen's and the less commonly known BSM RP. The aim of this roleplay was to strike a balance between D&D inspired elements, action oriented roleplay, and character driven stories and interactions, brought together with powerful DMing tools adapted from the likes of SotDRP and XRP. This will open up the once thought to be daunting task of DMing to be more accessible and familiar to new comers, although only the technical related part of it.

For those unfamiliar with a D&D roleplay map, the Dungeon Master (DM) creates an adventure and storyline for the players who play it along according to the DM's rules and limitations, while roleplaying their own unique characters amongst each other.

Steel's D&D is a roleplay map through and through. If you're not familiar with the concept of roleplaying (Not RPG, "RP"), then this map probably isn't for you. It goes beyond merely playing it as an RPG, and that's not the intent. It's supposed to be a character driven, story based experience!


-Unprecedented amount of character customization;
*Over 10 races, most with both genders.
*Fully animated models for every weapon type. No more "punch" animations for arrows!
*Over 100 custom items, including weapons and armor.
*Models modified to fit chest, face, head attachments, and more!

-Powerful DMing tools, adapted from commands from SotDRP and XRP.
-Character Sheet and custom class system. Put points into multiple classes, 11 classes to choose from.
-"Interact" system. Observe and interact with other characters and objects around you.
Change Log

-More fixes and stuff
-Added new builders
-Darkness command now player specific instead of applying to everyone
-Multiboard made cleaner

-Fixed buildings moving
-Adjusted hero nighttime vision from 350 to 750
-Fixed building build times
-Added Set Boundary
-Rock Chunks are now targeted as "trees" (cannot be attacked)
-Shops now neutral
-Creeps no longer follow you indefinitely, now return to camp again.
-Fixed DM designation
-Fixed Necromancer and Monk classes disappearing with bow
-Fixed alliance commands
-Added "ally me" and "unally me" commands for DMs.

-Terrain updated
-Tier 4 items added (Incomplete)
-Documentation updated
-'fa buildings fixed
-Hero worker classification fixed
-Alliances fixed
-Vision fixed
-Designating other DMs fixed
-Added Set Boundary ability to spawner
-Item Stacks now infinite
-Monk, Druid and Necromancer classes added.

-Initial public beta.


Map by Steel_Stallion
DM Triggers adapted from SotDRP, originally by Narks.
Models originally by Tenebrae, General_Frank, modified with animations/chest attachments by Steel_Stallion. Various contributions by Kitabake, KC, General_Frank, Tenebrae, Archon and CloudWolf

Author's notes

This is currently a beta. It isn't complete, and not all features are implemented (Hunger and Stamina are not yet complete).

The reason for this release is that I can only bug test so much on my own and my closed circle of friends, and the map is functional enough for a public run. The terrain isn't complete either.

I'm open to all suggestions. Please post any constructive criticism below, any suggestions, bug reports and so on.

To those who know me rather well as a creator of a multitude of roleplay maps, this will be my final contribution to the Warcraft 3 roleplaying community. I hope you've enjoyed my roleplay maps, and will continue to enjoy them along with this one.

Have fun!

XRP, SotDRP, roleplay, rp, rp map, rpmap, steel_stallion, steel, DnD, D&D, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons & Dragons, Vuen's DnD, Vuen, Vuen's,

Steel's DnD RP (Beta 1.03) (Map)

12:44, 7th Sep 2011 Vengeancekael: Map works and the description is decent enough. Approved, but someone else will have to write a review for this, I really don't know how to play roleplaying maps.




12:44, 7th Sep 2011
Map works and the description is decent enough.
Approved, but someone else will have to write a review for this, I really don't know how to play roleplaying maps.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007

Please post your suggestions/bug reports.

If you're not a roleplayer, or have not played any warcraft 3 maps of a similar nature, you may be lost here. I'd appreciate it if a moderator who is at least some what familiar with these maps to inspect this one!
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Oooh character customization you say, hmmm... Checking this out.


*You go through the wall, not through the doorway
*Why type '-hero' in the beginning, why not directly go to the character selection
*Some indoor carpets would be nice

Aaaaand I give up. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do.

Well, you should probably read one of the many disclaimers I've pasted all over the description.

-Pathing error with the doorway. I didn't know what else to use since the doorway is one model including the wall, and I based its pathing off a regular gate (it behaves the same way), it's irrelevant because it's a roleplay but if you had an idea as to what to use instead for pathing I'd be grateful!
-Becuase you're supposed to be able to repick your character through the same command, and it's quite disorienting to rush straight from the loading screen to character selection, considering the DM might want to explain a few things before people pick their characters (such as the background and story)
-I'll add indoor carpets, thank you.

Again, you probably don't know what to do because you haven't roleplayed on Warcraft 3 before! Also, I should probably add in that this isn't a single player game, and it's pretty pointless to play alone anyway.

If you're familiar with table top Dungeons and Dragons, this is what it emulates, albeit not exactly. It's suited to a Warcraft 3 environment. Thanks though!
Level 13
Feb 8, 2009
Nice you actually made one, I look forward to playing this with other people now.

Note: Though I haven't played it yet just a suggestion ever thought about adding some pre-built stuff? Like say a town so you can get people situated right away.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Yes, I do have plans to do just that, actually! I found it a slight nuisance to have to make mundane, "staple" locations such as your typical town and tavern.

My focus as of now was to get everything functional, so the terrain isn't completely whole yet. But there are some prebuilt areas, and the large divided section at the top will eventually be all fully built interiors and such!
Level 1
Aug 21, 2011
The arrows seem to completely disappear when using the fine elven bow, is it? The most expensive bow combined with the +20 arrows, after one shot, all arrows are gone and it states that I have no more arrows to shoot.

I wish I was in that closed group of friends :(

Strange, felt like I was before.
Level 5
Oct 8, 2010
Steel Stallion,
there are some door models that you could use like
This one

I hope you will find it useful.
I luv RPG-maps, so make more and keep on improving
Level 2
Sep 10, 2011
i havent tsted this map very intesive , i had only a 10 minute look at dming and i think this is a coll map :D
but if u try to send buildings away u can only send undesd bulidings away so it doenst work ...

but carry on making rpg s i love em :D
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Nonsense, Vuen's DnD had multiple iterations but all the subsequent editors kept his name in the title because that's what it became recognized as. I don't see what about the name makes it hard to continue, and it isn't too much to ask to want some recognition for what would mainly constitute my work.

Fact is, I know roleplay maps aren't in abundance, especially not now as many RP map developers have either moved on to greener pastures or disappeared entirely. For what I'm trying to contribute (and what I feel I've contributed already), it isn't too much to ask to keep my name on my own map.
Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
True, Vuen's maintained it's popularity mainly due to Vuen's name. Infact Vuen deserved and still deserves heavy credit for both his design idea and his incredible skills as a coder for JASS/LUA.

Steel also deserves credit for his work here, and his name should be maintained for both recognition and credit.

That aside, I am considering editing this once the map goes open source public, and adding many of Vuen's powerful features to it that I worked on countlessly through the years. Mainly systems and the pointer replacing the spawner, while trying to avoid bugs. But this is not guaranteed yet, and won't be decided for a month at least.
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Level 14
Jul 26, 2008
Sorry Steel. I managed to rummage up some old code in Vuen and reinvigorate it. Thank you, though.

I figured out more efficient ways to do some of the systems in your map on my own instead of waiting for your map. Vuen's is already quite a few versions/improvements in now. It's nice, since I never planned on keeping the clunky Spawner system anyways and wasn't looking forward to changing that on Steels.

Plus, going through shite triggers just to convert them and improve them into more efficient vJASS code doesn't sound like much fun. Still, good luck to those using the triggers for reference as I know many prefer the GUI input method. I've at least spoken to mendel about how he wants to make a new RP map, which is always a good aspiration that I like to see come to fruition. I'm always willing to share code and models, though I can rarely create code for anyone while working on my own map.
(Also I don't suggest using the models in Steel's unless you know how to optimize them and fix them, especially their naming paths)

I may take a look at some of the models, as I think there's one or two I couldn't find here on Hive (Just the blood elfs/night elfs). The rest I can simply adjust the animations; and reskin with better skins too.
Do you happen to have the credits though (I hope you collected those)? I like to add to the credit command in my game. It's rarely checked, but I believe the creators appreciate those things.
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Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Hey y'all. I know this is pretty much defunct, but there are still people who host this map on MMH and roleplay in it so I just wanted to leave this here;

It seems that people have mistakenly assumed that the unprotected, development version I put out is the "most recent one", or someone re-branded it as 1.04 beta and uploaded it to MMH in place of the most recent one I made (1.03 Beta). They deleted the old version and that new, unoptimized, development version is the one that's commonly hosted.

It's bugged. It's not supposed to be hosted, it's made for anyone who wants to actually open the map file and modify/continue the project. I've contacted MakeMeHost's staff to restore 1.03 Beta and remove the development version from the map list to clear up any confusion. -info and the boundary tool are both bugged in that version, for example, but should be perfectly functional in the 1.03 Beta.

So please, once it's restored, don't remove it again and put up the bugged version!
Level 4
Jan 23, 2014
What's the status on Steel's DnD? I really like it and I wanna see it fleshed out in more than a beta. I know this might be necro, but I wanna know if he'll ever do it a finishing justice.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
What's the status on Steel's DnD? I really like it and I wanna see it fleshed out in more than a beta. I know this might be necro, but I wanna know if he'll ever do it a finishing justice.

I haven't really played wc3 in a long time, let alone done any map development for it. Unfortunately the supposedly unprotected version I posted here apparently doesn't open for people. I can't really do much about that because I don't have the original files anymore nor have I had them in quite some time.

You can probably recover the edited models/weapons/armors though, that's the most important bit. The rest were just triggers imported from SotDRP with a slapdash poorly made class system included. I think most people enjoy the map for the customization and so if you retrieve the assets it can be recreated quite easily.
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Level 6
Dec 24, 2010
Hi there, here i have a version that i was working on of the steel, i got several problems with the triggers of the boundaries for example.

So: i removed those triggers that give problems.

I tried to solve the problem but it didn't help, so, the map doesn't have much new, i made some builders extra, i don't remember if i solve the Damage of stats dependent spells, but it seems so.

I put the units like in sotdrp, so you don't need to spawn with the comand: spawn 12 footman.

The map here is unprotected, i used newgen WE for editing it, i tried other versions putting another race or add skills to the classes and trying things like that, but it was so buggy, i didn't had the skill to edit it properly so i started again and i just did this.

another reason: my friends stopped playing roleplaying maps, so i stop editing it

this was the last day that i edited it: https://i.gyazo.com/d0dd286faadd2ca3228530911b351c0d.png it wasn't so much so i never uploaded until now.

And last: sorry for my english, is bad lol


  • Steel'DnD beta (1.04x).w3x
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